Is SR an accurate representation of skill?

lol no.

My main is in gold while my alt placed plat.

No, I’m actually TRASH. problem is people lower than me are worse. :wink:

literally the only people that say this are low sr lmao.


I played a bunch of games tonight. No Sr boundaries in off season, so played a variety of Sr levels as I queued with friends who were GM, gold or solo queue.

3.2k Sr. Damn, game feels fast. Dps don’t miss shots. If a Hanzo has you in his sights you’ve got maybe a half Second to dodge or hide or you die. Despite lots of comms, very little coordination. Never once mounted a decent attack on point B. My GM Widow friend popped off, but he couldn’t carry us. Enemy Hog was our nemesis. Apparently a well known diamond smurf for a GM player. He was pretty good… I went kd 8-6 with Moira. Poor. I was badly out of my depth.

My gold friend joined. 2.8k game. We crushed it home on attack and we full held. Moira Kd circa 15-1. I think that our Widow put so much pressure on enemy team I never got hassled.

My GM chum went off and we played 2k Ilios. Very frustrating as my team never grouped up after a lost fight. We lost 2-1. If this was a real game I’d have been cursing my trash team. I went 22-8. And some of those deaths were chasing good after bad as team continually trickled in. I was fine at that Sr.

Solo queue 1500 Sr. My team got crushed. I only went circa 4-4 kd asucio as we crashed and burned. Enemy Widow was suspiciously accurate for a silver… 3 of 4 deaths from Widow shots. Highlight for me was our Rein deciding to go on a mad flank and attack point after team had lost the 4v6 he’d left them in. By far my most difficult game as my team vastly outclassed.

Solo queue 1700 silver. Lucio on Nepal. Went circa 22-6. Enemy team seemed terrible. Booped 3 of them off in quick succession. I was tired by now as at least 2 deaths easily avoidable.

So, 1500 to 3200. Quite a spread of Sr, and some higher level games were easier than the lower level games. Strange, with a god Widow carrying…

3k games were faster paced than 1.5k by factor of 10, but same stupid trickling in at both srs…

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not true. Have you never watched any “guess my rank” videos? SR isn’t always truly your skill. SOme people are only high rank because they queue with friends but suck when solo queueing. Some people suck when playing with friends but do better when solo queueing. Some peoples SR is higher on an alt account but they cant seem to rank up on their main account. The SR system is a mess. If it were your real skill rating then it would be the same no matter what. Thats how all sports work. Your stats are the same even after getting traded to another team.


I’m not sure how accurate of an indicator it is from personal experience, but so much of your SR is reliant on others, not yourself, particularly if you want to specialize and improve in certain roles. I don’t play DPS myself in Comp, with my preference being to play healer or tank.

To be honest, the only things I’ve been learning in Comp from playing those roles is how to get back from spawn quickly as a tank when an enemy DPS just wanders around uncontested by our own DPS and slaughters our healer(s), all while I’m trying to prevent the bulk of the enemy team from doing the same thing by going through me.

As for playing healer, I think I’m learning to escape and dodge a bit better from when those pesky flank DPS decide to jump me, because I know our DPS aren’t going to do jack to save the squishies. I do need to tone back my homicidal tendencies as Moira a bit though, although sometimes it’s needed as I run out of biotic from trying to sustain tanks, I just get a little too murder-happy when I see a pesky Genji jumping around using Deflect, with my thought often being “can’t deflect THIS!”

To sum up my thoughts - the SR system is not fit for purpose as an accurate measurement, with all the smurfs, de-rankers, etc. around. It can give a rough “general” area of where you are in terms of game skill, but you never know when you’ll run into that enemy smurf who should be up at Masters/GM, or get the thrower that basically makes your entire match a 5V6, or 6V5 if you get lucky and it’s on the other team (smurfs and/or leavers/throwers seem to be in the large majority of the matches I play). I’m not sure if I’ve managed to string together two wins in a row in Comp this season (I only solo queue), because every time I get that good match with some good players, along comes Throwey McThrowerFace in the next match who’ll just constantly charge in 1v6, get themselves killed, and leave us 5V6 against a team that just got some free ult charge, and is actually playing together. Or (this actually happened) the wannabe game god who criticises a member of our team for playing Mercy (was somewhat justified, the tanks weren’t getting enough heals and Res wasn’t doing anything useful), then with things 2-2 on Anubis, with five of the team going left on attack, decides to go straight down the middle on Brig to try and score a cheap tick on point A, a tactic which obviously fails and leaves us in a side room, down a player with not much time left.

