🙄 It's ironic

Thread #5,692,749 on this topic. Spamming this stuff isn’t helping the cause.

Mercy’s required ult tracking. God knows your res is gonna flop if the enemy has 5 ultimates available.

Mercy had an even harder job; trying to stay alive. Since she was a main healer, she would constantly get focused down.

So 4-5 man resses were common to you?

I wonder how successful that was. :thinking:

This was patched.

 This is neither too high or too low. Saying it was faster than any DPS ultimate is just disingenuous


That’s it!
I am flying to the moon with Gallahorn and a floating flashlight/res machine to kill some ghosts at a haunted castle.


Was she?

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bless you Silawatsi :heart: your posts always make me have a little glimmer of hope.

But that would have taken the devs to admit they aren’t 100% perfect in what they are doing and instead going with the “Just go forward” method even if backward would have been the right way.


It didn’t require crap. If you had res you would use it. It’s basically a free 2nd chance at a point.

Hiding behind a wall was hard, yep. Worst case scenario is she got found and used her ult in the next fight. If reaper or junk got killed while ulting they would have to build the ult all over again.

They were far from rare. Most times mercy got at least 3-4 and sometimes 5. That way more common than a 1 ult team wipe.

There’s a reason why so many mercyes did that.

She could build it up much faster due to 0 aim requirements. Mercy was building her ult with pretty much no downtime.

Well actually it was kinda balanced. But healthy for the game? Probably not.
Mass rez was irritating in low tiers while suboptimal in GM to pro play, mostly due to it just being a massive gimmick to make up for Mercy’s base kit at the time.

Might be just me tho but i have fun playing Mercy way more than Moira for example lol

Season 3 (before invuln):

she had a low pickrate at every tier.


Season 4 (with invuln):

she had a high pickrate in low ranks and a low pickrate in the upper ranks (which is to be expected):


Season 4 Mercy was considered good, because she didn’t suicide rez and dive tanks were very good (this was even more enforced after her rework).

it’s hard to say for certain because the meta heavily favoured her in the lower ranks but she wasn’t good enough to be picked in the higher ranks. If she was OP, she would have been picked in GM a lot more.

The game is completely different now compared to 2 years ago. there’s much more CC and area denial ultimates. Not to mention the community being much sharper.


People hate every hero that screws them up or ruins their fun. Trust me I got in so much crap for saying if you’re a tank and you let a torb E on you and popp you dead you deserved it

but apparently torb can’t be the mechanic with the big turret because it was too oppressive but bob magically isn’t? the logic there is baffling lol. (it’s the same flipping ult) or the dps on point without getting nerfs and they haven’t even fixed his crit box since release it’s massive

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To be fair, BOB is one menacing boy.

the point is they took torb’s ult away because they said it was too oppressive. then put it back in the game not even 2 years later and it moves, knocks people up and contests point lol
 but torb’s the “mechanic”.

that’s my point. His new ult I don’t mind but it’s so random as hell for the mechanic to have.

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In what world did 5 mass rez pops occur frequently and consistently? This didn’t even happen that much and if it did, you have to blame the team that let’s it happen.

She’s literally a sitting duck when she rezzes. It’s easier to rez now than it was back then.


I’d argue it was healthier for the game than it is today. In gold and plat, I’ve seen way too many wins from teams that simply accumulate their ults and simultaneously use them on a point to successfully claim point. There is no more ult economy. Using ults, whether strategically or wastefully, isn’t punished anymore.

The threat of Mercy mass rez ensured a nice game flow where rampantly throwing ults didn’t happen as often. The possiblity that Mercy could potentially “undo” someone’s ult kept people from mindlessly throwing them around. It made the game more interesting and at times prevented snowballing.


Sauce? Genuinely curious where this was said.

On the same world where half roaster can get a team kill, for example? Only <plat had problem with mass ress, she wasn’t even meta. The only reason for complaing about the mass ress was her being Immortal after it, actually this rework was one of the best and was the first post of the forum for months, but devs just ignore it and they suspended who maked that thread, lol.

Mercy now is a pocket healer for dps, so funny for a main healer, especially for an healer which make 0 dmg being able to make 50 healing for second.

Well, if we should “get over” why u can’t just ignore thread like this? :slight_smile:

3 years of Overwatch and people still don’t understand the fact she should be the first to die, this example dont make any sense, she is an healer, she is the MAIN HEALER and u know she is powerfull, why u don’t kill her instead of killing her intire team before?

Zenyatta, Lucio, Immortality field, even a stun can stop some ultimates, if Mercy was able to ress her entire team was your fault because u didn’t kill her and u deserved to be punished, and instead of using all the ultimates for pushing, don’t use some of them just in case if mercy can ress them, isn’t that hard, i saw a video where a bot (i am not joking) do that.

I am not gonna answer to someone because there is so much comment on this thread, if u have some issue for understading some parts please tell me and i will try to explain myself more clearly, i am trying to improve it.
I totally agree with Cameron.

Edit: I just wanna say, Mercy without her team can’t do nothing and she is a pure healer, so why she have the lowest heals for seconds? that make no sense, Ana wasn’t able to reach her healing just because she canmake damage as well. She now is usefull as dmg boost for dps and is just boring, she isnt even a main healer, i don’t know what she should be now? An off healer? but can’t make dmg? a main healer? But her healing are just a joke, just give her back 60hp at least, i will still miss the old Mercy forever, but omg she is so horrible now, i dont even know what she is now.


You’ve almost more accurately described Mercy than you have reaper. Although Mercy is not an aim intensive hero, her position was key. Mercys who would remain bunkered in one place were often easily picked off by Genji’s and the like. Staying in one place as a Mercy is a death sentence. Those are what you should consider bad Mercys and trust me when I say those Mercys don’t reap many rewards, 5 man rezzes being one of them.

Mercy is 100% reliant on her team’s positioning. She has no movement abilities outside of guardian angel and that is 100% dependent on a team member being in her radius/vicinity. Everyone always complains about their team member being “brain dead” and not cooperating, imagine how someone who is playing Mercy is feeling. If that team member leaves you behind, you’re screwed. If they’re behind a wall hiding, you’re screwed. Line of sight matters. Not only is a good Mercy constantly changing her position based on the enemies, she is constantly changing position based on maintaining a healthy line of sight of her team. When teams aren’t cooperating she’s toast.

Reaper on the other hand can still navigate freely on his own and can at least 1v1 someone if it comes down to it. Also not to mention, with his ult, these days he wipes out entire teams.

But outside of ult he can move freely and contest point and battle people as needed. Mercy can’t even get out of dodge if a teammate isn’t around. That’s assuming the teammate will peel for them.

Again, Mercy is 100% reliant on her team.

This isn’t necessarily true. I won’t deny that people have abused it but this issue wasn’t as rampant as it seems. Whole teams made it a high priority to take out the Mercy and that wasn’t all that difficult, especially with teams that would never peel for her.

All in all, I think mass rez was a bit of a problem for people back in the day because they didn’t know how to properly counter her and there weren’t many options for it outside of genji, etc. but you have to consider the hero roster at the time. There weren’t as many heroes with cc and flanking abilities that could easily wipe her out. Now, there are plenty of compositions that would shut down a Mercy and make it more competitive for Mercys to succeed with mass rez. With today’s roster, I think the mass rez experience would be very different than before for all parties involved.


Eh she was weak but wasn’t the worse. Wouldn’t say balanced either though.

Ana, Reaper, and Bastion were all in worse states than she was by her rework.

Heck PharaMercy Dive was a thing, so it wasn’t like she was not being played.

her first version of Valkyrie, that was OP.