It was Disrespectful, Simply Put

To lock thousands of threads – “consolidate” their feedback to the mega thread, and then ignore the location of all 15k+ plus comments regarding Mercy’s future when stating that she will not be receiving a revert.

The display of valuing a random out-of-place forum question over the countless people who put effort into their “consolidated” feedback was quite hurtful. And trust needs to be restored before people believe devs value their input despite maining Mercy.
You can start by responding to those who wanted a “Mercy E” since launch- who now want a reliable target free Guardian Angel as opposed to one dependent on a non-teambased unaware team mate. We’re not even asking for a revert anymore, but to make her not crippled by flankers and unhelpful allies which is 100% present in matchmaking.


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018