Is Role Queue still necessary?

I like it because I hate 141 comps. It also just makes balancing in general a lot easier for the devs, even though they still can’t get it right…


3-3 would be meta in GM and they’d find a way to create an even more busted comp than goats lol

Introducing now T-T-Triple shield goats, imagine how horrible that would be

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People still crying about having options? :exploding_head:


To be honest it will still be because bap and brig are really good but maybe you have to change tanks

It would probably be Rein, Sigma and Zarya along with Lúcio, Zen and Brig or Bap/Moira idk lol

Either that or Orisa over Zarya, Infinite barrier rotation and then probably Bap, Zen, Brig or something like that

It shouldve been in on launch if Blizzard knew they were going to stop caring about hero design after the game launches. Open Queue is a joke and everyone knows it. No one respects open queue ranks, so its not like anyone actually strives for or grinds out to get better at the game on that mode because they know its literally pointless.


That honestly shows how balanced the game is where if we didn’t have the role lock supports and tank only comps would be viable like before lol. Just thinking of infinite barrier rotation makes me wanna cry.

ppl will just do dps using healers/tanks then. The real problem is that playing healers and tanks are NOT FUN. They should changes some of the abilities and mechanics to make them fun to play. That’s the real way to solve the 6 dps problem once and for all.

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tbh…whats the problem with that again?

good for you, playing the only healer in a team of 5 dps against a 2.2.2 is miserable… so no

role queue is necessary

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RQ is one of worst things added to the game, a lot of characters were unrightfully nerfed because of it
Not as horrible as goats / current Mercy / launch Doom with OP uppercut / old shatter duration, but still one of worst additions
At same time, 5 dps and 1 healer sucks


222 was never necessary in the first place outside of OWL, so it still isn’t necessary now

It was a very sad day for this game when 222 and all of its many severe problems infested the game for all of us when it was really only needed in OWL


I think it’s still necessary. But at this point, that’s probably not even the right question. It’s by far the more popular way to play. You don’t get rid of the more popular mode if you get rid of one.

But we have choice! That’s a good thing. People who want to play with role queue can, and those who don’t like it have an option too. Why get rid of choice? It would just make one side or the other miserable.

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I know of no valid data to support this claim

Jeff put out numbers a while back. Role queue had more players in every region. Open queue had the most popularity in Asia.


The only numbers I know of that Jeff put out were for one single day at a time when role-less queue had just been reintroduced to the game on a submenu under the main game selection screen

most significantly, this wasn’t popularity data, this was usage data. apples to oranges.

this isn’t valid data to support the claim that was made

are you referring to some different data?


Usage data is popularity data.


I dont play role queue at all, nor will i ever touch it