It warms my heart

its true 5v5 ruined the game but they put too much wasted effort into ‘balancing’ the game already to go ahead and revert all of their months of useless work back to original 6v6

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that would happen in 6v6 too…
bad positioning.

If you’re not gonna be constructive to the conversation, don’t reply at all.

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as a dps 5v5 is better. for the other roles? not at all

tank you have SO MUCH dependancy on how a match turns out, and the role passive that everyone got which was “you can keep up to 30% ult charge after swapping” is dumb because it literally decides team fights. if you die as a tank, your more than likely gonna be swept under the rug by the enemy team.

supports just feel crazy underwhelming, and not fun. mercy and brig are my go to’s and they feel like absolute dog crap to play. ana is fun at times, i dont play bap nor zen but their pretty good, and lucio and kiriko just the meta rn bc of KR and speed boost. but even then sometimes they all just feel underwhelming and unfit for OW2’s style no matter how many buffs you give them.

5v5 was a mistake. and easy way to fix the game was to

  • continue making content (heroes, maps, etc)
  • keep some of the reworks like the orisa, doom and bastion reworks. with the sym changes too
  • keep possibly 1-2 stuns per role (support can be SD and SB, dps can be something idk)
  • update the workshop
  • add push and scrap 2cp but remake the 2cp maps into current gamemodes
  • upgrade to the new engine
  • maybe add hero/map bans!

A bit touchy, aren’t we?

Fun police coming through lol

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Woah, hey, let’s not do anything hadty.

Nobody thought it was a good idea.

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Nothing dumber than repeating the same “6v6 bad cuz double shields”. Come up with something else. Go on, I’ll wait.


If you check the “points” you can clearly see theres no argument, no suggestion, no correlation to 6v6 whatsoever. Its just a demagogue thread with popular “complaints” to rally people and clickbait as hard as possible.

He even admitted he doesn’t even play the game so any correlation with reality is little to none.

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Crazy, I guess I am a minority because I think the removal of a tank and reduction in CC (5v5 Format) was honestly the best thing that came from OW2.

I just wish the dev didn’t release OW2 until the PvE portion was out. Kept OW1 active, have OW2 beta runs, and just release the new heroes in OW1 until OW2 was fully ready.

The thing is 5v5 could have worked, if implemented properly. But ofc, bliz screwed it up, just like their balancing.

Cutting down the no. of players in a team was fine, but what isn’t fine is they didnt adjust any numbers to fit 5v5. They didn’t reduce the global amount of damage/healing that was present in 6v6. What did this lead to? Tanks being unnecessarily tanky akin to raid bosses, hence more damage will be redirected to the dps/supports (since most players will just ignore the tanks and go for the supports first). More damage on squishies → more healing needed to heal said damage → more damage needed to damage said heals, leading to this one-shot meta we have now. Can’t heal them if they’re dead.

Also, the issue with 6v6 was double shields. So why did they not do anything to the shield part? I said this in another thread a while back, but they could have just reworked certain heroes to be mainly shield-counters. Maybe abilities that can temporarily disable shields or weapons that are meant to destroy shields. They could have given this to heroes like mei/sym/bastion etc, the heroes that have been trash for years. This can potentially increase their pick rate and reduce the overall presence of shields, a win-win scenario.

But ofc, blizzard decided to be lazy and just deleted one tank for no good reason without addressing the main issue.


But I gotz in the Beta by paying $20 so the game is gudz.

To sum it all up for me-the game is just not fun. That’s a metric Blizzard should ask folks.

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Tbf there are predictions from everyone that also were untrue. Everyone thought hog would be bad in 5v5 and yet he’s the best tank rn.

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Lord forbid people prefer OW1 and not like the changes they did to the game.

You can like 5v5, but let’s not pretend 6v6 wasn’t better.


This sentence makes 0 logical sense. Re-read what you just wrote.

Opinions are subjective. You can like 6v6, but that doesn’t mean it was better.


Are we surprised that the “OW1 was better” crowd is illogical?


I mean, I’ve been saying a lot of that.
But I still think that 5v5 is better than 6v6.

The main problem is they’ve done almost nothing to the Support Role besides add Kiriko.

And they haven’t done anything about Widow/Hanzo because for some bizarre reason they need Sojourn to be OP busted.

And as somebody who is very involved in Hog balance stuff, Hog should never be hard meta.

They all said, they have the tools now to solve balance patching really quickly, with this “Hotfix balance patching” feature.

And hopefully making a dent in matchmaking with this upcoming “each team is like a mirror image of each other” patch.

That’s kinda it though.

The problem with OW1 is you had the paradox of “Tanks aren’t popular enough” and “Compositions are too durable”.

5v5 makes Tanks a lot more popular, and has a lot of capacity to raise/lower composition durability to ideal levels.

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Let’s assume OW2 actually fixed those. Now you have:

  • Extreme reliance on your one tank player to do well, if the enemy’s tank is better you’re at a huge disadvantage
  • The above is fueled by the fact that the one tank you have now is practically a mini boss who’s very difficult to kill on your own as a non-tank, which is frustrating to play against. At least before you had a chance. This is not subjective, playing against someone with a massive stat advantage is NOT fun
  • Removal of main/offtank synergy which was a sole reason some people played the role
  • No change in map structure to account for the loss of defenses, even the opposite - new maps are widely open
  • Tank players are forced to constantly counter-pick the enemy tank
  • Tank queue times are actually worse than DPS queues times in OW1 from what I’ve seen

And probably a bunch of other things that don’t come to mind immediately. 5v5 was not the solution to whatever issues tanks had/caused before. It just causes a load of new, worse issues.


what ppl, who are you even calling ppl at this point? Mb a bunch of plat devs? That can’t balance the game no matter the bracket width?