Is SR an accurate representation of skill?

This looks like plat to me. I will give my reasons:

First: This looks like mystery heroes because there is another Zen on your team. This means I cannot judge based on team composition or teammates/enemy positioning due to the nature of arcade mode having wildly different SR as opposed to comp which puts everybody of the same SR. This removes a lot of information that would otherwise help make a more accurate prediction based on 10 seconds. Moving on:

Bronze: Cannot be bronze because aim is too good.
Silver: Cannot be silver because aim is too good.
Gold: Aim probably too good for Gold too but getting closer. Combine that with having the high ground I lean towards eliminating Gold as well.
This leaves Plat or above based on aim/position… but more on aim: the transitioning from target to target is slow. The quickness to notice a target dies and move to the next is a little slow. This automatically removes Master/GM. It probably even removes diamond.
So Diamond or Plat?: You leave a harmony on a frozen Mei while your Brigitte is there trying to 1v2. This eliminates diamond from the equation for me as well.

So I am left with Plat.

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I think you stereotype way too much but okay.
Looking back, Zen will never heal save a frozen target.

I’m not sure what you mean by stereotype. There is a reason ranks exist and a reason people are in a particular rank. This is why you can tell what rank someone belongs in with a VOD.

People who have been through all the ranks will be able to recall on their own experience to give a decently accurate assessment. People who have been through all the ranks and review VODs for a living will be even more accurate.

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(whispers) he also can look at your profile and see you’re in plat.

Tbh, even bronzes can have a flash of 10sec that look like that. It is usually consistancy and what happens when the player is under pressure that makes them bronze.

Actually, to be fair, the brig was dead when the mei went into ice block, but that doesn’t mean that a higher level zen wouldn’t of been orbing the brig, because the mei isn’t a high priority considering she CAN ice block for help.

More telling is the idea that zen was holding on that high ground on defense where he was by himself against a dva and soldier and didn’t bother to try and hide or look when soldiers popped his ult off screen when it woulda sounded really close.

Thing is, the clip just doesn’t show anything that would make it appear it was anything higher then avg ow… so gold/plat… like the soldiers’ positioning when popping ult… why didn’t he come up to where you were to ult? It would have been a better high ground offensive position being held by a solo zen and with 5min left in the round. The Dva with a mercy pocket was spread apart from the hog who was taking on a mei with a symm that was trying to beam her instead of orb blasting her at such short range (With very bad accuracy) Higher levels would have been focusing the same target and the dva would have either dove you or the other zen before taking on the brig because you were isolated and divable. The enemy was just too far spread apart doing their own thing and prioritizing the wrong targets.

Same with teammates. Why was the brig taking on a dva with a pocket by herself when the Hog was in a battle with a Symm againt your mei?

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Ya I think he previously answered this because it appears to be Mystery Heroes. But I’m leaning towards you’ll expect that type of gameplay in ranked as well.

Yes that would be a dead position against higher level people given there’s no escape route and zen has no escape ability. Another reason why I didn’t presume diamond or better.

Yes the soldier positioning for ult was bad. Yes the brig trying to 1v2 a pocketed dva was bad. Yes the Mercy ressing right in the open on the middle of the point was bad. If it was a normal comp game i might even lean towards gold. But since it looks like mystery hero, where bronze can literally be matched with GM, I didn’t use teammates and enemy positions in my thought process. The only thing you can use to try to determine their rank is what they themselves did in that clip. And the most telling points were harmony on mei, aim and position.

I think this is a more accurate assessment.
When I inspect players in MH during FFA or Solo queue a lot will be in Gold.

I agree, you did pretty good with the clip.

It brings up another EXCELLENT point about Ranks and positioning.
Even if YOU have great positioning, your team may not be, ruining your chances to win a game and rank up.

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You are right in that what your team does matters regarding if you will win or lose. But this line of thought is too short sighted. If you consistently have good positioning in every game that exceeds your rank, over time you will have a greater impact on games more than the average person in that rank and you will end up winning more often because of it.

