What rank are you and what rank do you feel you deserve?
Ultimately the problem is that players think they are better than they are. They are terrible self evaluators. It’s a condition called illusory superiority. There is actually nothing wrong with being bronze, or silver, or gold, or any rank. The problem is that players cannot accept that they belong in whatever rank they are in. They think they are better than everybody else in that rank because they are terrible at evaluating themselves.
There is a reason you can tell what rank someone is in/should be in based on a VOD. There is a reason you can tell even with a 10 second clip (albeit with less certainty). The reason is simple. SR while not 100% accurate, is extremely accurate when taken as a rough approximation. People in a certain SR have easy to spot tendencies and skills. That’s why they are in that SR.
Yes, they can get boosted, but they won’t remain there if they play. They’ll drop.
SR is rather accurate. I’ve played on enough alts in different tiers to see where people in lower ranks come from, and nearly always they do things that make them lose and highlight why they are where they are.
Many don’t play objective. Many don’t know when to engage, or retreat. Many don’t know how to flank, how to counter-play, how to manage Ultimate use. Etc.
I found that mechanical skill is something that can be rather similar across the ladder. But how to actually wield it effectively to win games… that is what varies the most.
Ah, the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Yeah. I do not disagree that there is much of that here in the forums and in real life, be it Overwatch players or just about any sport or job or academics; in all walks of life.
Yes, I also agree that patterns and behavioral tendencies do manifest in general and that is true is all things, including Overwatch.
Thing is and I know that you know what I am trying to say, is that besides those caught in their own hubris; there are those in the Tiers below Master or even Diamond who are just … embarrassed or shy (?) because of the general attitude of those in Tiers above themselves. And as you mentioned, they need not be so because enlightened players like you, DongQuixote, Lucifer, Pie_Eater_Gaz do not look down and certainly do not belittle lower Tier players (unless hubris / Dunning-Kruger Effect).
However, when they read posts by other less enlightened / less tactful players, well… yeah…
So I guess that i am just saying that for such players, believe that SR =/= self-worth and do believe that also that there are great peeps out there who are willing to talk, discuss, advise and assist. Don’t be shy or embarrassed.
Just as veterans should also set aside perceived notions and be patient, as much as possible. =)
I guess that i have been fortunate in my dealings with you guys and for that i am grateful. There is still grace in the community. =D
Cannot agree more.
That is the beauty of games like these because of the people factor, just when you think that you got it; some genius would show you something else to think about!
This game takes a ton of time to learn. I’ve put in 1000s of hours and I’m only 4380. Grinding is nessecary to get good at this game and the Sr will represent you skill because I’m not better than the people above my Sr but I’m not worse than people below me. Also putting time outside of the game such as vod reviews and aim practice things also helps you get better. The people at your rank put in probably just as much time as you do and I would assume because you are in gold you enjoy the game but don’t have tons of time to put into it.
Anyone that thinks sr is in anyway representative of skill is simply a re-tard. Its mostly indicates how many times youve been grouped with players that really have no place in a first person moba like overwatch.
People just don’t realize the time it takes to get good at the game, how much time other people are putting into the game, and that SR is a benchmark of comparison against other people. They think that just because they put in some hours trying to get better at the game, they must be better than the people in their rank. When the reality is everybody else is putting in time as well.
It’s just so easy to see where someone belongs in the game. Hell, I was just in a QP game where I got killed, watched the kill cam, and immediately thought, “Wow this guy’s aim is really good. Clearly better than mine. He must be GM at least.” Checked his profile and in fact he was t500.
If you’re in the wrong rank, you will adjust to the right rank because that’s how the system works. People who think the system is broken because they can’t climb are just people in the right rank who mistakenly think they are in the wrong rank.
I’ve put in 1000s of hours and I’m only 4380.
Lucky you. I’ve put in that much time as well and I’m still a <500 player. Absolutely NOTHING has helped in ANY way for me to get better at the game.
I am not disagreeing with your post, you did a good explanation there, just want to say that you do notice a difference in skill in the plat bracket between low and high Plat.
I did not get any higher than high Plat yet, but there is a big notable difference for me about both my teammates and enemies when I play at 2500-2600 or 2900.
So, metro try Harding the last two days which yes if he is playing soldier and tracer two heros he mains I consider it trying his best. In 16 hours just reaching low diamond. ML7 doing the same exact type of thing but actually going from diamond to gm in the same amount of time but hardly playing ana. Makes sense right?
That means you aren’t putting in time where is matters or you don’t care enough. You are probably playing with friends that don’t care or you don’t play comp all the time and play quick play which dosent help you at all. It actually makes you worse bc you get bad habits. There is no luck in this game it is all skill. Try recording a video of you playing and watch it over again and see what you did wrong.
Or you can play 10,000 games in QP, and get a better idea of where you are at based on public profiles of the people you are matched with and against.
Am I capable of dealing with masters because I’ve gone against them in QP not necessarily.
Dealing with 1 or 2 is one thing, but dealing with 6 is entirely a different story.
I’ve been gold since launch, I’ve never dropped down, nor have I climbed.
But unlike comp where I only see people within a couple of hundred SR of me, I do see people upwards of almost 2000 SR above me in QP.
The difference is from a competitive standpoint that rank knows what they are doing, and my rank doesn’t.
And I can’t learn from people in my rank, unless I play with or against people significantly higher than me.
That’s what is the ultimate fail about comp in this game. And why elo hell exists. To much hand holding World of Warcraft mentality.
Bronze complain about going against golds, golds complain about diamonds, diamonds complain about GM’s in quick play, then they all rage about not being able to climb in comp.
And still no one knows why?
The definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time.
I know I know, what do I know, I’m just a lowly 2400, with over 10,000 games worth of experience in QP after all.
It is as accurate as they can really get without hiring a professional to watch over every player’s game individually.
No because there are sr manipulation shenanigans such as if the gam recognizes you are more likely to win you earn less sr due to having a higher mmr. Hero swapping also nehatovely impacts hains on sr despite being a a tactic youa re supposed to want to use so it discourages teamwork and enforces selfish stat inflating gameplay.
This is why lfg had taken off when it came out to get around the system in addition to dealing with the randomness of matchmaker.
The system pripritizes averaging mmr sr aming the groups so you could have a really good healer bu a dps that needs more practive vice vers etc etc because its more comcerned about ‘appearing’ to be balanced.
If they were accurately balanced they wouldnt be nearly as frustrating as they are now solo q this is why lots of people wanted lfg.
So dont take the sr system seriously at face value make your assessments if the players you are paired against and with and try to adkust accordingly.
If there us a stat player on the red team then countering them will help yours immensely.
I think when you separate SR into intervals of 100-200 it begins to represent skill fairly accurate, raw ranks are certainly accurate representations of skill.
No. Its the skill points of teams you get since its a team based game. If you wan’t to have any significant chance to affect on the game alone - you are in a wrong game. You can have no skill but good teamwork and communacation and you will always win high skill team with no communication.
Yes it is.
If your are ranked gold there’s no way you deserve master.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Im drunk out of my mind ,(more than. Half a bottle of vodka), trying to type this is really hard amd I’ve been playing 4v4 comp and I can’t drop from plat in my Smurf.
Like literally i can’t type but I can Still carry at 2.5k.
I’m playing widow +my worst hero) and Still.gettinh potg.
The only way to climb is to accept how bad u r and work on it.
This post was more work than my last game btw
I dropped only 200 Sr In 3 hrs.
I wonder how many games you think you’d win if you were dropped into GM? I guess half at least since an individual player has no impact on the game right?
Cool story bro. You should be a pro esports player.