It's absurd not to have a token system

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but then they essentially become tank mains, which is not the prime purpose of this token system in the first place right ? If i want to play hanzo or mccree for 10 hours or so i’m not gonna be willing to spent 20 hours grinding reinhardt or orisa, from a dps main perspective it’s going to be highly counterproductive

it’s always wise to consider the worst possible outcome in overwatch

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I don’t know, I mean I get the concept. But two things don’t sit right with me.

First, asking DPS to tank is a recipe for disaster. Maybe their hearts in the right place but not their abilities. Or worse, neither their heart or abilities are in the right place. Either way, at best we get someone who doesn’t really care to tank and is simply present. At worst our matches are inundated with toxic garbage just looking for a free carry and free token. Neither improves match quality or the health of the game.

Second, saying these tokens would be for “true DPS” only is a very, well, DPS thing to say. I main tank in comp but love me some DPS on very rare occassions. If I tank and win the prescribed # of matches as tank I sure as heck better get the tokens that the DPS martyrs get. Anything else would be unfair, plain and simple.

It all seems like alot of effort, self serving and drama for a population of the player base who can in reality help themselves.


Yea but before you played dps and only flexed 20% of time to save some SR. like clear ez 3dps games you flex tank, and save the day, but 6 dps you ignore.

we have ALL THOSE 6 dps wanting to play dps from start.

The supply/demand will always balance itself.
Poeple will still mainly play their main roles, this will just even out the ratios.

still doesn’t sound like a good deal to me, to each their opinions

I don’t believe this :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Can we just enjoy the game? :expressionless:

Skill is literally the only thing everyone looks for its sad it really is people are not bad just because an idea came into play my goodness :roll_eyes:

Faster que times is what people want well this idea could solve that problem! :upside_down_face:

By the way you didn’t fix anything it was good the first time your just being mean :zipper_mouth_face:

Always remember positivity is :key:
:ribbon: :reminder_ribbon: :ribbon:

As someone who has suggested this many times before, this was never really for the dps players. It’s for the flex players that were shanked by roleq.

Wth are you talking about? Giving incentives for non-tank players to play as tanks is obviously gonna create situations where the tank play is subpar. That’s just how life is. You don’t just pick up something you’re unfamiliar with and be magically amazing at it. Maybe some people might, but unlikely it would be most people. So yeah, I’m sure they’ll try their best for the token or whatever, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna be effective at the role. It’s nothing to do with the idea itself being bad, it could work in a different sense, it’s just a fact of what would happen in that given scenario more often than not. Sorry if you’re so naive you can’t see that.

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Yes that’s right. A token system would benefit the flex player the most because they already want to play all roles, but with DPS queues so high, they probably never queue as DPS - I know I don’t anymore.

Oh you mean this thing? Yeah many of us thought about it but apparently Blizzard cant or wont make it something like that.

Linked for reference.


No that’s horrible.

First off it will make people extremely toxic, more than they already are, because they’ll be desperate to win.

Secondly it can also make people de-rank (throw) their tank SR, so they can easily win games at a low rank.

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Thats how you get better at a role I wasn’t originally good at support but after years of practicing I am give people time! :upside_down_face:

Always remember positivity is :key:

If everyone has a pass to cut in line, then no one has a pass to cut in line.

That sounds horrible. You put “win” in there so that you don’t just throw to get it over with, but demanding a win is going to make those players a LOT more toxic. You’d have people playing Tank because they want to play DPS. They should improve it so people want to play tank. You’re adding more stakes to winning, and make a loss feel like even more of a waste of time, and they’re going to tilt even harder.

Besides, why sit through the 15+ mins of a match in a role you don’t like, then sit again in a faster queue, when you could just queue for that role and wait. If anything you’re adding a longer wait for the DPS players. Not just a horrible idea, but a stupid one.

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So make tanks play like a high HP dps? That would be the only way to increase players queuing for tanks.

Then you have the support problem. I guess also make supports play like dps but with self heals.

There is no fixing this. People play what they enjoy.

Not sure you can make big range dmg tanks…

I would also say that lots of dps enjoy hitscan…

Gets ugly pretty fast. :sweat_smile: But probably tweaked there could be quite a bunch more playstyles in tank.

Why dont they just fix the flawed system instead of putting a bandaid over it? Its like slapping a wooden plank over the grand canyon

Isn’t the arcade system more akin to the free lootboxes you can already get just for playing tank/support?

And I really have to wonder if it would work. If people can’t even be lured in by free lootboxes to play tanks or supports, then why would a higher chance to play DPS be a good incentive? Especially considering this is still a video game, a luxury article. It’s not like playing DPS in Overwatch is some vital need for people. If it becomes too cumbersome, they’ll just go to other games instead, even if they’re somewhat less enjoyable.

After all, if you really don’t like playing tank or support and you just play it to get a fatser DPS queue, you’ll have wasted as much time (or even more if you have bad luck) as simply waiting in queue.

There’s also a worst case scenario. If tanks and supports will take the opportunity to start playing DPS more because they get priority queues, but DPS refuse to play tanks and supports, this system might skew the role balance even more.

In the end 2-2-2 role queue is just unsustainable in the long term. Either people will keep complaining about queue times and if that no longer happens, you can be fairly certain that the playerbase will have shrunk too much that it’s no longer worthwhile for Actiblizz to keep supporting it.

So we’ll get a bunch of angry tank players who really want to play dps, but feel pigeon holed into playing tank, because it’s faster to take a quick game of tank, than it is to sit in a queue for 25 minutes. Sounds fun, sign me up.

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Tanks aren’t dopamine factories like dps though