It was fun while it lasted

Considering Junkrat is great for destroying tanks that might be protecting Brig, I also hurt them as well, but I guess you assume I’m going into comp matches 1v6 since I don’t have any teammates of my own in your scenario.

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then congrats. You picked another too good hero. Now your enemy will also pick junkrat and briggete to counter. Which leads to a mirror match.

No idiot will swap off briggete because of a junkrat. Now you understand what your failed logic implied and how ridiculous it was? Or do you need me to explain in details as to why junkrat isn’t a briggete counter and it only encourages mirror comps instead?

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You mean mirror comps with only tracer/genji? I don’t see you complaining about that. Congrats you played yourself.

you don’t have to call people idiots! That definitely goes against the code of conduct man

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i don’t complain about that because first of all, it requires more than 5 minutes of practice to master tracer or genji, and second of all, there hasn’t been a dive mirror match for months to begin with. Dive was dying in comp anyways. Other than high high gm’s or overwatch league, we weren’t having actual dive anyways. So why would i complain about a hypothetical situation instead of an actual current problem?

oh and btw, we’ve been complaining about dive. But back then, we also mentioned that dive’s power comes from zen and NOT TRACER and GENJI.

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Dive was dying until now. You just gotta learn to flex :slight_smile:

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it doesnt take any skill to shield bash a tracer or genji, also briggite has a huge advantage in every meaning thats couse she is a support that as a benefit of a tank wich is the shield. support heros should NOT have a shield. thay have a lot of impact on the game but remember, its support role and should not be able to take out a genji with no skill on her own. but thats just my opinion, i just think that bringing low skill heros to the meta is unfun and makes the game a bit annoying.

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I strongly disagree.

  • Who told you that flankers should kill support heroes?
  • Who told you that support heroes should be easy kills?
  • Who told you that support heroes shouldn’t have a shield? (Symmetra has one as well.)

A lot of players think that healers should be weak and only focus on healing? Why?

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I think calling Mercy Op at this point is dramatic.

And this is coming from one of her original witch hunters that wanted mass rez outta the picture.

Mercy is pretty strong. just check her stats.

because otherwise we would have triple or even quad support meta.

Have try ranked, as expected, Brigitte stupidly OP.
Lot of shield comp.
And as as soon she ult, you lose the game if you don’t have one too.
The time you remove all armor she almost get the next ult.

Even with nano bastion comp she’s a pain.

So y, no comp for me this season, 0 fun to play with this char in game.


you should teach him. I assume you’re above diamond and also a dps player considering you’re offering input in how to deal with something dps players have to deal.

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time to go then.

Mei + Brig look horrible to deal with also, take care of that if you rank.

Lol mercy is balanced, she is super easy to kill just block the guy on the other team so she can’t fly to away from anyone. And Moira Does way more healing than mercy. Mercy would never be able to heal and survive through an ult even if she is hiding. She is balanced, unless you are in bronze or silver. Every one star hero is OP there.

Rank =/= game knowledge.

That is important. You can have bad game awareness and aim or just be not a flex or teamplayer but still know game points better then other people. Just use arguments and explain why you are right. Rank is so useless in such a discussion. Sometimes like Bronze and Torb it is a skill thing but in brigittes case its just burst her down, have highground, focus her with 2 people, etc. its a team thing here. But we still dont know because we need to wait until S10.

Mercy is clearly op. Look at owl.

If you quit where are you going? With all the “Moira is OP I quit” people or the “Sombra is OP I quit” ones?

Nice bait. but not gonna reply to this. I’m gonna be suspended if i do. I still enjoy these forums.

But healers aren’t that hard to counter.

Mercy? She lacks damage.
Ana? She’s a sniper with a slow fire rate.
Moira? I bet she’s strong against Pharah and Junkrat.
Lucio? Just hack him.
Brigitte? If only players knew how to play Pharah, Junkrat or Bastion.
Zenyatta? Yes he’s strong, but he’s not invincible.

I think a triple or quad support can be easily countered by a triple or quad tank.

So I ask you again, why should healers be weak and easy kills? Why shouldn’t they be allowed to defend themselves against flankers?