It's cruel to keep the MMR formula hidden

You’ve said you want to be a game designer. You need to be able to anticipate how people will break your system. Consider this an exercise. For some people exploiting is the game.

If you can’t figure it out in a few days, send me a private message through the battle net client. We’re still friends. Or we can talk over voice if you want, but unless we make an appointment you probably won’t catch me. I’ll be out of town and not playing much Overwatch.


That actually sounds familiar. Was it that group that was 6 stacking at odd hours like 3:00-4:00 AM or something so that the matchmaker had no other 6 stacks to place them against or something? Or am I thinking of something else?

Makes sense.

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MMR is trash and needs to be removed.

Arguement for keeping it hidden is that if it were known, it would be manipulated. Well, if it CAN be manipulated, it should be abandoned. Also, the purpose of it is for Blizz to manipulate matches to make them all “fair”, and I really do not appreciate having my matches manipulated. Could you imagine if any other game, sport, etc out there were manipulating games or matches? Poppycock, I tell you.

in professional sports the team that had the worst record gets the first pick in the next season’s draft…

Have you heard of the Brazilian teams playing at odd hours so they could get easy games? We know MMR matches you based on availability, if there aren’t enough players it increases the range of Rank required to match. This is still exploited until now, if you queue late enough as a team there is a chance of getting to play versus solo players. This happens a lot in higher ranks and off peak times.

People find anything possible to exploit to their advantage, that Brazilian team had like a 95% win rate in top 500, and that’s impossible to do unless you exploit Match Making. Also if you use a VPN you can change your location to play at different locations, if you want you can go to a “weaker” region.

You can also leave games in team before the 1 minute mark if you’re under unfavorable matches. There are other ways to exploit the Match Making, the fact that you don’t know it, just shows your ignorance in the matter.


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but what you have explained has nothing to do with the MMR formula being secret. The Brazilians would not have had an easier time angle shooting if the MMR formula was public.

Are you really that dense? It’s literally an example about having even 1 piece of information from match making that’s being exploited. That information wasn’t public, Blizzard gave it out. People just knew that if you queue at odd times your can manipulate match making. The fact that they let out info stating you’re matched based on location and time(radius range increase) gives you the opportunity to use a VPN to play at a favorable advantage for a team queue.

Want to know a way you can manipulate pbsr? Duo+ queue and have people support just that one player, that’s a type of boosting most people don’t even think about. That’s stat padding, that can make a worse player “perform” at a higher rate than average.

In regards to making match making public, it doesn’t do anything for you, except for you wanting to sleep better at night knowing there is no boogie man under your bed.

You have the thinking level of a child if you can’t see how the system would be exploited if it was made public, so you’re either too naive or ignorant.

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and how peculiar that you can’t think of a way either :thinking:

no it’s not cruel, it’s necessary

first: 99% of players wouldn’t understand it since it’s according to devs a matrix with dozens or even hundreds of variable

second: someone would figure out how you can “exploit” the mmr system (as in what you need to do to get the most sr per game) and that would lead to a bunch of people “gaming the system” instead of playing the game

that would ultimately ruin the game completely

just imagine people fighting over who gets to pick symm and trying to get the most turret kills with her because that is somehow weighted heavily on performance based SR

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I 100% agree with you. Now give me a hypothetical example of how someone could exploit a public MMR system for Diamond and above.

grouping up with certain players, only playing a certain hero (remember when mercy was busted and got too much SR?) only playing at certain times a day

and most of all, if both teams agree on exploiting they could just sit on the point and kill each other for 30 minutes in overtime or some convoluted things like that

or trade rounds on 2cp

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Are you that ignorant? I already gave you 2. Unless you’re talking just about the visible number, but that would be even more of an idiotic query.

So since it can only be about the parameters, then you look at the location range variables, time indexing, ranking range variable, revaluation of duo+ vs solo, selecting players based block list(choosing a favorable win), calculating the points awarded based on SR team(at top 500 you don’t get a flat 25 points).

There are many ways people exploited to get to top 500, most of it done by grouping and exploiting time.

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none of your examples would have been made any easier had the SR/MMR formula been public for Diamond and above

people are incredibly inventive when it comes to using the smallest advantage a system grants

and even if it was impossible in diamond+

that means 85% of the players are still affected.

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step 2: remove PBSR for everybody

well, then you amplify the smurf problem by keeping them even longer in lower elos

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I say start everyone at zero SR, and allow there to be negative SR tallies. Also, Overwatch is free to play in this scenario

everything you suggest would increase the chaos and make the game less fun by amplifying the variance of skill in each game. which is already the main complaint on this forum, aside from hero balance issues.

maybe you could make a separate hardcore ladder where there is no pbrs and everyone starts at 0 (no negative sr), which resets each season completely and well you would need to add winstreaks but cap them at 200% SR per game

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perhaps if the SR gaps were wider on the team, we would know who to let pick first… and who to listen too…

if it was more chaotic, I wouldn’t think it would be by very much

have you played ranked ffa, tdm, elimination in ranked arcade?

because that was complete and utter nonsense since everyone started at the same point

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