🙄 It's ironic

Can you even fathom Mass Resurrect existing in today’s meta? All that work you just did to break through double barriers, just for Mercy to swoop in with a twisted grin not unlike Jack Skellington and whisper in a chilling echo:
“Do it again”.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

You won’t need all those shields, if DPS weren’t so easy to die moment they step beyond them.

Resurrect had unique property - it allowed DPS same degree of survivability as tanks, since as long as you can be resurrected, your maximum health isn’t very important. Take that away, and players will start stacking up whatever they can to survive.


I’ll admit, I’m surprised someone tried to flip my words to their agenda so quickly, normally it’s after 2-3 comments.

In any case, this isn’t about DPS being squishy, it’s about the work that your team put in to clear the field of the enemy threat, all to be undone by a single ability.

Before you say, this is very different from an ultimate that would wipe the team, as Mass Resurrect is 1 ultimate that brings back several potential ultimates for their team to use as they’re being revived, so I’d argue it’s several ults in one.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

You make it sound way harder, than it actually is.

And I stand by my words - desire to get all those kills fast is what got us to GOATS and double shields. Since every other healer works way better for tanks, than for DPS.

Is this what you want - game, where there is literally no reason to heal DPS, because with 100% or 1% health, they go down in 1 shot?

You’re right to stand by your opinion, as will I.

This would explain my teammates calling me the N word and saying they refuse to heal Widowmakers, you may be on to something here…

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Well, when you die instantly anyway, that time can be spent patching up tanks, that actually have a chance to survive those shots, as well as shield you from said shot.

No ult literally insta kills a whole team in a press of a button, it takes coordination and most of the time multiple ults to actually pull a team wipe like that. So the comparison of “dps ult kill 5 ppl too so mass rez must be balanced” doesn’t make any sense.

May I ask what rank you play in? I ask sincerely because the “burst damage” that you speak about hasn’t been seen in my ranks (platinum) or in high level ELO that I watch from streams, as current burst damage heroes (referring to Hanzo and Widowmaker) aren’t viable in this double shield meta.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Platinum and gold. And it’s not much of a burst damage, as delayed reaction of player being attacked, when reacting just tiny bit of second earlier can prevent disaster.

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I understand.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Not exactly. Often it takes just one sneaky Reaper dropping on your team with his shotgun dance.


With really high chance of failing this little shutgun dance of his. Considering great amount of cc around.

No ult as far as i know, can press “Q” and all enemy members die.

That’s why he is coming from above. By the time teammates figure out, what is going on, they already took at least 2 seconds, which means death for anyone below 300 hp.

All ults can do that in right situations.

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Not really. With mass Rez, your teammates get revived instantly. When going for a death blossom, there’s MANY things that can shut you down. For example, in this meta, Sigma can just eat your whole ult, and you can get rocket punched. This isnt a problem for mass Rez because that goes through instantly without a chance to stun it (I think, we haven’t had it for so long I don’t remember if she can be stunned out of it lol)

Those scenarios are pretty rare. Even if he falls down, i’ve witnessed countless of roadhogs just hooking him or other cc. it’s easy to realize.

“in the right situation,” is not the same as “all ult can instantly eliminate a team on the same rate mercy could rez a team.” she didn’t have much counterplay.

Not instantly, they can’t move for a while. Plenty of time to set up your headshots/CC and other things to ensure, that they won’t do anything.

That’s the current rez. old mass rez.

Old mass rez was exactly same in that. All players can’t move for a while, after being resurrected. It’s really unfortunate, if you happened to be resurrected near cliff, and there is Lucio…

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She did have enough of it.

And regarding your example with Roadhog hooking Reaper: Reaper got spotted, so no element of surprise anymore. It’s not like Mercy wasn’t hit with CC, when she flies in to resurrect players…assuming other team didn’t simply forget about her.