Is Soldier 76 still gay?

2 years ago it was confirmed Soldier 76 (Jack Morrison) is gay! At the time of “Bastet” short story. Yet afterwards there has been only hush-hush and as far as I recall Soldier 76 has received no new story whatsoever for him since then. Does Blizzard intend to ignore this condition of Soldier 76 or will there be a retcon of Soldier 76’s biography for Overwatch 2 (maybe making “Bastet” non-canon or retcon Vincent as just a friend or “wild experience” of Jack Morrison) or a complete omission?
Tracer has received new stories which feature her lesbianism but Soldier 76 does not get the same treatment for his homosexuality. Make up your mind, Blizzard, Michael Chu is gone and eventually you will have to make a stand. Retcon or not?

…When would it have had an opportunity to be mentioned? We literally haven’t seen soldier in lore like, ever lol


Exactly. Almost like Soldier 76’s lore has been avoided…

The romantic focus of OW seems to Genji/Mercy so I doubt that Soldier’s love life will be relevant again, unfortunately, especially with Blizzard being greedy cowards who prioritize Chinese and Russian game sales 30x more than lgbtq rep and won’t risk running into issues with their censors. The most they would do is talk about it again in some comic or short story.

Tracer is not in a much better position considering that lesbian/bisexual characters are also censored in those countries, so idk why you think it has to do with Soldier being a gay man specifically.


Sexuality doesn’t have to be talked about in order for it to exist.

Do you hear about the sexuality of any of the other characters (minus Tracer)?


Huh? Most characters haven’t been brought up in lore for a while. It’s slowed down a lot for OW2.


Blizzard made a very big deal about it with Tracer, and in a smaller degree with Soldier 76. With him, though, it looked fishy and dishonest way to please LGBT+ community.

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Because Tracer is the poster child and the mascot of Overwatch…

Not talking about something doesn’t make it suddenly disappear.


I would very upset if Blizzard had been boycotting Soldier 76 just because he is gay, as if they were embarrassed of him. To me, Soldier 76 is the main male icon of Overwatch (he was the very first Hero I picked in the beginning), a very versatile character and deserves more care from Blizzard.


Contrary to popular belief, retcons are not common in Overwatch’s story. It’s unlikely his sexuality will change.

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They haven’t said anything about Sym being autistic anymore
That must mean she isn’t autistic.



This kind of threads are starting to bothers me

Why would you even care? Does it bother you that he is gay?
I’m more offended by people complaining about how soldier 76 is too manly to be gay than people complain about it in general.

Yes. He is gay and will be forever. Because gay people don’t change their sexuality like the way you change your underwear.


Where did you gather that from OP’s post?

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The fact that he literally asked if soldier is still gay

Uh… yeah he’s still gay lol. Just because they haven’t mentioned it again doesn’t mean they lied.

It’s one small detail that isn’t important, there isn’t a need to bring it up again lol


Also, it has been mentioned again - in the Overwatch Cookbook published in 2019, the flavor text on the Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie recipe says “A slice of Hoosier sugar cream pie was one food Jack loved to share with his former boyfriend, Vincent, on the rare peaceful weekend.”


They’re saying that because there hasn’t been any more mention of Soldier 76 being gay, and that concerns them. Meanwhile, Tracer has had her sexuality mentioned in the latest stories, but there have been no stories for Soldier 76. So they’re asking if Soldier 76 is still gay, or if that has been changed.

They weren’t saying that Soldier 76 being gay bothered them.

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Unfortunately, Blizzard has a huge market in certain homophobic countries, so to prevent being banned in those countries they have to really downplay content like that. That being said, the vast majority of OW characters have their love lives being downplayed quite a bit. Even the straight pairings like Ana/Sam and Torb/Ingrid (and presumably Genji/Mercy) have very little content available that touch on that subject. Most characters have unknown sexualities or relationship statuses, I think its just a small part of the game that they don’t have time to touch on because of how little lore there is in the first place.

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This person gets it!

Bah, a piece of media so irrelevant not even I knew about it until now.

But this “gay thing” is ultimately pointless and counterproductive to Soldier 76 since Blizzard now is forced to hide it to please the most conservative markets, just like colleague “WIG!” mentioned in his(?) comment:

There were far more relevant things about Soldier 76’s past to highlight, such as his relationship with Ana, Reaper and McCree, even Gerard Lacroix and Moira, as well as his relationship with his own family: is he an orphan, does he have living relatives, and if so, was he forced to forsake them, when and how…? But no, Blizzard preferred instead to make him gay and leave it at that.

Not retcon.

Also, the point of Bastet and the mention of Vincent was to show us that he sacrificed his personnal life for Overwatch, for the world. His sense of duty/do what was right for the people and for the world was above everything else. Even his love life.

Was the reveal of his sexuality to us poorly handled? Well, I would say yes because that whole scene in Bastet was a bit weird, but the point was to show his personnality, not his sexuality.

But I don’t think they’re hiding it. There is a lot of lore coming in OW - and I expect them to deliver some 76 lore at some point. Michael Chu stated that his favorite relationship was the one between Ana, Jack and Gabriel, so I have faith to see more of that in the future.

The lore in OW has always been like this : toeing with it, and not a full dive into it. I liked it even if it’s frustrating sometimes, I hope they’ll deliver some answers to the questions we’ve asked ourselves along the years.