It’s not just no one playing Tanks, no one even talks Tanks anymore

The frustrating thing with tank is that there are not very many good anti-air and anti-dive options.

All of the good tools are in the support/dps roles. ALright guys, I’ve got hitscan and sigma on lock down, can like 2 of you go anti-pharah or stop playing mercy/lucio/ana and getting your butts wooped by a genji?

Just remove Sigma’s shield. Why does he need one? He’s already a better D.Va but why does he need a shield? He has his black hole thingy, long range balls, a stun rock… Seems like a complete kit to me. Remove his shield.

I like orisa and think she’s the best barrier tank for the game. And that off tanks are more crucial to have good tanking than barrier tanks.

I think rein should be niche. I think rein and Moira have the same skill level.

No I freaking don’t talk about tanks. I get flagged. I gave up.

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Genji and Moira flood. Still about 5 or 6 front page posts regarding tanks.

ok here’s the basic breakdown.

you play DPS if you want to have fun.

you play support if you like babysitting and trying to micromanage others.

you play tank if you find Microsoft Excel exciting.

Probably goes in hand with the fact that the role has the lowest player count. What is there to talk about anymore? We all know the role is miserable to play, and we’ve all shared our ideas to fix the issues.

roadhog would be good anti dive if he wasnt a terrible character

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they just farm him now, genji will dodge his hook farm him for blade and kill team as hog takes a breather.

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Roadhog is reliable against Dva/hammond/winston. He’s not that reliable against tracer/genji/doomfist because they have too many movement options and he has a projectile with very set ranges against small targets for lethal damage.

The main problem are the “Off-tanks”

Zarya is the only real off-tank the rest are just fat-dps.

Creating the HOG off-tank

After of a sucessfull “Chain-Hook” Hog will receive/deal -20%/+20 more damage duration 2.5 secs

Hog HP-Changes 250 armor + 250 HP.

This is nothing more than a “Zarya mech” introduced to Hog. “I support my team to deal more damage as incentive”

Dva off-tank.

Defense-Matrix will Increase/decrease the damage of dva takes depending the amount of negated by the ability.

Tier One: +15%/-15% duration 2. secs
Tier two: +20%/-20% duration 2.5 secs
Tier three: +25%/-25% duration 2.75 secs

Dva pilot-mode will be removed giving these 150 HP to her. New Dva hp will be 300 armor + 300 HP.

Dva ultimate cost wil be increased 1540 -> 1848. So you will not die after the explode inside of the meka anymore but the ult will cost increased.

Removing the off-meka form and "adding zarya playstyle protecting my team with DM will increase my damage dealt.

I stop right here but this are the kind of changes Winston, Dva, Hog, Hammond truly need to become more interesing. “Incentives like zarya”

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You could nerf the shields to 100 health each, then we would need two of them even more.

Sigma is the cause of double shield. It’s not a coincidence that the meta started immediately following his release.

However until people accept that burst dps, inparticular hitscans, are massively overtuned we’ll never get out of the high sustain/shield metas.

Rework Sigmas shield, nerf hitscans pretty much across the board and also tone down some of the burst healing. That would be a good start.

Interestingly enough, I kind of feel the same way. (I’d like qualify that by saying that I’m not a big fan of playing Rein and almost never touch Hog, for some reason, but as long as there are other viable choices, I’m fine with Blizzard’s balancing choices as a whole).

There is a literal block of DPS players, outnumbering Tanks and Supports combined (because Offense and Defense heroes were already more popular, then were collapsed into a single category) that do whatever they can to make sure tanks get **** on.

Roadhog’s Hook “breaks”.
Reinhardt’s charge doesn’t WORK.
Every single one of D.Va’s abilities is trash.
Hammond has next to no impact (they gutted his ground impact, literally).

The entirety of the game was twisted to allow for ROLE QUEUE, which damage players DEMANDED to force tanks and supports to play with them, because the gross overpopulation of DPS players ran them off in the first place. Then they ****ing complain about the WAIT TIMES.

The actual problem with this game is clear.

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I won’t do much with dva and hog is only in maps that I can get environmentals regularly

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Worse. The tank population actually went down. There were people that liked tanking, and even they left when the tanks stopped being tanks and just became cannon fodder.

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Probably because tanking is no more than an off-role for most players at this point.

I love tanking with Rein but I’m a Support main because tanking is just so unrewarding. At least with Mercy I can chase players doing stupid things. With tank I’m sitting there alone wondering where everyone went. It’s the least fun role.

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I honestly think they’re just so scarred by GOATS that they won’t do anything to make tanks feel any better. They keep turning to OWL and GM players for balance, and those guys all say tanks are strong, so they keep them neutered and borderline worthless for the other 99% of the playerbase. Which is insane. It’s why DVa still sees use in OWL but has been the least used tank across all ranks for months.

No one else in their right mind who actually plays tanks right now would say they feel strong. If you don’t have a barrier, or a healer on your butt 24/7, you melt incredibly fast right now. It’s just a chore, and a thankless one at that.

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Tanking feels strong and impactful to me. I’ve been having quite a bit of fun learning Winston, a hero I haven’t really played much of before.

Buffed Mei and Reaper was one of the reason tanks has left.

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