Is overwatch early access?

do you play GOATS only comp? cause you only really see it at top tier level of play…

the vast majority of people can play most characters just fine

It is still in beta since hasn’t moved forward since then… except the addition of more bugs and reduced game performance.


It’s technically a good game and well polished. Unfortunately it’s also run by a company that puts money first above all else without a care in the world for the casual players. That’s why we get these extremely strange balance changes and heroes that running rampart all over the place. It’s a game run by the pros and the E-Sports scene, everything else is secondary on priority.

Man … I get that people are angry because of the lay offs … but at least try to stay close to reality …

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It’s a constantly evolving gaming platform - there’s no final ‘destination’ set, just an increasing hero and skill pool that will continue to grow and evolve until the inevitable Overwatch 2.

The changes and additions are PART of the experience, regardless of whether they are negative or positive.

Well LoL, Dota 2, WoW, Fortnite, PubG, Destiny, and about a billion other games would like to have a word with you.

The definition of a troll post.

It doesn’t?

Sure, when it released it was very light on content, but that has changed

Clans should have been in day 1.

Characters are relatively balanced in my opinion.

yea theyre not really doing much with their game.

Good argument. They can call the game ‘finished’ all they like, but I’m not convinced. Why are people forced to have the new characters in a ‘finished’ game. Why is their no original vanilla version of the game.

For our payment, we’re promised continual content releases.

That being said, the practice range was added in its current form as “WIP” in the patch notes. When will it be finished?

Its just your imagination, and expectation of something that might be not supposed to be part of this game.

Thats normal

Thats what tells me that they dont use enaught testers to cheak everything themself, and this is why we have ptr, we are just free bug testers there nothing more.

Welcome to blizzards secret strategy, no road map at all.

Me dying as mei while in cryo-freeze agrees with you.

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The game is still in beta sadly. We’re hoping they’ll someday be able to afford to hire additional developers to work on the game and make it ready for full release. But being a small indie company we know they don’t have the resources right now. It’s a shame really, this game has so much potential.

Real talk I would say I’m joking but with the game in its current state it isn’t far from the truth. And honestly in my opinion people who don’t think that is at least partially true are delusional. Not the “small indie company” joke but the game feeling like a beta, with a lack of meaningful updates (feels like there’s 30-40 devs total) , and the wasted potential.

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You’re like two years too late

Warframe is in beta since 2013, nowadays its just a staple to put on games to excuse the bugs and such.

If beta is a legit metric that means we wont leave it till 2022.