That is how i was feeling. Like it doesn’t feel right. And i’m not claiming to be amazing or deserve to be higher because i have tons of fun in gold. Just that some are really bad. Like obvisiouly bad, feeding, horrible positioning yet they will have higher sr.
Another thing that us odd is why do they put new players in around 2500? I get some mighty interesting games at that range.
Its meaningless, but its because of the way Overwatch is designed.
Game sense I’d argue is more important than mechanical skill for the “lower” ranks, being Plat and below. However the game doesnt measure and will never measure game sense in a meaningful way especially with performance based SR.
Spamming trash damage into a choke as Junkrat gets rewarded and “feels” rewarding with trivial medals despite you potentially super charging Zarya and giving the enemy supports ridiculous ult charge.
Conversely, walling off a choke points and splitting teams as Mei or stopping enemy earthshatters as Rein cant be tracked and have much more impact on the game, but the SR system wont reward that.
My suggestion just play for self improvement and play the team game and try not to tilt. Elo hell is very real in this game. You can be hard stuck and feel like your going nowhere but as long as you improve on game sense and become versed in various comps and different scenarios your still getting better at the game. It just takes a random win streak to get out of your rank.
Side Note: Please take performance based SR out of low rank.
This is false. A GM could play an hour on a silver account and not climb to GM in that time. Is it because he doesn’t deserve to be in GM? No, it’s because he obviously has not played enough hours.
I have seen the results of performance based sr here and there while comparing losses or gains, though the difference was only between 5 and 10 if i remember.
I kinda feel like performance based sr would be a good thing no?
It’s a mixed bag. It’s supposed to deter smurfs by boosting them out of lower ranks faster.
Example: A GM wants to play in bronze for whatever reason. Mechanically he is significantly better than his peers and after a few games he starts gaining tons of SR because the system is trying to get him out of low rank ASAP. Sounds good on paper.
However players who belong at that rank can get in these situations where they play a hard fought game and gain 10 SR then a mediocre game and lose 23. It makes the climb feel terrible and gets players in the mindset of “I must solo carry” to get out of my rank through stat padding like the Junkrat example I gave in my first response.
Yeah the system isnt complete trash despite my dislike of it. It’s just very bad for a game with so many stats that cant be tracked, I’d rather have the 25 SR for lose or Win that the Diamond players have.
Sorry. Please show me where I said they will take a silver account to GM in 1 hour? My statement is not false. Your statement calling my statement false, is false.
You are either just trying to argue for the sake of argument, or have a complete lack of understanding of the game.
Generally. For dumb people saying “hurr durr SR sucks Hurr Durr”, give me a gold player who’s better than a diamond or a diamond better than a GM. It’s impossible. Everyone’s relatively in the same area
I would say no. Primarily because in a season I’ll swing about 800 SR, and that’s been happening for like 10 seasons. Constantly shifting between high silver (and sometimes high bronze) and low plat doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in a system. Either the ranks swing too hard, or the tiers are too narrow.
IIRC, in CSGO, the system bases it heavily on how many more rounds you’ve won compared to your opponent. Having high stats helps, but the gains are negligible that you’re better off going 14 kills and 20 deaths if you manage to beat your opponents 16-4 than going 40 kills and 30 deaths but losing 16-14, and the gains from winning while the top fragger (unless you fragged like a bat out of hell) and won something like a 16-1 compared to being the bottom fragger (or even zero frags) and winning 16-1 as well is minimal simply because the ranking system doesn’t let stats be a cushion or a boost to losing or gaining rank, but just affect it enough to incentivize more team-focused plays (by that, I mean playing to carry yourself and help your teammates) than just stat padding at all.
OW can have a system like this, but base it on time or points. Say, it’ll base it off of how much faster and/or how many points a team has compared to the enemy team and actually pushing for a more team-focused mindset where it doesn’t matter if you literally top fragged over everyone in the game, all that matters is that you won the game and your SR gains are based off of that. There’s the debate of someone getting carried and what not, but honestly, its not gonna be a factor all that much, since that player who’s used to getting carried will drop down in rank natively.
By generating more advantage to your team than the enemy… I’ve won plenty of games with people like that. It’s frustrating but really you just have to work past them and either run a mercy to keep it a 6v6 or just co-oridnate. Always make sure you get a pick before the enemy and it won’t matter as much that you had someone trickling
Hi I did comp at level 70 or so in season 4/5 when I onetricked lucio and could barely manage above 20% accuracy and got placed 1800 and didn’t touch comp for 700 levels and did only my placements on season 10 and got placed 1600 while playing tracer for 9 of the games with 4.5 kd ratio and 42% accuracy and won 8 of them with all golds except for 1 along with mostly being on fire
I don’t think sr is a good way to determine someones skill who doesn’t touch comp outside of placements
Thats kinda my take also. And maining lucio for me in retrospect was not wise as he’s fairly weak. Once i started playing stronger heroes and more comp matches i generally would see trends moving up over down.
I know if i wanna climb, lucio will not be in my hero pool any more.
The only part where it doesnt represent skill is with decay, you shouldnt be able to decay in diamond or masters. You dont “Magically” get worse because you didnt play for 6 days
So why can GM players consistently reach GM reasonably quickly with a new account, over and over and over again.
Yet a platinum player who does the exact same thing might place in diamond on a new account but then steadily down back to platinum again, over and over and over again.
Why is that?
Has Blizzard got some super intelligence AI system in the background detecting the person and saying “I gave you plat last time, you’ll be plat again”…
Or perhaps, the simplest answer is probably the right one, which is, there is an incredible difference in skill between those players.
A plat player can never get luckily with this “random system” (as you state). They will never just get GM.
Through skill, they can learn and adopt and at some point maybe they can get to GM, it’s not really rocket science, but it will take a lot of time and focus.