🙄 It's ironic

“This topic never dies!”

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If you don’t think Mercy is fun or engaging, that’s a personal problem and you should find a new character to play

I enjoy Mercy plenty more as she is than I ever did before the rework, and I’m sure many people feel the same

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September 2019 and people still making threads harping about Mass Rez. I’ve debated numerous times against it, but I won’t entertain that this time. Move the f on and stop making threads about this! It’s never coming back! Ever!


Widow, Hanzo, Doomfist and Sombra are all disheartening to play against but have yet to see major re-balancing

Mercy made a few people upset and they decided to completely rework her. Just unlucky I guess

Okay. But what if it does?

Who says that she’s unfun and not engaging to play, because I and a lot of other people firmly disagree with you.

And that’s why my friends, you generally shouldn’t your entire thesis on an argument on an anecdotal at best point/opinion.

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Back when it existed, it was countered all the time. Not that I think it should or shouldn’t be in the game. It just means the game wasn’t instantly won by who pressed their ultimate buttons faster. It made people think.


Imagine if there was a dps that can fly like guardian angel but to enemies and by pressing Q they all die instantly like a D.Va bomb that ignores all LoS and barrier

I don’t miss mass rez i just wish valk had more impact as it feels overshadowed by every ult now

Mass Resurrect will never comeback. Especially since the League despised it and a lot of the balancing comes from those teams.

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If other team happened to have an ult by that point, it usually meant defeat.

You may add “disheartening to play with”, since Mercy now isn’t powerful. Even her ult “omg, I got 60 hps on me, that is so g~ dead.” To the point, where you do better with any other healer on your team.

So, who really got “fun” from all that? No one. Even opposite team no longer had fun in hunting Mercy, since it’s not important anymore - she is no threat to your plans and can only fly away.


Name an ult where you insta kill 5 people through walls above and below floors.


Just another bitter mercy thread. Move along folks.

In what world wiping 5 people with a grav is balanced? Or with an earthshatter?

It’s a freaking ult. And 5-man resurrection was about as much of an oddity as a 5-man grav.

I think she’s fine. The problem lies with other healers. Baptiste and Ana specifically who both have higher healing than her, better utilities, and more impactful ultimate. At least Moira has zero utility.

Ana cant heal and do DMG at the same time. Moira can with her ult and her orb but thats not really a lot of DMG, also her ult does DMG yeah, but compared to some other demage ults she really does not do that much.

Yeah but 90% of those ideass are straight up OP. Valk on E? Mas res back? Even more healing- back to 60?
No, she is with Moira the easiest Hero to play from all the supports.
She should not be able to have such high healing output and being able to res multiple people while having also the best 3D mobility with a super low cooldown, the ability to boost someones DMG and basically, if played right, being untouchable.

Moira has to be close to her allies, has a recource meter, has lowkey to aim, has a more limited range I think and her ult can be stunned and she might be faster then normal but she is during it less mobile and with that more vounarbale then Mercy. Plus the fact, that is is binded to the ground.

And we dont even have to talk about Ana. Ana is probably one of the most skill needed heros to play, she SHOULD have the highest healing output without any daubt. If you can perform excellent with her you should be able to outheal.
And look, if Ana doesnt heal but snipe the enemy Pharah for example, she cant heal her allies.
She can burstheal but only if her nade hits, which can get eaten, blocked, miss, crash into the wrong target - ally or enemy, etc.
And she is soooo inmobile, yes she has sleep but you need skill to hit that. Thats not easy.

Biotic nade says hi.


Oh no. 100 DMG and a super usefull ability wasted for DMGing someone if no one follows on on the anti healing affect?

50% of 200hp hero, not that small of a damage. Not to mention, that it has AoE and can affect multiple teammates/enemies at once.

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Yeah but if you hit it on multiple enemies then you took the chance and did an amazing play and should get rewarded.
I see nothing wrong with that. Mercy was designed to be purely passive. Only shooting when her own life is heavily in danger.