Is The Game Better Off Without Sombra?

Not the same thing. I don’t have issues with those types of disables. Only hers. She affects certain classes in the game more than others. You buff her here. You screw this class. You nerf her here, you make her crap. Constant chasing tail.

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Depends on what hero your playing and what the situation is. For some heroes you are just waiting to die so that you can wait to respawn so that you can wait until you get back to the fight. Most tanks for example get completely destroyed by a hack.

I’d rather be alive and having a chance at fighting back than be disabled and killed in under a second tbh.

Yes, she is difficult to balance, and yes, she can hurt some heroes more than others… Oh, wait, that’s called countering someone. And having counters is something that every hero should have to some extent.

Unfun is the only argument that matters in a game. People don’t play for their health and very few play for money. Most play for fun.

Then switch when countered.

Yeah, cause who needs tanks am I right?

If you remove all the unfun things, you remove all the fun things at the same time. Because ones bliss is another players demise.
Everyone hates dying and think its unfun, but you cant remove dying in this game. Everyone hates cc, but at the same time hates getting dominated by mobility. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

D.Va is probably the best hero in the game for shutting Sombra down, and certainly the easiest.

Orisa literally doesn’t care, she presses Fortify when she hears the beeps, calls it out, and her team drive Sombra off. It’s not even worth bothering trying to Hack her unless you can time your Hack with absolute precision before her Barrier comes off cooldown.

Winston only cares during his ult about being Hacked, and has a pretty easy time fighting her.

Roadhog can still comfortably one-shot her when Hacked.

Zarya isn’t worth trying to Hack.

So it really is only Rein she hard counters.

Stop pretending she shuts down all tanks, it’s a ridiculous myth.

Tank main by the way.


No one is suggesting removing dying. Your slippery slope argument isn’t a good one. No one expects to not die or not to have to deal with annoyances. But having a character that can literally disable all abilities on an enemy for 75% with very little counterplay is just a horrible idea.

And if you play against Sombra you have to expect to get hacked and end up in situations where you have to play without abilities.

“Is the game better off without Sombra”

Says the guy rocking a Hanzo player icon.

I can tell you who the games better off without…


Except hack has counterplay, and it is called teamwork or just random D.Va farts from the other side of the map. Teamwork is the same exact thing Sombra needs on her side for her hacks to do something. First Sombra has to decloack, literally screaming BEEN HERE ALL ALONG, for example. That takes nearly a second. And after that, she has to hack, which is a bit more than half a second. If you’re playing with your team, which you should be doing in a team game like this, it would be VERY hard for someone to not notice Sombra at all. Maybe the first couple of times, okay, but when you know the enemy team is running Sombra, you and your team should be aware of her.

It becomes an M1 vs M1 fight. Winston also has enough health to kill Sombra before Sombra kills him with his gun.

Assuming Sombra is dumb enough to stand within his range, yes. Assuming Sombra is being played by someone with more that 1 hour of play time, no.

That is simple not true, your fun comes from other person’s ‘‘unfun’’ in order to win someone has to lose, Is losing unfun?

Is fun to do a jump headshot with widow, but is unfun to die to it, we remove headshots?

Is fun to boop someone in ilios as lucio, do we remove boops

Hell… Is unfun to lose , do we make it so everyone can win? The answer to this is
‘‘We’’ (the devs) tweak the game so everyone can have the most fun posible , by making strong arguments to support nerfs or buffs we make feedback to them (allegedly) .
I already post my arguments to buff sombra, still waiting for yours to let her be f-tier forever

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All this OP is saying is that hack ‘inconveniences’ HIM too much. Therefore, hack should be removed from the game. No solid arguments made. Lost of people have already destroyed his points, yet keeps trying to hammer in the same BS. Looking at his replies, it’s just repetitive babble.

Just face it. You can keep telling everyone you hate hack. But I can assure you it’s forever going to be part of Sombra’s kit.

I love that you are trying to tell me what I find fun. Please go on :slight_smile:

Im talking with a wall , bye

but mccree doesnt fire with his electronic arm? actually the stuff he does with that arm is disabled (flashbang/rolling left)

Sombra is literally interrupted by one point of damage and will render hack going on a 2 second cooldown. It also goes on an 8 second cooldown when actually successful. She also has a .64% playrate. Please, tell me how this is “often and reliable”. Actually, don’t tell me, I don’t know why I responded in the first place.