So explain it to me.
Explain how the inner workings of Blizzard have affected the ability to produce content.
All of the things that average players wouldn’t know about.
So explain it to me.
Explain how the inner workings of Blizzard have affected the ability to produce content.
All of the things that average players wouldn’t know about.
Bro, you for real? I have been criticizing the game more than anyone else.
What’s your point, Vanessa?
Your criticism is misplaced, you’re not shilling on behalf of the game or its devs you’re shilling for the corporation and its executives by directing blame away from the problematic moneymen and placing it on the dedicated artists.
It’s sickening.
For me the suits are in the same boat as everyone else in this company.
The art and the sound team seems to be the only ones doing their job.
The suits are in yachts, everyone else is up front to shield them from blame and you’re playing right into their hands.
You’re a kite with no string.
What do you think devs do?
Do you think they can make any decision they want with the game & don’t have some sort of boss to answer to?
One can be lazy even without a yacht.
It is just obvious that there are people who does their job better than others even if they all get mistreated from the management.
Irrelevant but okay.
Realize that team 4 was just over 100 people working on a major PvP IP.
That is downright tiny for the industry.
Then when they wanted to make the sequel into a major PvE game, the team was only given enough resources to “double” to nearly 300.
Meanwhile major FPS shooters like Destiny 2 have over 600 devs.
People on Team 4 would have to work twice as much to produce a similar product. While SIMULTANEOUSLY work on a PvP game.
That’s why Overwatch went into maintenance mode. They simply were hamstrung for resources.
Then, go back to the leaks that came out about Kotik coming in and demanding changes that people would work overtime for weeks to produce only for him to come back and change direction. Multiple times.
Through all this the lawsuits come up. Senior devs quit and take off for other companies. New, less experienced devs are brought in. This, during the pandemic. So these newer devs were not living near / in Irvine CA.
Followed more recently by the end of remote work. So more devs leave team 4.
If this doesn’t scream “upper management issue” I don’t know what does.
There used to be a saying, “It starts at the top”
I’d love to see your source for that.
well i think role queue was a mistake and i rather play 6v6 role queue then 5v5 role queue. thats the mistake “I” think they made. also maybe jeff dreamed the impossible with his vision of a pve overwatch. should have realized the upper management would have never given him the resources and time to embark on a thing like that. kind of an overestimation
also i wouldnt have leaned heavily on the “TRINITY” role system. would make every role close to dps as possible with small elements of tanking and healing
An overestimation for sure, but NOT an overestimation of his vision or the talents of his team, but an overestimation of the humanity and good sense of the executives, who very clearly are impoverished in both of those qualities.
Pattern recognition is a basic attribute to general intelligence.
Pareidolia exists and so does the Dunning-Kruger effect, you mook.
Okay? I’m not seeing the connetion between what I said and your response.
And how does pattern recognition mean you know the inner workings of Blizzard, and what’s going on on a day-to-day basis?
How does pattern recognition tell you about the working conditions or the relationships that Blizzard has with it’s dev team?
Yeah I agree Kotick is involved in a lot of problems, including the fact he pulled some devs out of the Overwatch team / PVE. I’ll also add, working in IT myself, that projects do have some struggles and that any project lasting more than 8 months is hard to predict, and almost always runs into delays.
This being said, I do not understand how devs and their tech leader take around 9 years to figure out something can’t be done with their ressources (they started back in 2017 as Aaron said).
I really think we have a lack of good judgement and anticipation on the devs side. Let’s remember OW2 launch delays for instance. They decided to go 5v5 (which wasn’t the original vision for OW2). Months later, getting close to the estimated launch date, we heard they hadn’t anticipated balance changes (because of one less tank) and had to make a ton of hero reworks. Really? All of a sudden you figured out your « small » change required in fact to rebalance the entire game? You do know your ressources are limited, you do know your top management is against you, can’t you be at least clever on your approach and save you some time instead of giving yourself more work?
Limitations mean having top notch priorities to cope. Like Aaron said they lost focus and ran in all directions at once. This is a clear lack of clarity and organization.
I’m sure OW2 development is full of dumb facts like this. Even if I do hate Kotick, I don’t believe he is 100% responsible. Maybe 75%.
I feel you on just about all of that, though I think 75% is as good as 100%
Tracy Kennedy’s comment is the smoking gun that points to Bobby being the reason for this absolute travesty.
They are repeating the same mistake as project titan on a similar type of game. There is no way that it is just coincidence.
The team responsible for developing Titan and Overwatch has experienced a remarkable amount of leavers, very high turnover, so many who worked on that original vision are no longer the same people who were working on OW2 PVE.
Who was the CEO during Titan’s development? Who’s the CEO now?
I really hope you somehow, some way, manage to get a clue, Lara.
Just one single clue would be enough to make me just a little bit happier, but I don’t think that will ever happen, because you have the IQ of a drunk baboon and a brain the size of a sesame seed.