In my personal opinion, these are the main flankers of the game:
Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, Pharah, Sombra, Reaper.
Since Reaper cannot flank properly, I am going to exclude him.
As for the remaining roster: Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Doomfist, and Pharah, these heroes are the one that got called out for being op the most whenever they are viable on the ladder.
Those same heroes are also the one that tends to receive the “please delete these heroes treatment” on the forum, the only exception is Brig (I will be honest and say that she was indeed oppressive to almost everyone upon her release), but I do not condone any delete movement from the whiny folks.
Why did I come to this conclusion?
During goats meta, no damage heroes are viable, yet majority of the top “nerf post” are doomfist, tracer, and genji, and I ever saw a few Sombra nerf posts here and there when she was at the bottom half of the general ladder.
Since Doomfist and Sombra are both currently in a near-death situation, most people actually said they are fine with that, and Pharah is struggling hard with the amount of hitscan in this game, we are back to Tracer and Genji being the two viable flankers.
Needless to say, almost every day, I saw nerf posts about these last two flankers, even when it isn’t their meta.
Tracer is currently in the bottom half of pickrate and winrate for the overall competitive elo.
That leaves only Genji as the most viable flanker in this game, all because of nanoblade, support by the most recent Ana’s buff. I still don’t get why every time Mercy got a big nerf, they always buff Ana right after. They did it during the triple tank meta, and they did it in the most recent Mercy nerf.
So for my conclusion, I want to ask this forum, why? I don’t think anyone would deny the blatantly obvious bias at this point.
If I can see it, I’m sure you can see it, and I’m sure the devs can see it too.
Edit: adding Bastion and Torb as flankers, they can be on the same level as Doom and Sombra.