Sadly the SR system cannot account for the stupidity of others, like a Rein who initiates EVERY battle with a Charge straight into the whole enemy team. Or the tank who tries to criticise me for not healing when I had my Coalesence pointed straight at him the whole duration of the Ultimate. (something even another member of my team pointed out to the person)


There is definitely a difference between a low gold and a high plat. For example, if you take 6 people rated 1.5 vs another 6 rated 2.5 the latter has a clear advantage going in. However if you match people from 1.5 to 2.5 by random and have the exact same SR in the same role for each team then it’d still be a competitive match with the lower SR players still being able to ‘keep up’. Individually, 1k SR is still a pretty huge difference in skill.

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Those videos were proof it’s pretty accurate. Every one had mostly guesses within 500 SR, which is pretty amazing considering 1 game is not much to go on.

Why not both?

I mean… “I’m a plat stuck in silver and other lies you can tell yourself to feel better” seems to be required reading to post here.

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I heartily and respectfully disagree. Certain times of day on specific days of the week when it’s not a holiday and there’s no reason for schools to be out in North Carolina or Tennessee… I am a platinum player, and it shows. I solo matches left and right… and then it’s been a few hours and I have to stop.

If I play on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, any day of the week between 3pm and 11pm Eastern, or on a holiday when the East Coast College Kids aren’t otherwise occupied… I fall like a stone because THEY ALL CONSTANTLY THROW.

I’m not talking about the typical use of ‘throwing’ to indicate poor play… that’s an abuse of the term anyway. The boxer up there can help me explain perhaps.

A thrower is a skilled player who uses their skill TO LOSE THE FIGHT INTENTIONALLY.

Throwers do things like… play Mei to block their own team’s ultimates from hitting enemies, thus ensuring favor is lopsided against themself. Or they play RoadHog and feed four ultimates every time they are alive… and they run around not killing anything, and hooking tanks into their own team’s backline. Or they play Genji, Sombra, Tracer, Winston, Pharah and they dive headfirst into the enemy over and over and over super fast until the game ends, thus charging as many ultimates for the enemy team as fast as they possibly can.

Recently another type of thrower has arisen… the charismatic troll. This is someone who is very friendly and nice and polite and often authoritative as well… and they convince the rest of the team to throw by suggesting that they play characters like Winston, Genji, Pharah, Tracer, Sombra… while they play a healer or something, and never heal anyone. Meanwhile they are making calls like “Break Reinhardt’s shield!” and people just do it without thinking… because the Charismatic Troll is friendly and nice and seems to know what he’s doing.

The reason The Charismatic Troll is a particular problem for me is primarily because they get my team and the other team to report me for chat abuse and gameplay sabotage when I try to carry myself away from them. That wouldn’t be such an issue if there weren’t 2-3 throwers of one kind or another (not people playing badly… people skilled at losing) in EVERY team I’m on, at EVERY rank… and many of them turn out to be smurfs as well.

SR is utterly meaningless… and the only people who truly know how MMR works are the ones abusing it.

I disagree. Ton of things can mess with your SR. The whole SR system is junk. It should be about your own skill not how you do as a team.

SR is an indicator of your skill within an accuracy of around 1,500 SR.


I can actually believe that. Since there’s only two of those spans available for ranking literally every player in the entire world… that kind of explains my 37.5 (still working on number 38) trips from bronze to platinum and back again.

Kind of makes it completely useless though, doesn’t it?

It’s like saying… “Here is a coin. It’s got a 50% accuracy rating. Call heads or tails in the air.” Then you flip the coin… the person you’re talking to makes a choice about heads or tails… and it turns out the coin has heads on both faces. (the 50% accuracy rating is based on the idea of a proper coin having a 100% accuracy rating. You have essentially told the person it’s a trick coin by saying it has a 50% accuracy rating. Edited to explain the obvious to the oblivious) That’s how accurate a 1500 point spread is in a system with a 3k total spread.

This is only something a low rank says. Again proving that low ranks lack understanding of the game.

If the “high ranked players” had an understanding of the game… it wouldn’t be packed with 14yr olds who think it’s a 3D version of League of Legends, and who have tried every two months since release to promote a three tank meta under a new name while crying about how terrible junkrat is (because he single-handedly counters the entire three tank meta, always has, and always will).

Sr doesnt mean much…

U can play really well. Yet still lose the game, Or u can get boosted, and u climb… or in reality someone else climbed with/for you and u get the final SR

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