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Well that’s the Law of Averages and isn’t allowed in this discussion. Imo.

You also dont “Magically” get worst if your SR drops through losses. You can improve through a lose and gain absolutely nothing through a win (aside from SR).

As is the system doesnt tell you why you lost/gain more SR than usual, it doesnt teach you how to improve at the game, only that you won or you lost. We have coaching, OWL, Oversumo, YouTube videos ect. to reference to try and get better but that’s all outside of the game which, in my opinion, is problematic.

Remember, The dev’s do not want you to have any info on why you’re winning or losing. After they banned stat programs.


Yes it is. If you are plat and lower you can easily check this by checking your SR gains and losses (PBSR).

If you win more SR that you lose, you are below your true rank.
If you lose more than you win, you are over ranked.

For example, as a diamond in bronze-silver I lose 10 (15 if I did horrible) when I lose and 80+ when I win.

In gold I lose 10-15 maybe (can’t remember last time I lost there) and win 50-70.

And in plat I lose 15-20 and win 40+ (my record was +75 at 2.7).

I have friends that are better than me that win more points. My record for lowest in defeat was 6 I think.

This is completely false.
For example, when xQc goes on a losing streak and “falls” to Grandmaster. Does that mean he is suddenly not a Top 500 caliber Tank?
No. SR is a terrible indicator of skill. It is just a metric that judges someone based on what Blizzard internally determines PLUS the “game” that is the competitive system.
[The spread for Top 500 (disclaimer: Includes all roles) is 4666-4334 at the time of writing.]

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Easily judged as Plat. Maybe Diamond because the competitive system is so broken and SR really means nothing.

Similar reasoning to the other person that judged you.
My own words: Your APMs are too low, tracking/flicking is too slow, and aim is not precise enough.

[quote=“DeadLamb-11334, post:6, topic:232604, full:true”]
It’s not perfect but it’s a decent representation of how a person plays with in the team based environment of Overwatch. There is a clear hierarchy of play from tier to tier and also a very clear compression of the gap in skill as you move up in the highest SR ranges. As in a few 100 SR well past 4k is massive vs a few 100SR difference down in say silver. [/quote]

Wrong. Because…
If I place in 2490 and then win one game to get promoted to Plat, say 2510,
My skill level has drastically improved because of the Platinum badge? The “clear hierarchy of play from tier to tier” as you say? No.
And you can apply this for any other borderline between tiers.

The community has their own metrics for who belongs in what tier and that is much different from what the game/system places you at.
Pro players fall in and out of Top 500 all the time. The spread at the time of this writing is ~300SR. You’re also saying that someone in the top 10 is drastically better than someone in the rank 400-500 range as well.

Your reasoning is really wrong. The system is just a “game” that assigns you an individual “skill” number based on teamwork that may or may not be present.

No, the MMR is accurate representation of skill. SR is representation of more things together because a lot of things affect your games.

It means he’s currently playing like a master tank. Have you seen how he plays when he falls to 4k? He plays like absolute garbage, and everybody his rank knows it, which is why they avoid him; when he’s tilted and dropping like a rock, he’s freelo. Not to mention half of those games he goes McCree, a hero on which he’s absolutely not t500.

Interesting. Bronze?


Cool. But that’s one POTG in one game. How are you consistently?

Your kd ratios are pretty bad, suggesting to me that you die too much. Rein does have a habit of dying, but even your other hero kd are pretty bad.

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Thanks for the +1 Pie_Eater_Gaz.

Hmmm… i do not disagree about the K:D ratio. Been trying to reduce that.
Lots of mistakes made when i first started playing Competitive. I think that, in this instance, Overbuff would be a better tool to monitor my trend especially in QP because i have not been able to spare the time to finish up Season 12 placements due to work and family (I am 42 years old, married with 2 children).

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