It's absurd not to have a token system

There’s a few things wrong with this system:

1) By the time you finish your tank game, you could have just gotten into a DPS game instead. This is assuming you get an instant tank queue, and you play that game for 10 minutes.

2) Losing during your tank game will cause more toxicity. “I can’t believe I wasted 10 minutes of my life” will be frequently said.

3) A “priority” queue will make DPS queue times even longer for people that don’t like to play tank. There are people that can’t stand playing tank, and that’s okay. They shouldn’t have to wait even LONGER because some people don’t mind playing tank.

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That is the idea… that’s not really a point to make. The whole point is to encourage some alternate role play.

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No. I don’t. If you’re so bad at tanking that you couldn’t get any benefit from the system, then it’s good you aren’t encouraged to tank.

That’s a very subtle way of saying to nerf mei

I don’t tank nearly as often, despite it being my best role, because of how frustrating it is to play tank at the moment. It’s got nothing to do with the role itself being unfun. I used to main, and I quite enjoy Reinhardt and Zarya. Reinhardt is kinda fun right now but I get bored if I one trick.

They are interesting, just people dont know how to play them.

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So I just thought of a mechanic, that I dunno if it would be best, but might help make it so that a system like this is most effective.

They could only offer these tokens to players who typically play DPS or Support, and not Tank mains.

That way it doesn’t cannibalize it’s benefit, by making Tank mains play DPS more.

Welp, alredy not for me then :man_shrugging:

no, currency solutions are the dumbest solutions. they don’t work in real life, and they won’t work here.

Impossible. Tank is not refused because he is not interesting. People want to be the killer, the dps players.

There is a good reason why there arn’t any games with such hard tank roles.

DPS popularity is bigger. Always.

Goats, triple or quad tank meta? Still get 6 dps games on ladder.
Dive, fast and skilled meta? 6 poeple want to play dps
2x shield, oppresive OP tank meta that makes all dps useless and powerless? …weird, still long line for dps que…

So stop believing in fairy tales of how 30million customers will suddenly feel different and become tank mains.

Supply/demand , with fair payment/price.

You can debate if its “good” but such a system would definetly work.
Its how arcade works, the WIN condition for reward makes poeple try harder in arcade than 12dps meme matches were before in quickplay, where aracde is meant to be the joke mode.

The only reason dps ques arent 60min , is because dps mains dont even want to play.
The tank and support playerbase is now happy and will keep playing.

Too bad thats only 10% of total population, i hope you buy 10x more lootboxes from now on.

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token systems dont work blizzard needs to drive more intrest into tanking!
like maybe not nerfing tanks ot death for one…

sigmas shield cooldown needs a revert for one… it makes no god damned sense in with the other shield nerf…

and buffing his kinnetic grasp does not help his survivability vs beams… .he needs to have that shield agility to have any chanse to run away. i mean they are going to melt it anyway but he may just get away with that… other then that his only mobility enhancment is if you use his ult to fly…

anyway More Tank heros! we need more! The DPS roster is full! NO MORE DPS HEROS! we do not need more DPS heros for a good long while!

no it’s not but we’ve had a disgusting amount of threads about this specific feature if they’re gonna add it they’re working on it right now and if they’re not… well at least you’ll know how a good chunk of mercy mains feel like

Says who?
You ever paid a bridge toll, instead of driving the long way around?

Also how is “Play 3 games on Tank and get an instant queue” considered to be “not a currency”?

But “Win 1 game on Tank to get a ~10 minute less queue” considered to be “invalid because it’s a currency”.

Well then, why not have tanks and healers as bots? Because look at the fast tank queues after the nerfs. No one wants to tank. The game seems to be at odds with the players. It’s designed for 3 roles, but people only want to play one.

this would simply not work at all unless you play in master or gm where queue time are beyond 30 minutes

let’s assume you play in diamond/below diamond, your queue time for dps will be somewhere around 15 to 20 minutes in the worst case scenario, what are your option ?

a) waiting 15 to 20 minutes between each games, you don’t play a lot but you do play what you like

b) queue for tank, get a queue within 2 minutes, spent the next 10 minutes playing a role you most likely don’t like, get frustrated, and get a token which will decrease your queue time for the next dps game by probably a few minutes, that is if you don’t lose which render all of this a total waste of time for you (note that all this process will probably take as much time as simply waiting for your dps queue to resolve itself, if it’s not taking even longer)

in summary, wait 20 minutes, or spent most of it playing a role you don’t like with a chance to decrease your next queue by a few minutes, that is a very bad deal, be it get a token for a win, or simply for playing

blabla those are small numbers.

Tanks were stupidly OP in goats and 2x shield metas, yet what?

Poeple still played 6dps and later dps que times were still absurdly long, even though it felt like useless krap being a dps against goats or 2x shield teams.


So instead of ratio 222 DESIGN IT FROM START as 123 , would be instant 1:3 improvement. Compared to 1% if you slightly buff someones favorite tank hero…

I think the fact that we’re trying to have these different ideas and things to work around the Role Queue problem is an issue with Role Queue itself.

Happy Holidays!

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poeple want to adjust their free/fun time, and poeple are prepared to grind for it.

I would rather flip burgers for 10 hours,
then pay for 2 hours of fun dps time,
than constantly playing tank for 10 hours, with 2 hours of that being lucky getting dps slot.

yeah that’s the best solution but considering how much they’re willing to invest in the game i don’t think they’re gonna do it properly if they try… take a look at more recent patch notes they feel kinda desperate they feel “alright let’s just get rid of this meta”-y and not much thought has gone into them…

historically speaking tanking and healing has been really powerful in overwatch but people still played dps heroes more than tanks or supports
and i always thought it was fair for healers and tanks to be powerful since they were less popular but it led to the 3-3 comps and people look up to the pros people make balance suggestions based on what they do and blizzard listens to the community… which means eventually all roles will be equally powerful

we’re getting 1 more hero b4 ow2 which will come out early to mid 2021 and even if the new hero ends up changing the game and making a ton of people wanna play tank it’ll get tedious quick… always playing against the same hero is tiring