Is overwatch early access?

It’s a finished release right? Why does the game feel like an early access game.

Seems like it has lots of features missing and has a imbalanced roster of characters.

Also they seem to radically change the game balance with every update while leaving bugs and blatantly broken things untouched.

Is there any roadmap of where the game is going and when it will get there?


I seriously hope this is sarcastic…


Not really, you would expect the final realease game to be a lot more stable. Every update they seem to tinkering around doing weird changes, that makes you wonder if they know what they are doing.


You’re not wrong with that analysis. Most games that are released and get patched seem to be trying to bring all characters and abilities into a place of viability. Overwatch feels like all their patches literally put someone into a pointless to pick state and others are in a position of must pick status.


I’ve been asking that question when I saw this unbelievably unfinished game get priced at $60 (consoles) and $40 (PC). It’s too unfinished and empty to be considered a full game worth those prices.

We’re still in beta
Might take a bit before we get the game up and running


Because of predetermination. You have allowed your own bias to cloud your judgement of the game. Overwatch is objectively as polished as any game on the market.

edit- and I’m no fanboy, there are a lot of design decisions I do not like but the game is crisp, smooth, attractive and stylish. People can make lists of “bugs that ruin my hero” but in reality almost all of them are related to latency and client side prediction. Beyond that caveat I would dare say that Overwatch is almost completely bug free.


My Sym portal destroying itself because i was next to a wall disagrees.


I have to admit, it is pretty funny to think about a polished, full release from a triple-A studio to still be reworking fundamental mechanics of the game because they’re so broken.

My friend pointed out to me that with every major patch its like they want to rotate out whose playable and whose not just to control the flow of the game. After he said that It hasn’t left my mind that this feels like an E.A. game (Early Access)

There’s also rumors that they’re still an indie company. So I’d give them time more time. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I get that, but they could just add features like hero banning to get the same effect.

That’s just game evolution. Online games will always evolve as time goes on or they will whither and die.

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I would love to see more done with this game before I return to it. Lately Smite has had my attention

Oh yeah the look and feel are top notch. Just feels like features are missing and the balance is all over the place.


i mean the game does technically get more complex every single time a new hero is added (new map even)

its always going to be “inbalanced”

Brig as an example, they just seemed to add her in with no idea how it would impact the game. Her original state was super OP. they had no clue it would delete an entire class and lead to goats.
Or hanzo’s rework where they made him amazing at all distances and you had gravdragon meta.
Etc etc.
It’s like wtf, do they even play the game they are working on.

CSGO would all like to have a word with you. They all been in the same state for years and people love it still.

CSGO has 350k people playing right now.

brig is not the sole reason for goats…meatball comps were already popping up before her when moira was added…

i mean i could say the same thing about dive meta…we had that bad boy for over a year…

its hard to predict how any 1 addition will impact game…

but she did accomplish what she was put in game for…which was an answer to dive

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What about someone who bought the game at realease and is a dps player. Now they can’t play dps. What happened to the game they paid for. Whileever they are doing radical tinkering with the balance there should be a warning.