Is Platinum a good rank?

These stats are 2 years old though, it’s very likely they’re not relevant to now, being that a lot of people left and a lot of new peopld joined, and also the fact that alt accounts exist, which inflate those stats. There are too many variable for such stats to truly be accurate, even if we got updated stats since those are outdated.

Platinum is a bit higher than average.

And when you started in Silver, you can be very proud of yourself to have made it into plat! Congratz!

Depends on what you think matters. Game knowledge, gamesense and communication? Plat is a bad rank if you value these. If we’re talking percentages or mechanical skill, it’s avg or slightly above avg

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Well there’s no recent data on ranks

But I’d assume that’s slightly above average on PC. Avg might be 2300-2400

So that depends on what you consider ‘good’ since people love to call anyone below high GM trash.

Plat isn’t bad. Bronze and Silver is BAD.

I doubt the %’s have changed…the totals absolutely…but I’m pretty sure the “goal posts” if you will haven’t been moved (I have a sneaky suspicion they are pre-determined - the numbers are too “nice” to not be)

If the whole playerbase gets better, the ranks won’t change. Not everyone climbs at the same time, someone has to lose each game. Statistically it isn’t likely the bell curve has shifted much, those percentages may have changed a little but are probably fairly accurate.

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Plat is above average, case closed. Congrats.

It’s relative. dont worry too much about it!

If you are not a skill elitist yes, Plat is above average, the very definition of “good” or “decent” in layman terms.

there ara no good or bad ranks, there are low and high ranks, plat considered as low rank (everything below diamond awell) I would consider diamond as low rank aswell.

In the games I have been playing recently, they’ve actually been really good. The games where people try are normally very close and exhilarating, and make up about 3/4 of my games. I’d argue that Gold was worse.

Gold can be like that in the late evening - but in mid day its a whole other rank - more like bronze.

It is average, but overall it feels like a bad rank :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont care about SR or rank, but i care about quality of matches. Most matches are not quality matches. Its mostly onesided for different reasons. No communication, bad hero picks for this map, smurfs, players dont play the role they chose and make bad decisions, dont switch when they dont get value with their picks…

I think after midmaster ranks and SR really mean something. U can expect the players to be good at what they play and know what they do.

This. High plats are statistically better than 85% of all overwatch players. That’s objectively “good”. Low plat is another story though…

Plat is where people without expensive gaming gear and understanding of the game just have a good time.

Not really. It’s a rank where those who are good at video games usually start from.

Well but of of course Jeff would say that, he did admit he was a gold mercy main after all.
Jeff is one of those above average gold players as we all know.
Actual skill level- Masters