Is OW2 really a solo carry game?

But who said it was a solo carry game? You can have more individual impact if you play well in OW2. That doesn’t mean you are solo carrying.

All I know is that in OW1 and OW2 I want to bang my head against the wall when team mates completely ignore my existence.

It’s not a solo carry game, it’s still a team game, you just have more individual impact in OW2 compared to OW1.


Which is all i need. If i put myself in a good spot and kill both dps as support or both support as dps i can usually clean up the rest of the team with little assistance.

It will not be a solo carry game, it will be an OP hero dominated game. There are distinct differences

Make zero mistake, like in OW1, there is not a single person capable of “carrying” a game themselves. This is just a fallacy untalented players use to make themselves feel better and to tear their team down when they’re losing. If all but one the “carrying” player just stopped playing the game, that player would be dominated by the enemy every single time.

In OW1 you make up 1/6 of your team. In OW2 you make up 1/5 of your team. The OW2 number is bigger :slight_smile:

You also lose big part of the team and that has bigger effect on your performance. compared to OW1.

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Solo carry and carry potential based on individual impact are two different things.
In OW2 you have a bit more carry potential. Not as much as I had hoped for but a bit more than OW1.
Tanks are the ones that ended up with the most carry potential in OW2.

Yes. Can’t wait to play ranked as tank. Your action is going to matter so much more now than before. I just hope the smurfs won’t somehow mess with the matchmaker because I’m guessing alt account is going to become much more common now since the game is going free. But other than that, playing tank in ranked is going to be really exciting.

surem, if you play dps

If you get healers who heal.

Idk what was with these betas but I either get good healers and never die or get such that never heals.

oh yeah get discorded and stuck in midrange poke fights so exhilarating


Correct. If my team loses me they suffer a lot more because I make a bigger impact yes.

Such is always the case when it comes to tanks like reinhardt, orisa and to lesser extent winston and (they have mobility but still need good heals for optimal play) at least in OW1.

I don’t know how much lack of healing matters in OW2. But in OW1, I always felt like I could play around having bad healers on my team. Since there’s always tanks like roadhog, wrecking ball, zarya, and sigma.

Most of my lost games as a tank in OW1 so far was due to my fault and I could’ve done something about it. Bad healers hasn’t costed my game that much so far. Maybe because I was still in low enough elo where team-work didn’t matter as much though.

Everybody on my team being outplayed by the enemy certainly has costed me the game though even in low elo as a tank. It’s not easy to carry your whole team.

This has never been a debate.

The fact is, you can be the decisive person in team fights way more often in OW2.

No, they suffer because they lose bigger part of the team compared to 6v6

Yup, exactly. But in OW2 you have no choice but to be on the frontline 24/7 and pray that your healers doesn’t suck.

Yes. We agree. I’m a bigger part of the team so I contribute a greater level of impact overall

It’s quite obvious that something needs to be done about orb of discord. Zen’s discord still has the strength of tank busting that was somewhat necessary in OW1 which no longer is of importance in OW2.

Orb of discord isn’t even the most fun aspect of zen either. They need to give him something else that allows him to be equally as viable without that ability. And it’s starting to make tank players realise that it’s a little bit too oppressive in OW2 too. I’d argue orb of discord should be addressed before they address ana’s sleep dart and anti-heal.

Ok but that has nothing to do with the skill or being able to solo carry more.