It's 2018. Provide us with a block list like we had in WoW from what... 2004?

i’m literally minding my own business, why are you attacking me for no reason? practice what you preach, if you hate toxic people so much, maybe DON’T be one.

My point is they like to brag about that number but refuse to give us proper tools to mitigate toxicity, something I thought they cared about doing.

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No, the report system is already automated and there’s people getting banned without justification besides playing something not meta. We don’t need nor should police ourselves, Blizzard should take care of that.

And my point is that you are purposefully misinterpreting this number for pushing your argument. That is not a good way to present your argument.

you do not know the exactly numbers as well… so you kinda cant use this argument as well.

I know the number is way lower than 40 mil.

I’m not the one defending that 2 slots are fine because we only have a pool of 645 players for my specific MMR. OP is the one saying that 2 slots are too little for 40 mil players, and I’m just pointing out that this 40 mil players are not the numbers we need to consider when analyzing this specific system.

Technically the autoban IS blizzard handling it, great job from them BTW lol. Now if the report system actually worked they way it should then I’d say differently, but it doesn’t. Hit a certain threshold-autoban was never a good solution. What we needed was actual people involved within the system to give out actual warnings to players, maybe even SHOW them why they are getting reported. But we keep getting told they’d rather remain a small staff that can’t make time for this… the equivalent of “fend for yourselves”.

riiight. because having a full team of toxic *******'s is fully acceptable because adding just two of them to avoid list is completely going to solve the problem.


no you actually do not know this… it doesnt make sense to tell someone you are misinterpreting the numbers when you have no evidence for the numbers you use to back up your argumentation.

40 million is the number blizzard advertises, so its fair game to use it as a point. Doesn’t matter what the actual numbers are, THAT’S the one they went public with.

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True, i would be fine if the system only handled small punishments of muting people, but for bans there should be someone to review things first. That’s mostly the reason why i don’t want something where we can police ourselves, the mob will rule, and there’s people following the pros bias as a religion too.

That’s a whole other issue that REALLY needs to be addressed. I don’t even think THEY realize what they’ve done to the game.

As far as the muting thing goes, I’d take it a step further. If muted you should not be able to access comp at all. Call of duty, CALL OF DUTY, handles bans better. Not to mention that they simply won’t let you access the hardcore/competitive modes unless you are able to chat. The system OW should have had from day one. Want to keep play comp, stop getting yourself muted.

Yeah, a game sold worldwide that have three major regions, plus dozens of sub-regions, absolutely have 40 mil players all set in east coast USA, playing full time.

If we go conservative in our estimates, each major region should have around 13 mil players, and then those numbers are split within this SR bracket distribution data we got. And that’s before we even touch servers like Los Angeles, Chicago, Chile, Brazil, etc

The number of any matchmaking pool in any specific match for any specific player is WAY lower than 40 mil.

You literally do nothing but spew vitriol on these forums. A block function is made to avoid people like you, honestly.

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but mah free speech?

anger management? you’re type of person who false reports everyone/instantly tilts and overreact, aren’t you? LUL

i think you have me confused with someone else, i do nothing but spread positive vibes. attacking other users ain’t cool. :man_shrugging:

thats not evidence… thats your assumption.
same as you use numbers like 100k, 600players.

we do not know the numbers… also we do not know how many ppl even use avoid function… or how many ppl think its more useful for them to use LFG to get control over their gaming experience.

That is evidence that the number is NOT 40 mil, and that’s all that I’m arguing for.

But you know what? That’s the third time you repeat the exact same thing. Keep believing whatever you want, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

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i know the numbers is not 40 mil active players.

its not clear evidence… the point is you tell someone that his argument is invalid by not providing any clear evidence (you could have just posted the blizz quartal reports where its stated that all blizz games have about 37mil players)… instead of that you started to make up your own numbers which are just assumption.

online is nowhere near 40 mil players, i bet there is 10mln casuals worldwide and maybe 1 mil in comp above plat worldwide… at best :smiley: