🙄 It's ironic

Mass Rez Mercy: statistically balanced, but "disheartening to play against" and was being used in a way the devs never intended

Current Mercy: statistically balanced, but disheartening to play as and is being used in a way the devs never intended

But somehow, there’s always a line of people ready to claim that “feelings” was only a legit reason to rework Mercy the first time, and as long as Mercy is viable (and not bothering them) it doesn’t actually matter whether or not she’s fun to play.

There’s probably people typing something along those lines already.

Screw metas and skill elitism, it’s unacceptable for a video game character to be left in a state that isn’t fun or engaging to play. That defeats the entire point of playing a video game in the first place.


In what world is resing 5 people with a press of a button balanced?


People hate mercy for no good reason… Just the way it is.

She pretty much enables every dps hero yet people still never want to see her.

I understand disliking mass res mercy but current? Yeah I just don’t know…

I still enjoy current mercy, the one without mass res but people just hate me for playing her. I’ve had people add me just to tell me that I’m skilless or brainless and worth nothing for no more than playing my hero… Why? I just don’t know


In what world is killing 5 people with the press of a button balanced?


Multirez was a freaking ult, of course it was powerful. So many ults can theoretically get a teamkill when used under the right circumstances. I don’t understand the sheer “REEEEE!!!” reaction to having one ult that’s capable of the opposite.

If you don’t like the idea of mass rez being used for cheese strats, there’s a solution: balance the ult so it physically can’t be used that way.


Can we please let this topic finally die? It will not come back, no matter what.
She is more balanced then she ever was and if she is unfun to you then, Im sorry but grab another hero or another game or try to find the fun in her because I have like so so so much more fun then I had ever before :sparkles: :cherry_blossom:


Definitely but she is balanced right now which makes it difficult for Blizzard to improve her without making her op or under powered. Honestly since she is one of the most popular heroes they probably have been looking at her for a while but are having issues or are fearful to touch her since the last rework was at that point cited as the hardest character to balance.

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Called it.

So nice of you to confirm that.


Mass rez isn’t coming back. Get over it ffs.


Hardest? Only if you only know how to balance for DPS heroes.

Oh wait…

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Yeah and so? Means we had more then enought of those posts already tho


Im just restating what i remember them saying not positive if that was the wording but yeah…

As it was explained numerous times, people you are trying to kill with an ult will actively move, dodge and use skills to prevent that. Five corpses on the ground won’t run away and shield themselves from resurrect. Stop compairing it.


Fun is subjective. I quite enjoy Mercy as is, and I know there are many others who do as well. The fun argument can never work. :woman_shrugging:


Nah, I don’t think I will.

If ults that kill can have so many different ways to execute them and ways the enemy team can counter them, then nothing’s stopping rez from having a similar treatment.


Multiple Heroes can do this, which means it can be balanced based on how effectively they can do it in comparison to the other Heroes that can do it. There has only ever been one Hero who can bring Heroes back from the dead, Mercy, and having that single Hero be able to negate multiple Ultimates that took fairly long to generate with a fairly fast generating Ultimate was a bit unbalanced.

A big difference is that it’s a lot easier to make Mercy more fun to play as, since the current complaint is that her healing doesn’t feel impactful and is even alleged to play second fiddle to her utility. Fixing her chain beams (however much I disapprove of them personally) and possibly bumping up her base/Valk heal values would stem a lot of the discontent.

On the other hand, reintroducing Mass Rez and making it cool would be a major headache, and cause a lot of ripples in the pond they don’t really need right now.


Name 1 hero who can do that? Who can kill 5 people by just pressing a button?


The point is, it’s balanceable and besides, Mercy before her rework was underpowered. After she got reworked though… OH BOI. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Now, everything about her kit has been reduced to rubble just to compensate for an absurdly powerful E ability that even Jeff previously said, “functions like a mini-ultimate” and in doing so, made her less enjoyable and engaging. I mean, we have to think for a second if an ability with ultimate-like restrictions and the longest CD in the game deserves to be an E ability or an ultimate.


Mass rez punishes bad cooldown management/poor use of skills between team members


I don’t get your point here:

So you’re saying that there’s people who probably do find her fun.

And then throw this out there like there’s a problem with someone else finding mercy fun in her current state and not you.

Fun is an unattainable goal. Why? Because it’s extremely subjective! Get off your stupid soapbox. You aren’t the arbitration on what is and isn’t fun.