Is Soldier76 overtuned?

I personally think Soldier is the healthiest DPS in the game and I don’t mind him being a strong pick, however he definitely feels a bit overtuned right now…? :thinking:

What do you guys think? Is he actually too strong in Masters/GM? :octopus:

If he were to get nerfed, I suggest some (maybe all?) of these slight nerfs;

  • Helix rockets; +2 sec increase in CD

  • Tactical Visor; falloff buff reverted

  • Pulse rifle; ammo decreased from 30 to 25


I say nerf him if they nerf sig/bap

Ultimately hes overtuned but I know why they made him overtuned


I think McCree is picked more than Soldier for the upper half of players.


He’s not overtuned. He’s just viable for the metagame right now, with all the heavy mobility and less than reliable counters. So accuracy becomes a huge plus and only Soldier can guarantee 100% accuracy (with no falloff) to counter the likes of Tracer and Wrecking Ball.

Sigma and Baptiste are the counterplay to Soldier. Well, Baptiste is doing more counterplay against Tracer and Wrecking Ball, but Sigma is also putting in some work.

Cassidy and Soldier are about par overall. Soldier is having a lot more success, for obvious reasons.


How are you measuring success?

And if you’re gonna say winrate, that’s just a good reminder why I have you on ignore.

Since McCree had a horrible winrate when he was nearly 100% pickrate before.

Which is ridiculous to think that somebody could stay in GM with a deeply negative winrate.


Soldiers fine, he’d be terrible if he got nerfed since the damage falloff to hitscans.


Why bother explaining when you don’t have good grasp of reasoning and instead making accurate and good reasonable arguments, you just decide to put someone on ignore?

Even Blizzard has made it clear to you, are you going to ignore them as well?

When you learn to stop making inappropriate remarks, maybe we could have some civil discourse; until then this post is inappropriate and deserves no answer.


He doesn’t need the rocket on such a low cd anymore, his primary damage has risen enough to compensate.

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Why bother talking about numbers with people who don’t care about the math involved?


You have him on ignore, and yet, you are reading and responding to his posts. Sus. Not that this is harassment. I respect your decision wholeheartedly even if I respectfully disagree with your stance, civilly, and with grace.


Have you had a run-in with the moderators recently or something…?


McCree’s winrate was still higher before he got over nerfed. I didn’t really care about the reload/ roll nerf since it enabled fanning the hammer more.

The range nerf though, that was unneeded. His falloff is ridiculous now, actual bad hero atm. Terrible ultimate, terrible mobility, big hitbox, bad range.

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No, of course not. They are just doing their job to the best of their ability. I greatly appreciate the effort and precision they put into their work.


That’s the thing. McCree is an obvious example that winrate shows something different than when we think it is.

That either it’s just bugged and not calculating properly. (I.e. When Mei was showing the highest damage stats of any hero)

Or more likely, the amount of time a hero is played during a match is multiplied against their winrate.

Such that if a hero is primarily played on attack and can quickly swing a 6v6 into a 6v5, but is bad at defence. Then they would be played a very small amount of time, relative to the duration of the entire match.

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McCree’s winrate is bad because Dead Eye is bad. Also the other things I mentioned.

McCree had a negative winrate when he had nearly a 100% pickrate in GM.

Clearly that shouldn’t be happening if it’s calculated the way you think it is.


Yeah and he still had Dead Eye

Now he has terrible range on top of that and they got rid of his mobility and reload. His win rate dropped way lower in bronze and silver because of the fan combo getting nerfed.

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I’m saying all winrates on all heroes are not a good variable to use.

That it’s either heavily bugged, or calculated in a way that makes it useless to discuss.

As it would mostly just be describing how much time a hero gets played on Defence.

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I believe this is the case and drastically effects winrate. You can actually test to see if this is true by looking at your own profile. For example, I can have 5 games played this season, I have won 4 on a specific hero, and yet my winrate shows to be 78% for that hero.

Answer this one then, how come cassidy mains were not falling out of their rank (GM) since his winrate was so bad?

GM requires a certain winrate to stay in, meaning that a 50% winrate for cassidy would mean they would fall out of GM. This is clearly not the case, as his pickrate has been stable for months on end.

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I only know one McCree main in gm and that’s Wanted, everyone else mains other heroes. Wanted is cracked with McCree.

If wanted had a better ultimate besides Dead Eye he’d probably be a top 10 player in NA. He’s bottom 500 right now.