It is NOT OKAY to lock heroes behind grind or paywall

Heroes should 100% be unlocked in order to play Comp. Keep the casuals out of it. Casuals can be casual in a different game mode. The people who ground out the unlock or paid for the unlock have a far better reason to perform optimally in Comp than the dad with 8 kids with a 9 to 9 job.

I’m not talking about the comp mode requirement for heroes to be unlocked at all, that’s a separate topic. I’m talking about the pay/grindwall on the heroes themselves.

You’re talking about Comp and I’m talking about how I hope they do keep it in the BP to have as a requirement to unlock in order to play Comp. And if it is required to have that unlock hero as a Comp requirement, where is the problem?

Again, I am not. I am not just talking about competitive play.

I am talking about the grind/paywall in order to unlock new heroes for Quick Play, for Competitive Play, and presumably for Quick Play Classic as well (if they don’t can it altogether because who knows at this point). Heck, they might even lock the heroes for PvE events, because why not.

Read the FAQ on the website: " OVERWATCH 2 EXPLAINED: BATTLE PASS, SHOP, HERO UNLOCKS, AND MORE" September 15, 2022.

If I do not yet have a new hero, are there ways I can try them out?

There are many places where you can play using new heroes that they have not yet unlocked. For example, all heroes are playable automatically in the Practice Range, Custom Games, No Limits, Mystery Heroes, Mystery Deathmatch, and select other game modes, as well as some special event game modes.

If you would like to make a thread discussing the specific requirement to unlock all heroes to play competitive mode, feel free to do so. I won’t be talking about that here.

Would you say that even with hard counters gone that there will be counters in the game? YES

Would you say that by definition a counter means one party has a measurable advantage over another party? YES

Open and shut case Johnson, its pay2win. It’s been confirmed that the OP is correct.

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And the thing too, is for the foreseeable future the existing relatively “hard counters” will still be in the game.

Also, in case anyone hasn’t seen this thread yet, here’s an excellent case in point why so many of us are worried about hero locking in OW2: Kirkiko ALREADY shows the problem with hero locks

The best version of OW is embracing the counters. I’m all for getting rid of the hard counters, which in my personal opinion, there aren’t too many of them. There’s a huge list of soft counters and I think that’s healthy. If I think about the alternative of no counters…well, I can’t imagine it actually unless there’s only 1 hero.

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The hero being locked itself isn’t the problem for me. It’s the uncertainty of how that’s going to affect the competitive scene. Are they still going to allow players who doesn’t own Kiriko yet to enter ranked? That’s my major concern. That and the fact that if you “miss out” on unlocking Kiriko within the free battle pass time limit, you apparently have to wait for another one. The question is, how long do you have to wait for another Kiriko battle pass etc.

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Lol full price. If overwatch stuck to that video game pricing strategy… that’s 60 dollars every year for less frequent updates. So you owe them 300$ lol.

I love how this is “ruining the competitive integrity”. League of legends, arguably the most competitive game in the world… requires a grind or money to unlock new characters. You can literally get to gm one tricking any character in overwatch.

You want to pay 60$ for years of updates… you are spoiled and do not understand the economics of game development.

Already addressed this: It is NOT OKAY to lock heroes behind grind or paywall - #9 by a3gis-1200

No, I don’t. I was totally fine and supported the previous monetisation, which did do quite well for the series. And if you can’t be civil, please leave this thread.

You can’t just talk about competitive integrity being damaged and then say you’re not talking about competitive.

I know about the FAQ. I even made a thread about how you don’t need to unlock heroes to try them out.

Again, you can’t just talk about competitive integrity being damaged and then say you’re not going to be talking about competitive.

It’s a different topic. Competitive integrity of the game itself in both ranked and unranked formats. Versus a specific, different issue, pertaining to ranked (comp mode). Please make a different thread.

For that matter, the whole requirement to have all heroes unlocked in ranked isn’t even confirmed yet afaik. It’s just speculation…

A different thread about what? How heroes should be locked for Comp and need to be unlocked to be able to play Comp? I have. And they should be.

There is nothing wrong with it being locked in the BP. Grind it out, pay for it, whatever. It’s something to work towards and probably there as a gate for a reason.

And I really hope it’s the case.

Do you really think the Overwatch team wanted this? I doubt it. I’m sure this came from up top at Activision.


The whole point of this thread, is that I am not okay with grind or pay 2 win elements in Overwatch 2, particularly seeing as Overwatch 1 is being deleted.

It doesn’t work in a game based on mid match swaps and counters (and no hero customisations i.e. loadouts). It’s game breaking, as the lead devs have already admitted to long ago when explaining why heroes weren’t locked.

It’s also heartbreaking, given what Overwatch used to stand for as a series.

That’s my opinion.

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D4 has been announced to have a cash shop

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No one is forcing you to grind. Did you have an issue about the “grind” for the loot boxes in OW1? Probably not. They just handed them out as you leveled up and eventually wherever they stuck em. Did you buy any? Get a lot of stuff you didn’t want? A lot of people wanted specific skins and even asked them implement an entire shop for it.

As for this whole P2W stuff. This isn’t P2W and the heroes are locked in the start of a season for comp anyway. You’re not winning anything by using the hero early. Is someone who’s going to be absolute garbage with a new hero and losing everything going to be winning? What if someone is really good with a new hero?

Let’s say the enemy has a new hero and your team doesn’t. That person is good on that hero. Wouldn’t it be smart to take that person out first? You know, focus. I mean, if you’re losing to the other team because of one hero, that’s not a hero issue. That’s like saying, the enemy team has a really good Cassidy and we can’t kill him, at all.

Cosmetics != gameplay. Locking heroes behind pay/grind, is by definition P2W/G2W.

The new heroes are always locked if you don’t grind or pay. You said you read the faq. It’s not early access–it’s forever.

If you want examples/explanation of why hero locking is bad, read my previous posts.

Is it better to have the heroes locked or not?

It’s on the free track. Anyone can get it. A 1,000 year old hobo can download the game for free and get the new hero. Grind it out. Or pay for the convenience of having it early.

Okay and? If it’s gone one season, you’ll still be able to unlock it later too.

There are only two logical reasons it can be in the BP. One, for PvE. Two, for PvP, specifically Competitive.

We don’t know if you can use a new hero in QP or Unranked at all. You can use it everywhere else though before you unlock it.

I don’t see a reason why not to lock it other than the tired hero swapping mid match excuse.