Is OW2 really a solo carry game?

In a MOBA/MMORPG, but Overwatch is primarily a Class Based Shooter.

Yet you are still way too dependent on your team.

If the enemy has a healer but yours is dead, you are just going to lose the fight

See those kind of characters are the ones I meant when I said to make supports in more of the combat medic direction.
Maybe not exactly the same but more in that direction was the point I was trying to make in the other threads.
Planetside, Battlefield, rainbow six, borderlands, and other FPS games have combat medics as well.

Right, but I guess it’s like AndyB was saying.

Tactics is dominant in less organized play
Strategy is dominant when both teams are properly using Tactics.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say or what you mean by skill or solo carry

Uh no, that is incorrect, it means getting a kill on the tank by yourself is a significantly larger play and since shields are almost non existant and you can only have one it means dps have no protection if thier supports die due to lack of tanks. It means that a single kill is significantly more impactful, and if you get things like 3Ks then thats an enormous play that gave your team a lot of value, and doing so consistently would be carrying

ive seen OP heroes like genji or widow (or heck even a rein) absolutely carry games in 2.

That is because they are busted not because OW2 allows for more carry.