Is Soldier76 overtuned?

Then why is his pickrate so high in GM?

Tracer has the highest pick rate with a solid win rate at 6.33% pickrate 54% winrate

McCree has 4.11% pick rate to 49.83% winrate.

Ngl McCree is fun because of peacekeeper but he’s a bad hero atm, he was strong before the range nerf.

So because he has a lower PR than one (overtuned) hero, he’s a bad hero? That doesn’t add up. I already addressed the winrate argument. 4% PR is not low at all actually, especially for a DPS.

McCree had a negative winrate when he had 10% pickrate…

Yeah and that’s because Dead Eye is terrible, if he had Bob his win rate would be the same as Ashe.

I get the feeling you aren’t understanding that I’m talking about the math used to calculate winrate is messed up, and you keep talking about hero abilities and ults.


We’ve literally addressed this and going in circles :skull:

If you don’t answer this question then forget it, How come Cassidy Mains are not falling out of their rank because of that low winrate? Because they’re NOT falling out of their rank, The pickrate has actually stabilized, and even climbing, meaning cassidy mains are actually GAINING rank. 3.84% PR this month, 4.11% PR this week.

It’s not messed up, it’s negative because Dead Eye is a terrible ultimate and in a game where ultimate’s matter most and you’re stuck with this garbage ultimate.

My win rate on McCree is lowest out of all my heroes almost. I lose so many games because of Dead Eye.

Soldier 76 is a generalist so he will always be under or overtuned, depending on his stats.

I don’t have an issue with him but I think making him the “tutorial character” is just signing him up to either feel too easy to get value with or too weak to make an impact. They need to give him a niche like most other heroes with clear weaknesses and strengths outside of the damage he does.

I know it won’t happen because Blizz isn’t eager to adapt but I’d love to see new ideas for Soldier’s ult. Many players feel like his ultimate is a bit redundant so giving him a new technique could really open up a spot for him, regardless of whether he has +/- 2 damage in any balance patch.

*(Comparison: Viktor from Paladins. Basically a Soldier clone but he has an ult that is specifically designed to punish stacked teams. It zones them away from each other/out of cover. *

What should Soldier’s goal be with his ult? Something supportive? Burst damage? Bombardment? Damage ramp/Crit damage on body shots?)

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If Soldier is in a good spot, then I demand Sym buffs.

The only problem I have with him is his ultimate. But then again, I also have an issue with more than half the cast of DPS ultimates. They get charged way too fast and be used multiple times to end team fights in a single round. Deadly ultimates should only be get to used once or twice per round imo, not three or four and sometimes even five times per hero. It’s too cheap of a way of ending team fights and very lame.

Tbh I don’t know why people are still complaining about McCree in 2021. He’s been nerfed to the point where he’s no longer oppressive like he used to be, especially with the recent hitscan fall-off revert.

Yeah McCree is bad atm, easy to play against not much of a threat.

Who else remembers when a dps even approaching 4% pickrate was Earth shattering and a sign of blatant imbalance?

Also, he completely sidestepped your question, Yourself.


Yes, I think he is overtuned. I don’t know what nerf would be fair, but he’s a bit much right now. Perhaps less ammo.


…By an amount not even worth highlighting or discussing.


Wait, how does baptiste counter hammond? I always die to hammond smurfs no matter what I do. His head is so much smaller relative to his body size so it’s near impossible to aim for his head to land headshots.

Not to mention, if he gets close to dying, he’ll just turn on his adaptive shield or roll away to grab some health pack and then finish me off. It’s impossible to survive against him 1v1 and I’ve been spawn camped by hammond smurfs multiple times. In low elo, your teammates are bots so they don’t try to look after you when getting out of spawn either.

Smurf lucio used to be an issue for me as well as bap. but my aim got better to the point where smurf lucios has to think twice now before trying to 1v1 me haha. But if I was ana, I’d probably still struggle against smurf lucio trying to spawn camp me.

Also, I wouldn’t say that baptiste is a counter hero to solider. More like in a close-range fight, baptiste is probably the only support hero that can duel against soldier fare and square and not just be a free kill. In long-range, ana is actually better at taking out soldier.

Using the same stats you listed Soldier is only off by 0.09 from Mccree’s pickrate but has a 4.99% greater winrate.

If this was symm with a 0.01 pickrate but a 69% winrate that would make sense, but soldier is doing better than mccree despite nearly the same pickrate.
Am I saying Soldier is op? No, but hes doing better than Mccree


Depends on the ELO.

There’s about a 30% pickrate difference in GM.

I’d argue winrate math is broken, so any argument based on it is invalid.

It’s either heavily bugged, or basically just an indicator about how effective a hero is at stalling out long timers on Defence.

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0.09% higher pickrate but 5% lower winrate

yeah Cassidy is definitely the stronger character here

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there has to be someone at the top and i wager most people feel it would rather be soldier 76 then some other heroes. personally my choice for top dps would be widow but we know how people feel about that hah

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