Is the forum extremely bias Against flankers?

Ana completely replaced Mercy during triple tank meta.

Yeah, that’s a blatant lie.

Everybody complained about Ana during Triple Tank. All Mercy players wanted back then was an E ability to make her more useful.

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I doubt it. Genji/Tracer mains were extremely pissed a support could 1v1 them. Probably still are.

LMAO, Tank mains weren’t complaining for sure. Nano’d Rein was some of the best fun in the game

I didn’t. I like to say what I witnessed, the same way I made this thread.
It is true that most Mercy players want an e, they also want buff.
It is also true that a lot of people complained about Ana. However, I mostly saw Mercy mains (private profile was not there back then), if I try really hard to dig up the old posts, you will see a lot of mercy mains who wanted to overnerf ana).

Isn’t it the same for people who said genji/tracer want to nerf Brig, when in reality, it is almost everyone who got affect by her?

Spearheaded by Genji/Tracer mains. Rein mains had a lot to say but I think they were the only ones suggesting remotely reasonable nerfs. Most everyone else was on the delete bandwagon because they were DPS mains or sympathizers.

Reinhardt was the largest beneficiary of that time. Rein/Ana duos were everywhere on ranked back then.

People like complaining about Brigitte being a “fast track to GM”, but those people never saw the broken BS that was NanoRein.

Also, don’t forget that D.Va wasn’t meta for like half of Triple Tank. She only became meta after she got the unnecessary 100 armor buff. It was Rein/Hog/Zarya that were the beneficiaries of Triple Tank, which meant that the other half of the available tanks (Winston, D.Va, and later Orisa) were just SOL.

You can say whatever you want. But it’s at best a half-truth and at worst a lie.

You mean people who mained the character that was (at the time) considered the WORST healer in the game wanted a buff? Noooooo. How DARE they!

Once again, a lie.

Do that. I guarantee that if you post links of EVERY thread that complained about Ana, and not just the ones from Mercy players, you’ll see that it wasn’t “mostly” Mercy mains at all.

I don’t, and have never had a problem with Brig, so I don’t care who complained about her.

I never said Mercy should not be allow to ask for buff back then. But if you ignored the amount of Mercy threads who asked for Ana nerf, that is just ignorant. My post is a direct reply to the other person, who suggested flankers are the one who asked for ana nerf.
And thank to that one certain Mercy main, whose name started with S, and the amount of high followers (he/she has), that’s how I noticed it. Back then, even downvote and upvote were visible, so you can see literally everything.

I only have a problem with tracers infinite outplay potential

That’s a hilarious statement from someone ignoring that Mercy players were only a tiny fraction of the complaints. As I said, literally EVERYONE complained about Ana back then.

See, this what you call a “selection bias”. Here you flat out admit that you didn’t even notice who was saying what until you noticed what ONE poster said/did.

But in any case, I’m just going to sit here and wait for you to post each and every high upvoted anti-Ana thread from the Triple Tank days. Not JUST the Mercy ones. ALL of them.

I’d be happy to be proven wrong.

Not a Mercy main, can confirm I made a thread or two complaining Bionade was overloaded as an ability. Still is.

It was not one poster, it was multiple posters from different Mercy mains, but there was one mercy main who garner a lot of followers, so I mentioned them.

Doesn’t matter how many you claim it was.

I’m just going to wait for you to post the threads.

and you, I remember you used to be a Widowmaker/Mercy main. Am I wrong?

I won’t bother to argue on this topic. My entire point is that this forum like to blame flankers for every support nerf, but I wish for them to get as defensive about that as they did with my post.

Former D.Va main. I haven’t mained Mercy since season 1.

Soldier 76 is a pretty low hack priority. He’s just not that important, hacking shield tanks and healers is much more effective.

That was their point. If Sombra’s being a problem, then switch to a gun-based hero like Soldier whom hacking is irrelevant.

If Hacking Shield Tanks was effective, we wouldn’t have Reinhardt at 70%+ pick rates at every rank, and Sombra might win matches.

It’s the most overhyped match up in the game.

You did main her at some point. I remember your name, I remember you asking for Widowmaker buff, I remember you talked about Ana.

I’m not a stalker, honest. I like to observe the forum, and I like to make statement on it.

So you’re going to switch from Rein/Moira/Ana etc to Soldier? Then I’ve really done my job. But even Soldier become less effective and easier to kill when hacked.