Overwatch was my first FPS game, and I’ve played since launch. I started in Silver, and have gradually climbed up to High Gold -> Mid Plat on my main roles. Not very impressive, but an accomplishment to me.
My question is whether or not this is a good rank to be in, considering the fact that I’ve been playing since Launch and it’s my first FPS.
I think Plat is average FPS player range.
Being mid-Gold is the 50/50 player base break point but golds are still making core fundamental errors like standing 100% still in the middle of the street.
There has long been a whiny debate over where good/decent/average starts in this game SR wise. I still maintain that mid-diamond is the start of at least good players, as it’s sub top 10% at that point. Everything past that is just really good.
but I refuse to accept that only high GM are “good” players or whatever when it’s less than 1% of the player base. That’s like saying one isn’t good at basketball unless they are college or NBA level
In the games I have been playing recently, they’ve actually been really good. The games where people try are normally very close and exhilarating, and make up about 3/4 of my games. I’d argue that Gold was worse.
I mean, yeah. Overwatch was (kinda) my first FPS. I’d played a few indie fps games on steam, but nothing that I took as seriously as overwatch.
After over 1000 hours on the game, I’m sitting at mid diamond on DPS (My main role). I don’t grind comp at all really. My tank is very low diamond, and my support is about 3100. I touched masters back in season 5, but only cause I got lucky with placements, and won 2 or 3 games after, then I hit masters.
Platinum is an above average rank. Most of the playerbase are in gold I’m pretty sure. Either way, diamond is about top 18% ish, so you’d assume plat covers about the top 40-20% of players from low to high plat. The ranks are really skewed.
I started the game in gold. In season 3 I climbed from low gold to mid plat, then I got to diamond a few seasons after. But I rarely grind comp. When i do play, I sit at about mid diamond on my DPS, so I’d say that’s about where I’m at right now.
Plat is a decent rank, but it has such a wide range of skill in there, as does diamond tbh. There are some insane players in diamond.
Those are old stats from early 2018, and generally players have gotten better at the game, so I’d probably say plat is average now, with diamond being above average, masters being more than above average, and every 100 SR above 4k is basically its own rank.
I’m mid Plat & when I have diamonds in my games they are usually very toxic & throw or aren’t as good as the plats on my team. I don’t get that. Plat is ok, there are some good players in there, but they still make mistakes just like I do with positioning, not switching when countered, ect.