Is teabaging considered violation of conduct?

technically you could.

i am playing more gears lately. its better to play a game that actually requires skill. a little lag isn’t that bad

Better than the current state of overwatch

Chibi eagerly awaits the release of anthem.
(Is pre-ordered)

Chibi is a sucker for proper loot systems, and PVE Content.

There is nothing ‘unfair’ about pressing ctrl a couple times over a corpse to cheekily bm. It’s not a verbal insult, hate speech, or an attack on you as a person (as verbal attacks in video games often are), it’s just a short action that you can completely avoid by clicking to skip the kill cam (it takes you away from your corpse and straight to spectating).

Tea-bagging is not an expression of hate and discrimination against whoever they’re tea-bagging. It is almost always a simple bm to cheekily make fun of (in a playful way) somebody for being out of position, doing a poorly timed ult and dying, or finally dying (example - you and enemy widow are constantly engaging in 1v1s, you’re winning most of them but lose one and they tea-bag you to proudly rub it in that they finally got you).

I know that I personally tea-bag any friend I encounter on the enemy team and they’ll do it back until it becomes an all out war to out-bm the others death. I also tea-bag my friend that I queue with fairly often, they’re pretty critical of other people’s positioning so any time they die stupidly I’ll tea-bag them into oblivion to get 'em to see the irony of their criticism. Another fun, harmless tea-bag is playing a support and killing the enemy teams dps carry to rub in that you, of all people on your team, got them.

Tea-bagging is usually just a way to emphasise/rub in that you killed somebody. In most cases its the same as a “hah, got you, sucked in” in match chat.

Absolutely I can, if the gesture is sufficiently complex. Crouching once, no one would blink. Crouching several times while standing still on top of a fresh corpse cannot be reasonably interpreted as anything other than deliberately making the gesture (which, again, is not a joke one guy made “once”, but an increasingly large community has persistently manifested in common usage over the past 15+ years).

“My finger slipped, and then my cat stepped on the crouch key, and then an earthquake knocked something onto the crouch key, and then my finger slipped again …”


Feel free to do so. Blizzard will look at the report and see that it is a lone crank, and rightfully disregard it.

On the other hand, if thousands of people are reporting the use of a well-established insulting gesture that everyone knows, they will very likely take a different attitude.

Equating one to the other is rank foolishness.

It is and people have been banned for it.

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That was some pretty blatant sarcasm…

Thousands of people don’t Which is why it will more than likely be taken as a false report.

We are trying to help you not hurt your own selves. lol

I haven’t heard of any such thing. -.-?

Care to quote a source on this?

com·mon sense
ˌkämən ˈsens/Submit
good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.
“use your common sense”

No it is not reportable imo. Though If someone Teabags me even once, I will use the rest of the game trying to make their life a living hell. I will hunt them down, kill them repeatedly, teabag them, spawncamp and even solo ult them.


People do that Simply because of the hero i play.

It takes tea bagging to make you do that?
Not just the sight of a hero you dislike?

lol. Aren’t you the guy from upthread saying “YOU MUST LITERALLY PROVE EVERYTHING LITERALLY”? Reporting is anonymous and they don’t publish the statistics. You have no way of knowing what is and isn’t being reported. It’s fine if you want to guess that the OP is the only one bothered by the gesture, but I’d bet it gets a lot more reports than base skins or pushups.

One of those was a legit joke, and the other was in reference of how little the gesture actually means.

As many people report for Pushups as they do tea bagging.

Oh, btw… i’m not discussing this further.

Please contact actual authority if you wish to report your hatred of Knees.

I don’t believe that, and I’d be surprised if you actually do. At least a few people have posted in this thread alone about the gesture bothering them, which means that resentment is out there. According to some website (awesome source, I know), 40 million people are playing the game. I’d be honestly surprised if there weren’t a few thousand reports directly inspired by the gesture.

I’ll believe it when I don’t see it :wink:

Pros T-bag in the OWL so no.

If a child tea bag you what are you going to say grow, it’s a child of course they won’t grow
but a grown up getting mad at a child for acting like a child is dumb and mean they’re not fully grown either
also they ban the word p**** and this is a t rated game and that is a t rated word

and stupid.

I do not think you should be using ‘stupid’ in the same post that contains a word that does not exist in the way you are using it.

But really.
If someone makes a board like this and their only post is there original post, I think it’s safe to assume it was meant to create drama.
(Especially if it’s literally their only post!)

I don’t remember the last time someone was rude to me in a game and then typed “P.S. I’m only 11 years old so please take my bad manners with a grain of salt. See you next time!” If you act like a dick to me in a game, I’m going to treat you accordingly.