It Hurts To Admit, But

Blizzard usually produces games that are maintained and supported for a very long time.
However, I doubt that there will be any further feature upgrades and major changes in the game.

Of course we don’t know the official product life cycle, but it wouldn’t be surprising if the game isn’t going to be a big deal within the next 2 years.

The matchmaking as well as the secret evaluation criteria were developed during the peak time of the game. A core property that affects player ratings and requires player data for analysis should not be changed if the game is already past it’s peak.
The games are bad, so the players stop playing. This makes an “adjustment” more and more unrealistic.

You do realize that OW 2 whether that be a phase 2 or a related IP, its not like there’s no development, they just bumped their dev staff by 20%. I think you are way off in your analysis as to its longevity.

we don’t even know any details about ow2, could be some mobile-phone game.

Could be… could be a major expansion too… but to act like “nothing is happening” and construe all this as some maintenance mode thing… they could have forgone any balancing, new characters, etc. and just left it if that was the case. Companies don’t bump up staff otherwise.

And since I never play comp (and I never will) I am happy to have balanced teams with all roles , having the chance to practice any hero having another healer/tank/dps, without having 1 tank or 1 healer + 5 dps or 6 dps running around like chickens.

Finally qp is also for casuals that don’t care about comp. Yes I am happy, even if I lose because like this I have fun.

It remind me… ‘‘do you guys don’t have phones?’’ :laughing:

The only problems I face with 222 but are really major are.
I felt I received more healing from that solo healer back when than I do now. Now it’s like people queue as healer just to dps.

Waiting as a DPS to get backfilled into a game thats already over. like back filling into a game at the victory/loss screen is sp stupid.
Waiting in skirmish joining a game that says Waiting for players after then booting me out because “not enough players” beginning the wait again.

I flat out refuse to believe you got more healing in one healer scenarios on average, even in Bronze.

DPS backfill… well that’s a reality.

Wait… hold on a second…

You are a casual that cares not for composition?
But ok with forced 2/2/2 because it gives you 2 of each roles…

Alright, I’ll give you that, but the way you say it is… a bit hypocritical… for a casual.

Prob I explained myself bad (sorry I’m not english) or maybe I don’t get what you sayin now =s

I’m a casual, that care for forced 2.2.2 and like it in qp.

EDIT: I get what you mean when I said that don’t care about comp there was a misunderstanding, with comp I meant competitive ^^

Let’s just drop this before anymore misunderstanding happens.


eheh I agree :smiley:

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Honestly role quee didn’t fix any problems so let wait for blizzard’s soon TM content that is “game changing”

nope you re wrong sorry

Person 1: makes claim
Person 2: “Nope you re wrong sorry [sic]”

Welp. I guess that settles it then.