It's cruel to keep the MMR formula hidden

well that’s because everyone started at zero. I believe they will do a rank reset within 1 year. And it will be just as chaotic if they keep the MMR formula secret.

I think they should let GMs group with Bronze’s. But you should be able to set you teammate SR threshold on a slider for Automatchmaker.

This would allow greater SR accuracy among GMs and bronze’s. My theory is the more constraints you put on the left side of the equation, the more distortion is created on the right side of the equation.

What? My dude, if you give me the parameters for location I will choose a location where the skill level is lower by just using a VPN. That’s an easy way to exploit location parameters. All I know is east coast doesn’t queue up with west cost, But if I know the radius at which a match must be made and that time variable. Then I can choose when and where to queue at.

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I don’t see this as angle shooting. I see this as a way to more accurately calculate global SR.

yeah and removing mmr means everyone is at 0 all the time…

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I didn’t say to remove it, I just said to reset it, maybe. I don’t think resetting is necessary unless they make and major changes to the SR system itself

oh sorry wrong thread… ooops

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Agree. To be honest there is no need for complex MMR formula => just let it go faster than your SR or just remove it totally. Or Blizzard should just copy-paste it from WoW like proposed many many times.

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For future reference, not everyone in the “metal” ranks are bad. There are some STUNNING players that clearly got placed wrong (not smurfs on purpose) due to the crappy mmr system. Not to mention throwers, smurfs, carriers, koreans, language barriers. Silver is hell, especially for a solo support.

the SR system is pretty close to where a player is in over all Overwatch nerd skill if they have bashed out a couple 100 games into a season. The problem is a lot of player just don’t want to play that much and only fire off 20-40 games and expect to vault up from say low gold to high 3k and that’s just not how the system seem to work.
Yet no one gets stuck down in the lower 60% of the player base that is gold or lower while playing and seeing the game as a 3k+ player.

They might stall, but they don’t get stuck, never mind hard stuck. Now you do get decent mechanical players who are able to win vs a higher SR player in DM or maybe even over come some unfavorable battles but that’s about it.

It’s not some snarky like self opinion or anything, it’s all backed up by all the different VOD reviews out there of a range of SR players looking to get better in game. Golds, play like golds in their VODs and make gold errors and gold plays. All the masters play like masters and so on.
A 4.4k scrim team will roll stomp out a 4.1k team.
It’s just how it works.

the game is just very deceptive, by core design, when it comes to masking how a person is doing in game. You really only understand what one was doing wrong, that was keeping them in a lower SR, once you get better and move up. Then it’s night and day clear.

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No, you’re completely wrong. A person does no get stuck in gold, silver or bronze by luck. You’re literally that bad and make that many mistakes that are very basic, mistakes that could easily get you punished by a good player.

If you’re talking about mechanical skill, then yes, but to an extent. The brain deals with stress and information at different speeds. Take a world class sniper versus an army sniper, the world class sniper will do extremely well shooting targets, but when put into a war that’s not the same. His/her reaction speed and decision making will not be as good, and this happens in game as well. You might have good accuracy versus low stressful situations, like playing a 1v1/death match or bots, but when it comes to competition there might be too much information for your brain to process.

This happens a lot at all ranks with all players.

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There is a reason why smurfs gain more SR than I do at a given rank

the easiest way is grouping before being placed, a top500 can group with a gold for 10 games because grouping restrictions only exclude diamond and higher from doing placements in groups

the second way is getting a new account, and thrwoing a few games during first placements to get placed in low gold so you can group with the one needing a boost and then carrying them through the tiers until the boosted gets too much of a burden. but if an owl caliber player does that this is probably somewhere in the 4300 area

and then there is the most complicated method of wintrading but that allows you to boost 4 or 5 people at once


I was stuck at 1700 silver as I didn’t know how Pbsr worked…

Was a Mercy main. 60% win rate but static as I apparently was playing her wrong. What I should have been doing was rezzing all the time and I’d have risen even with a 40% win rate…

Played Torb. Got far more sr hammering turret all game than healing 15k plus 12 rezzes. Shot up the ranks to 2350. 65% win rate helped to be fair.

Pbsr is fine in theory, but devs notorious fir not bothering to update metrics when hero patches hit, etc.

PBSR removed from diamond + because there are other elements of the game that can not be measured by pure stats.

PBSR remains plat - because Blizz believes the lower 82% of the population are morons and can not contribute beyond shoot 'em up stats.

Thanks for the insults, sorry I’m not mechanically inclined.


You and Kawuumba are like Ying and Yang

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Or the more info they give on it you find they manipulate it to take advantage of us and make more money.

I agree, I think the Glicko-2 rating system can’t be exploited.


How Glicko works for teams:

only use MMR no more SR or PBSR etc, only MMR

team MMR is equal to the average MMR of all 6 team members.

then when you do the Glicko math for the match, you just treat the two teams as two people playing a chess game.

the points awarded deducted from team members after a match are all equal. So that means the player with the most MMR on the team and the player with worse MMR on the team would receive the same amount of points awarded. Same with the loosing team, all members get the same amount of points deducted.

Also a global leader board should be public and updated in real time.

What I have laid out assumes that Overwatch is free to play and you can create an infinite amount of accounts for $0.

I think this is all that is needed. The purpose of the game under this system is to see how high you can get on the leader board.

I could name some tools that could be put in place if problems are found with this system, such as unlimited avoid slots etc., but I think that this system should be firm and set in place and any problems with it are minor and easily fixed without a horrendous amount of “band-aids”

Any system can be exploited. There is no unhackable system under the sun.

The Glicko system is designed for 1v1 games. That’s why asymmetric multiplayer games require specialized rating systems, like Microsoft’s Trueskill.

didnt’ you see how i modified it though?