It’s not just no one playing Tanks, no one even talks Tanks anymore

Did you draw this???

This is what the forums need more of, more art like this.

“Cheers Bobby, the propane is here”



this, hog and sigma have extremely similar stats in terms of damage dealt and elims but one has a huge amount of ways to protect their team…and the other not so much :stuck_out_tongue: unless they bring in the experimental changes to hog then there isnt much to talk about

Because there is nothing really to say. Sigma and Orisa the 2 new tanks do everything and have everything that all the other tanks have but do it better. Sigma has been broken for along time and drives double shield. But then again even OWL casters during live cast finally admitted unless Orisa sees a rework she will always have top tier pick rate. Halt is just too good and combos with anything plus it’s better than grav, she has fortify, moveable shield, can play at a distance or close range, has powerful ult. Then you have Sigma who has every ability. Sigma has defense matrix but also the damage he eats gives him armor, has great poke and splash damage, has a stun that can lead into combo or cancel ults, can place a shield anywhere on the map, one of the best tank ults, etc.

There is so few tanks but Sigma and Orisa just can do everything and better than the other tanks. It makes tanking extremely unfun especially with such a limited hero selection to begin with. There isn’t any talk because everyone has tried saying something for almost 2 years and nothing changes. People are just tired and basically either left the game or don’t play tank hence why tank has instant game time no matter if you’re bronze or top 500.

Until Sigma and Orisa are looked at tanking will never be fixed.

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I mean, what are we going to talk about?

“Hey, Tanks are still crap, eh?”


Next Week

“Hey, Tanks are still crap, eh?”

“Yup. See you next week.”


Maybe that DoubleBarrier needs a downside?

And that the easiest downside to give DoubleBarrier is a vulnerability at close range. Since DoubleBarrier is always going to be the strongest composition at Medium/Long range.

Or I dunno, make it so that most of Orisa attacks are a Damage over Time status effect, which doesn’t affect barriers, and make Sigma attacks bounce off of Barriers.

Yea cuz obviously there was no double barrier before sigma
You need to rethink that position. Once again cause effect. Cause: excessive burst damage, effect: Teams need barriers for battles to last longer than 1 second.

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They kinda blocked out the possibility of something like GOATs.
Move Mei to the Tank role, and make DoubleBarrier into a cheese comp, and then Tankiest comp you could run would be like Rein/Zarya/Reaper/Torb/Lucio/Moira

Or maybe Rein/Zarya/Reaper/Torb/Brig/Baptiste

Hi, former tank main with a Sigma otp account that peaked in masters and roughly 500 total hours across multiple accounts on Reinhardt and Orisa, and roughly 300ish with other tanks.

Playing tank is a miserable experience and main tanks are boring outside of when you ult.
They aren’t fun.
And everyone knows it.

As a flex tank player I’m just done with it. Why even bother trying to have a discussion about the tanks when it leads to absolutely nothing? The devs will stay dense af and refuse to essentially remove Sigma’s barrier so we wouldn’t have double barriers meta anymore and could actually balance barrier heroes like Orisa properly. That’s literally the issue in the tank role right now: Sigma is just a better version of and we already played Orisa/ before Sigma’s release

It’s just that they do a lot of good for the role like buffing Hog to where he is right now so he isn’t the worst hero in the game, but at the same time they mess up stuff like Rein/Sigma all the time

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Any thoughts on something like this? I’ve been trying to solve the multiple issues with Tanks for months. And think I got a pretty good balance change mix this time.

TLDR; DoubleBarrier is always going to be the best comp at medium/long range, so give it a close range weakness, more peel for offtanks and more sustain for offtanks, with a team Bionade cleanse for Hog.

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

You’ve addressed the symptom, and made it worse, not the reason why double barrier is so strong.
People will just stack these newer stronger barriers because it’s just a buffed version of what we currently have. There’s no actual solution.
Damage and healing is the problem. It’s power crept to the point that stepping outside of cover without being pumped full of an ungodly amount of healing with barriers to protect you is basically a death sentence. It’s why Winston is so bad right now, because without a dedicated dive peeling for him while he gets in, and lands, he just gets mobbed in most scenarios.
Damage is far too high.
Healing, in general, is busted to make up for people taking unnecessary damage, giving the incorrect idea that people should view tanks as protectors, and supports as people who fix mistakes.
Damage and healing values feel relative to a PvE game instead of a PvP game.


Maybe I should have made it more obvious how much of a close range weakness we’re talking about here.

(I.e. 30% more damage on armor from rapidfire/shotguns, weaker fortify, no lasting cc on halt/accretion, no tempHP on grasp).

Burning through two barriers at range was never going to be a viable option, regardless of how strong the barriers are.

Sounds like you’ll be neutering tanks so they’re defenseless.

I like to think of it as making AnchorTanks dependant on offtanks and dps/healers to provide them close range peels.

That they actually have a weakness that you can’t cover up with two anchortanks.

Also Dive and Rushdown comps are all about getting into close range.

On the flipside, yeah, AnchorTanks are stronger at medium/long rand. But you were never going to burn through 2 barriers at medium/long range anyways.

A pretty bad idea.
I understand that this is a team game, but forcing someone to be reliable on others and making them worthless in duels isn’t a good way to go about it.
Getting near tanks shouldn’t be a good idea without a full backing of at least another person.

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Well, they could make it so Orisa and Sigma do almost no damage to enemy barriers.

Otherwise, I’ve been looking at this issue for 9 months, and the only other types of solutions are 1x Barrier per team, a strong debuff if you got 2x barriers, or buffing the crap out of offtanks.

But really, if 2 AnchorTank can cover all of their weaknesses compared to other Tanks. Why would you ever not use DoubleBarrier?

I saw, it took a lot of scrolling to get there, and you got an upvote from me. That was part of why I made this thread.

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Making tanks fun to play is difficult, and blizz sure didnt succeed

There are tanks that are fun though, they’re just not effective at the same time.