Is My Ban Justified?

I can’t do this anymore

You did. You’ve decided that you are in charge, and that you will be dictating who plays what. And when the others demonstrate the reality that they don’t have to listen to you then you get really nasty.

You’ve got to accept that you are, in fact, not in charge. No one is under any obligation to listen to you. Worry about you, focus on being a more positive influence on those around you and good things will start coming your way.


honestly I agree to a certain point? I was in a game where we were getting rolled because the enemy team had zarya/Hanzo combo and I said to our 3 dps “they have zarya/hanzo. we need a zen”. I was solo healing as mercy and we needed the healing output so I couldn’t switch and we also needed both our tanks to hold back. and as our had gold elims and damage none of the dps were pulling their own weight. when we lost the round due to combo I said “gee, if only we had a Zenyatta like I said we should” and immediately got a message like “No more toxic” it’s like… then listen to me???

I don’t know how anyone expects to beat zarya/Hanzo without Zen. and tbh that comment i made wasn’t even that mean. I didn’t specifically call anyone trash or garbage or put anyone down at all… I just pointed out with heavy sarcasm that I was right that we needed a Zen and I was ignored. and it’s not like no one heard me. only one other person was talking and I was talking more.

So I feel like… saying one comment like mine shouldn’t be reportable. cuz it’s like… one thing and not incredibly offensive? lol. but I feel like if you’re specifically calling someone “trash widow” or something… that that should be banable. both are toxic for sure. but I feel like… being less specific is less offensive? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ people don’t like being called out even if they specifically are terrible.

I kinda agree with you. If you are playing against Zarya Hanzo and you have a Moira Mercy then I will tell the Moira that he needs to switch to Zen so we can survive but apparently that’s toxic.

It’s against the forum’s rules to discuss your suspension.

I’m not trying to police everything here. I just want to point out that they can remove this thread (and maybe suspend your forum account) for breaking the rules.

Told you so.

I couldn’t care less. I made this post to discuss the ToS.

But don’t the ToS also say not to make posts about your bans?

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As I said I couldn’t care less if I get banned for this post.

Right, I’m just stating how you want to discuss ToS, but ToS also states you can’t talk about your bans/suspensions.

Then don’t be surprised if they do remove your thread and suspend your account that is being used on the forums, alright?

You should be able to tell anything to your teammates even if it’s constructive or not, only if it’s said without curses and insults in my opinion.

“Widow you are bad, switch” shouldn’t be bannable as a result.

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No, you should focus on your own game play because that’s the only thing that stays consistent from game to game. You can make suggestions, but telling people they suck (even when they do) and expecting them to swap brings down your whole team for no good reason. No one wants to play with a person like that.

No, if you’re not able to be constructive and decent then you shouldn’t be able to use comms at all. There’s no reason to saddle people with your baggage because you want to treat people poorly over a video game.



If you believe the action was taken in error, you’re welcome to submit an appeal. Please do not discuss circumvent account actions, as this can lead to further action.
