Is The Game Better Off Without Sombra?

Reloading? Didn’t think so.

So antix, why is hack so frustrating? All it really does is force a fair fight. It can’t be worse than other abilities in this game. Like shield bash. Which forces a complete stop on you and half the time if not more you end up dying. Hack has never had that much power. But I do understand the whole she isn’t fun to play against argument. It’s actually why I play sombra. She is designed to be a nuisance. She’s working as intended.

Sombra will probably never be meta defining solely because she is unfun to deal with. That alone should be enough to satisfy you.

Hack doesn’t necessarily make something a fair fight. Just think Sombra vs Rein or Winston. She can just stay out of range and hit them.

Yet here we are, many people literally prefer death and respawn to it. I can say for certain that I, a thousand times, would prefer being frozen, picked off, etc, than going for extended periods of time not playing the character I chose to play because you have been granted the authority to invalidate my character selection.

It is less conducive to the loss of life, that is true, but losing one’s life is a part of playing this game. Losing one’s ability to play the character they chose for long, repeatable periods was not part of the game until Sombra, and probably should not be. This game is one of burst skills with short durations. Long duration offensive skills are generally on ultimates, and can be countered by getting out of LOS and waiting them out, or a number of defensive counter ults. Hack is the only long duration skill in the game with no counter, no method of undoing, you just lose the ability to play the character you selected, instead you get to play a weak version for an extended period of time.

Uncounterable, long duration, short refresh, and game altering, AND inconsistent (affects characters totally differently). This is a recipe of “really bad skill for a game”. It doesnt matter if others lead to a faster death, death happens in this game and has since day 1. But the most profound truth that the OP has nailed is…

I would prefer to die in this game than be hacked.

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The hack ability is terrible. It shouldn’t be in a pvp game where everything effects player experianacr and stopping somebody playing is just bad design.

Hack should be reworked to only work in team mates to reduce cooldown times and reduce negative effects like anti heal and discord.

Emp should still hack enemies but that’s the only hack she has against them.

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Thank you. My feelings exactly.

So you’d rather just die than suck it up and work around one of the least used and least effective characters in the game?

Wow. Alright then.

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No, no one cares what Sombra does after the hack. It is the loss of my choice of character. I would rather die than take a long duration, incurable loss of my choice of character, yes, a million times yes.

So making hack an insta kill would be better?

I usually just quit playing when I get hacked. Its absolutely horrible

That’s the thing. It’s fine that while she’s least used but they are trying to buff her into relevance and it’s going to suck if they it works.

Lol even at her most “relevant” she was still one of the least pick heroes. That wouldn’t suddenly change even if she were given minor buffs. And the new rework isn’t even really a buff. It’s two unnecessary changes balanced with multiple nerfs.

If had lasted more than a week she would’ve been common. Even if this rework fails, they’ll just try again and again. But as long as her hack is in its current state, we are all better off with her in F-tier.

Yes, it would be much better, however being better than hack isnt necessarily good for the game.

She can no more be buffed out of F tier than Bastion

i don’t know, how was it with sombra?

I read all of your post, all I want to ask is this: why is it okay for Hanzo to be able to one shot 70% of the games roster from ALL ranges, with a large hitbox on his projectile, but it’s not okay for a hero to have something that can disable abilities but still give you a chance to interrupt and counter play? It a Hanzo is good, you just die. If a Sombra is good, you have to click on her to fight back. Why is it okay to look at the respawn timer but not actually play?

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Characters like…Sombra?

I do get where you’re coming from though. I hate Widowmaker, Hanzo and Junkrat because they deny what I consider fun aspects of the game.
I tell myself that hack isn’t that horrible of a debuff…or maybe I am also just a scumbag who gets off on ruining other peoples’ day

…ok… You can say the same thing if zarya bubbles a hacked Mei… And your still killed as sombra.

For one thing, Hanzo actually has the smallest projectile hitbox in the game.

Second, it requires aim. Great aim and prediction actually. Whereas hack has a lock on. Third he can’t turn invisible, get behind whatever shield or cover you’re using or should be using, and then do it. And fourth, all heroes can kill. That’s not the same as making the time when you’re alive suck.