It was fun while it lasted

Not really a bait, just trying to make you understand that this situation already happened several times and waiting until people truly grasp the pros and cons of a hero and not over reacting is the best thing to do.

Well last two heroes have a great survivability and we already have triple support meta believe it or not it is here.

Because this is fast paced shooter game and if supports be too strong games become extremely slow like triple tank meta we had in season 2 and 3.

Iā€¦ uhmā€¦ actually liked that comp.

But I can see why players donā€™t want to see slow games returned, but I for one would love to see
more slow and static comps.

This game has been marketed as fast pace fps. if it becomes a slow game with character that have no gun it would be exactly opposite of the way it has been marketed soā€¦

Sure the game is marketed as a fast paced game (and it is a fast paced game), but the thing is that this game has slow characters as well.

Mei is a perfect example of this.

This was Geoff Goodman, the person who is in charge of balancing, who said this.

The same thing can be said about Symmetra.

Overwatch doesnā€™t market itself as anything but a team-based shooter.

Again walking slowly is different than having 3 mins team fights.

The question is, have they been buffed/nerfed in a good way? If Genji deflecting is your problem, then sorry mate, but you have a problem. Donā€™t shoot a deflecting Genji, then the size of his deflect box wonā€™t even matter. Reaper got buffed yes, but against Brigitte he is useless so thanks for the buff. Tracer is nerfed, not really. Only her ult will do less damage, she still has a massive dps output. HAnzo scatter arrow removes. Yes, but the new ability will also be very frustrating to play against. Sombra buff, but now her hack is completely broken again.

I meanā€¦ you give some, you take some. The game remains very imbalanced to me tbh.

True, but the Mei is also a good staller by blocking chokepoints and such.

Itā€™s not her design, but it is what one the reasons why pros pick her in the last minute.

yes but she easily dies outside her iceblock since she got bigger hitbox than other 200hp heroes too.

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You think you can easily avoid shooting Genjiā€™s grossly oversized invisible hitbox.

  • He could stand behind a shielding Reinhardt and deflect everything.
  • He could stand next to you out of you POV with not VFX visible and still deflect everything on your screen.

Iā€™m not joking when I say his deflect was the size of 2 Roadhogā€™s.

This is why I see the deflect change as a nerf AND as a fix.

genjis hitbox has been nerfed. why you guys are talking about him anyways ? i think it wasnā€™t needed but it happened.

Iā€™ve play many time against a duo of Mei / Brig.
Let me told you, for the 1st time, Iā€™ve quit a game (qp).

Their is almost nothing you can do.
Mei slow you or block with wall, Brig stun, then after the stun your frozen if not dead.

Itā€™s probably fun to play like that, but their isnā€™t any fun when youā€™r the victime.
Like the Doomfist punch.

Where is the fun when you canā€™t have any chance to do something ?
Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t get it.


Genji is a lot worse vs mccree junkrat and pharah now :frowning:

it may be that , not every part of this game takes place in an open field. There are choke capture points, corners, hallways, etc. Sheā€™s a combination of rein, torb, zen, mccree, a lucio boop, and the trigger time of Genjiā€¦ thats a BIT much.

Yeah heā€™s a Reaper main as well. Go figure.

Maybe donā€™t play a short range DPS against a hero who can dominate in close range 1v1ā€™s? Maybe youā€™ll start having fun again.

The problem comes down to movement speed.
Take zenyatta for example it would take him roughly 8s to destroy her shield.

The average character moves at 5.5m/s
Which means to destroy her shield she would need to be at minimum 50m away
Since she gets a shield bash that moves her 6m every 5s.

Also because unlike rein she has no delay in bringing up her shield, she can easily block incoming damage on demand.

That also means if she is less than 50m away she likely will kill you unless one of your team mates helps you out.

Certain characters with mobility or massive burst have a slight advantage. Such as Hanzo can always climb up a wall, but characters like Ana \ Zenyatta are punished far worse by brigette than Genji \ tracer

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Go figure. Itā€™s not even been 24 hours yet and OP is back on the forums.

Just once, can someone who makes a ā€˜Iā€™m leavingā€™ thread actually follow through with it and leave?

why cant the diamond level player deal with a hero that a gold level player can :thinking: hmmmmmm

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Probably cuz the gold Brigitte is not as good as diamā€™s Brigitte.
I mean, it seem logic no ?

Form what I see in QP, silver and gold Brig, even some plat are way to greedy and die for nothing.
When youā€™ve a Brig who stay near is group, itā€™s not the same story.

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