It is unacceptable for Overwatch 1 to be ignored while Overwatch 2 is in development

I did love how they tried to say “We’re not like other companies. We won’t abandon our players when the sequel comes out!”

No, that’s right. You didn’t wait for the sequel to come out to abandon them, you did it only after a year that the first game was out.

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And here’s the problem with your logic. It’s not a game, it’s a DLC expansion pack for PvE.

This is how I see it, OW2 most likely started gaining focus from the team after the second or third anniversary.

Overwatch’s initial popularity started fade out after 1.5 years since it’s release.

The meta game itself was stable according to their data until the 3-3 meta. Their data was stable, but the community was outraged at the emergence of 3-3. So, they thought about potential solutions and role lock was the path they chose.

Because of how role lock is meant to be a long lasting investment this was actually the best choice they had if they were primarily working on OW2 at the time. If they worked on OW2 and OW1 on the same time with varying focus, there would have been, probably, more buggy patches and unbalanced changes.

Focusing on OW2 is, in my opinion, the best choice here because after they finish it and it releases, OW1 will get the same engine as OW2, which means they can really focus on making sure the game is balance and they can pump out more balance changes, new event content, and get more ideas for cosmetics for the events as well. This is the best case scenario to me.


On another subject, since it's kind of relevant, is OW in general becoming free to play. I see many different negatives to this idea. But I do see the successful potential of bringing in more players and revenue. However, I think the negatives heavily outweigh the positives. First off, the micro transactions, They would have to find something other than loot boxes. For instance, WoW's subscription fees, unlikely but possible, pay to unlock heroes which is extremely unlikely, and the most possible one, make exclusively pay-walled skins like OWL and they would HAVE to be limited or event exclusive to get people to buy them. Next is the influx of people smurfing of making alt account more often because it's impossible to figure out if it's another person's email or the same person, but just on a different email. The last one I can think of is the company really. If they do this and it's successful, they're going to do it again and it's possible for core members of the team to leave because of this. The quality of the game has a chance to fall in quality and I don't think any of us want that.


pls buy lootbox thx


I mean the words you choose are incorrect but you have the right idea.

Its the sequel and when development shifts to the sequel the previous game typically receives few content updates. The only difference is that in this case in the end that still benefits the people paying the previous game whereas before they just got nothing from it unless they bought the sequel.

Riot games has like 5 different games in development and League of Legends is doing better than ever.
They’re even getting a new digital group and amongst all, they still manage to make new heroes.
I’m just saying, if League of Legends was treated like Overwatch, there would be either

  • major community outcry
  • or
  • the game would slowly rot and die

New hero or riot (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The game is 4 years old and past its prime. OW 2 is fresh and new so it makes sense.

Plus they said anything added in OW 2 will come to OW 1 except the PVE stuff, and Jeff had to fight with Activision to get that.

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You sound confident about this. Do you have a source? You work for Blizzard or something?

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I’d be curious to see the research that says OW2 is something the players want. I think Blizzard is going to badly overplay their hand on that. Nobody wants to see OW2 eSports, that’s for sure. With that kind of investment, you could do some amazing things with OW1.

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how is overwatch 1 going to make money?

I want this for the LFG… QoL for the LFG

lots of people want guilds and scoreboards, how are these features going to be budgeted for?

I’d like for them to make a commitment that 5%+ of OWL revenue will be put towards developoing Overwatch PvP. above and beyond new heros and maps and balance changes.

Overwatch is awesome, everything that touches it is lackluster. Overwatch is a game for 6 friends not 6 strangers. Half the fun of war takes place at headquarters.

We finally got replays thank goodness! Now let’s take Overwatch to the stratosphere!

Guys, what if we took a years worth of content from the original overwatch, delayed it and packaged it to build up hype for our overpriced expansion pack, it’s GENIUS.


Yeah but fortnite is a GIANT compared to the little ant which is overwatch .

Been thinking about that the first time I found out what ow2 is. Kinda genius indeed ,

It seems having free content played apart in determining whether or not Overwatch was even bought or continued to be played. Let alone that Overwatch wouldn’t have succeeded from a divided player base with pay to win elements.

“We need Orisa, did anyone here purchase her?”.
“My queue times are so slow because too many ppl don’t have the maps”.

LOL the industry standard is to realease the game, support it for a year with 1 or 2 dlc packs, then leave it to die.

they absolutely did, youd have to be stupid to deny that.

an entirely fleshed out campaing with skill trees, items, cutscenes and replayable missions for every map is not something you would have gotten. Granted you wont get it unless you buy OW2, but to be so stupid as to think nothing is being added?

Cry more and suck your thumb whiny manchild.

I mean over 3 years Overwatch generated $1 billion from microtransactions. That’s not exactly insufficient for covering the update costs or justifying continued support.

Additionally, part of the reason these games generate more revenue is BECAUSE they have the frequent updates.

This is true, they are not technically breaking this promise. In fact they are still keeping it as they will even be releasing content before OW2.

It doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t be allowed to express our concern that they’ve set expectation without really tempering them.

Part of the reason Blizzard has become the trusted brand it is today is by how it’s constantly evolved how it’s provided its game content toward community expectations.

Blizzard is still one of the better companies in terms of post -release content support but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement and they definitely won’t improve it without prompting.

Literally Jeff Kaplan saying that the entirety of the OW team is focusing on OW2?

seems like a good way to anger your playerbase that still plays the game… like me

i like that overwatch 2 is going to come out, i asked for more lore and pve. the combining of clients so you don’t lose anything was a great idea. everything sounded great untill jeff said 2 things

1.) at least one new hero would be announced. ( i know it could be more but why not say we’ll be on the same schedule) and that they we’re going dark.

2.) they will probably be talking about it at blizzcon next year.

that was shocking. that sounds like candy coated “we really won’t be doing much for the live server for at least a year, hope you stick around because we won’t give you a reason to”


For new content yes. There will still be skins, balance changes and bug fixes to current OW which means there are people working on it. It’s also believed that one of the heroes will be released before OW2.

They have not abandoned OW1. They will still be releasing content for it just that a large chunk will be released at the same with with OW2.

Lol you realise that all the normal game-play stuff (besides PVE) is coming to OW1 too right? it’s literally the same game - OW1 still gets - The new maps, the new heroes, balance changes, and game modes

Have you read the announcement at all?