It is unacceptable for Overwatch 1 to be ignored while Overwatch 2 is in development

Overwatch had good communication with the devs, but when the community became a bunch of crying children and generally toxic to the devs over small changes… they stopped posting, funny that ain’t it…

Pretty sure Jeff himself has said as much in an interview, why would they come to where they’re clearly not welcome and subject to abuse.

Neither of you have any evidence to support there being no new players or any kind of leaving of old players, literally the only number we’ve been told in the last 2 years is that we’re now up to 50 million players and that was at Blizzcon.

I think it’s entirely acceptable.

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This is activision, overwatch 2 is just the consequence of not getting enough money from optional lootboxes. This is not a mobile game that can milk whales indefinitely, so they come up with the idea of making a “sequel”. I actually wonder how they will “fix” the microtransactions issue in OW2.
It’s also incorrect to compare it to fortnite, timmy is actually exploiting his developers to a maximum to push as many updates as possible in order to get his game “store” up an running. Activision on the other hand takes its time to minimize expenses and give as little as possible back.

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Wonder if people realize, that this is EXACTLY how game developers have been doing it since the early 90’s?

All of them abandon the first game, to develop the second. because they’re done with the first. And usually most of the community behind it are done with the first. People used to actually clamor for the sequel practically after the first month. And you’d either get a crappy sequel 4 months later, or you’d have to wait a year or two and get a better game.

I for one, prefer waiting for a better game. And them ‘‘abandoning’’ the game hasn’t happened. Cause the servers are still up, and we’re still getting patches, and character nerfs, and buffs.

I find it hilarious, that people complain about the quality of free content. Because the developer has absolutely NO OBLIGATION TO GIVE YOU FREE CONTENT. You paid for their wares. They have fulfilled their end of the bargain. Says so right in the EULA you signed and agreed with when you installed the game and said yes without reading it. They have every LEGAL RIGHT to abandon the first game, to develop the second.

But they haven’t otherwise you wouldn’t be playing the first one anymore! All the servers would be DEAD.

Look what happened when Star Wars Galaxies was shut down cause Lucas Arts had a new multiplayer game come out. They practically shut the servers down with zero warning.

Be happy they’re letting you play this game at all with a sequel coming out. Because it’s not how it used to be.

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Actually they do, and that is what has gotten them in hot water a couple of times. Summer Games 2016, “experimental ptr” etc.

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Imagine thinking this is a relevant number when we all know a large % is alts.
This means just as much as Runescapes 250+ Million “players”.


No that’s what you get when you buy a random game.

When you buy a Blizzard game you can expect updates, it’s part of the package, part of their promise and identity is that they provide long term support for all their games and work with the community.

If they were selling a game with no updates promised then sure it would be like just take what you have but Blizzard always promises that the release of their games are just the beginning.

We are still getting the promised updates with the game still evolving but obviously the Overwatch team had setup some long standing and predictable cycle of content for the last 3 years.

Blizzcon this year broke that cycle and it obviously has concerned players who see that a lot of other games are successful precisely because they keep constant updates.

Like League of Legends and Fortnite have a constant stream of updates and it’s very reliable - Overwatch is competing with these titles in it’s own way and it’s not even free to play.

Obviously OW2 will probably be great but it brings up concerns about the overall future of OW. What if this cycle happens again and they want to do OW3 and 4.

The longer the game goes without a content update, the more chance a player has to find an alternative and never come back.

People don’t want to see the updates stop or slow because that’s the start of a game dying and the angry people are actually just people who love this game.

Honestly, OW is going to be fine because Blizzard will continue to update it but not going to be meeting the expectations of many of the more frequent players and the esports side of things while other OW projects are being worked on.

It’s cause they also pulled resources from OW to prop up OWL. Overwatch had 1 year of content (2016), 2 years of updates (2016 & 2017), and since it’s been in maintenance mode (2018, 2019, 2020…)

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The mask is off now. People are feeling like they’ve been had.


Even if you buy the new one, guess what happens the next year - same thing.


You should be use to this, they already ignored OW1 to focus on esports

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If they didn’t issue a single patch from the day I bought the game, I’d be ok with that.

Maybe even happier tbh.


Overwatch 1 is getting the majority of things that will be introduced in overwatch 2. They’re literally working on both by working on overwatch 2.


Thats capitalism. See you in hell, boys.

Which updates did they promise exactly at the time of your purchase?

I know they promised heroes and maps will be for free, but they did not promise a number of heroes/maps nor a timeframe, so releasing one hero and one map after the release would already fulfill this promis.

Unlike Overwatch League of Legends and Fortnite generate a constant income. Overwatch does not really, except for the OWL skins you get everything for free.

And this is a big difference as 75% of the revenue is nowadays made with in game purchases.

Basically you get what you pay for, want constant updates then you have to pay tons of microtransactions (that are often more expensive then a full game).

I´d rather have a set amount of content for a set amount of price, and if this content is worth the price I will buy. But I don´t expect anything further. I think this is a fair business model, unlike all that microtransaction sh*t.

Of course it will happen again, or OW 2 will be full of microtransactions. Someone has to pay the developers and artists.

It’s not being ignored. OW2 is an OW1 addon that they’re not calling an expansion or DLC because they said they’d never charge for it so this is the end run around it. It’s a very Trumpian “fake new” “hoax” “witch hunt” “we’re redefining what a sequel is” PR spin doctoring.

I don’t care about paying for OW2, I just hate being lied to.


OW1 is PvP.

OW2 includes PvP.

All the PvP work going into OW2 will come to OW1 when OW2 is releases.

Thus, it’s kinda like they’re still working on OW1 even while developing OW2…

So, saying it’s being ignored is asinine :man_shrugging:t2:

You may not be getting your 3 heroes a year, maps, etc. spread out like usual, but you are getting a bunch of new heroes, maps, etc. all at once when OW2 launches.

In the meantime, OW1 is still gonna get cosmetics, at least 1 new hero, and updates.

So, it’s not that OW1 is being ignored or abandoned, it’s that you’re impatient and can’t see far enough a head at all the goodies we’re getting all at once instead of spread out over the next year or so :clap:t4:


You realize those two games make way more money than OW despite being f2p right?

The least they could do is pump out balance changes a little faster? Idek anymore :c