Is My Ban Justified?

Hello fellow Overwatch players,

First of all I would like to make it clear that I’m posting this on my alt account because my main account got banned and apparently you can’t post on the forums with a banned account (someone explain why this is a good idea).

I have been banned a few times and I would say that I broke the ToS everytime and deserved my ban from Bilizzard POV. The reason I got banned was because of being “abusive” to people willingly throwing my games. My SR is ~4300 which means I’m in the top 0.1% of the Overwatch ladder and these games are taken very seriously. I’ve worked very hard and played thousands of hours to be able to compete at this level of the game and sometimes you get matched with or against trolls and throwers who willingly throw games that I have worked so hard to be able to play. The fact that I can’t call these people out without getting banned is ridiculous to me.

This season I have played around 300 games and out of these 300 I got banned for being abusive in 2 of these games. That is an insanely low ratio which is why I feel my ban was unjust.

What should be done then?
I don’t think abusive chat should be bannable, but this would give the game a bad image which is why it’s unrealistic for Blizzard to do. I do however think criticizing your teammates and opponents should be allowed. If my teammate on Widowmaker is doing nothing for 2 minutes I should be allowed to tell him to get off Widow because he’s playing bad. If your Zarya hasn’t gotten her ult in 2 minutes then obviously something is wrong and you tell her to get off Zarya because she’s playing bad.

I don’t see how my ban was justified and if you have any thought about my ban and my suggestion please let me know in the comments.


Edit: I know my ban was justified from Blizzard’s POV but from my angle it wasn’t which is why I made this post. It’s just feedback for Blizzard on how to improve their game.
Edit 2: I know this place is filled with Mercy mains and Plats who don’t get it. I just want an employee to read this and maybe improve their game.


Continued offense means a harder punishment, shrug

Did you even read my post?

and how are you stating these criticisms

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If you know that you broke the rules then why is it so hard to understand that why you’ve been punished?

Rules are the same for 1sr player and for 5000sr player


yea, you were banned before for being abusive and you got banned for being abusive. it’s not that deep tbh
you break the rules, you offend people and you get punished


If you have to ask, probably yes.


I was banned because I called endorsement useless… I guess Blizz didn’t take to highly of something a 10 year old could think of.

Stop being abusive in chat. Yes your ban was justified.


I know how you feel but the forums arent going to help you because majority of everyone is biased and will try to down talk you.especially the lil 10 year old support mains


Pog. Someone with a brain.

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Youre still breaking the rules. Youre toxic. You have been warned and banned multiple times, yet you continue to offend. The ban is very justified. Even if someone is throwing, report them and then mute them, you dont then also break the rules.
Edit: There is a HUGE difference between criticising and literally just being toxic. If your widow is bad, ask them “hey can you try something else” . If they dont switch, then whatever. Work with it, not against it. They can play whoever they want because they bought this game to play it.


Oh boy, I honestly hope that you DO keep reoffending so that maybe you’ll get perma-banned.


I agree you should be allowed to constructively tell teammates they are not doing well, but you should not be allowed to say whatever you want to them. Clearly it was more than one person who reported you for whatever you said.


chat shouldn’t be bannable, but it is. So you have to follow blizzard rules. I’m not talking to people at all to not snap.


Clearly justified ban.

Can’t tell if you’re serious or not.

If you want my advice, if i have a bad team i will usually expect a loss and watch my team die as they run into a 1v5. Its impossible to win if one of your team is trolling especially the zen mercy mains who just watch their whole team die and do exactly nothing

Then I guess you can’t make difference what is toxic and what isn’t.
Yes, I am serious. If ppl have been reporting you, that means your attitude is not the correct one when you are telling them that.

What were the actual words you used?

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