Is My Ban Justified?

Pisces stop saying stuff like that, I used to have a different opinion of you. :rofl:

The harm comes with how you decide to “let them know they’re doing bad”.

First off, if someone’s in GM, I’m sure they’re well aware of when they’re not playing perfectly. People make mistakes, people miss shots. Even pro players like Pine and Carpe can choke under pressure and whiff what looks to be an easy shot. One game, one moment is not indicative of a player’s skill level.

Beyond that, it’s about how you frame things. I’ve found that the best way to suggest changes is to pose the question to the team as a whole. Say something like, “They’re doing x really well, and we can’t seem to counter it effectively. Maybe y hero would help us run z strategy.”

Saying, “Hey Widow, switch. You’re not hitting anything.” won’t result in anything other than salt and infighting amongst your teammates. For someone trying to win, you should realize the value of morale and cohesion. Working together is much more likely to achieve positive results than dividing the team by telling people who/what/how they should play.


I am sure they did. I did too, and will echo that the number of games you have played or your SR do not and should not serve as a shield to protect you from the consequences of your poor behavior. By your own admission you are a serial offender that has been disciplined multiple times. It is therefore sensible that the powers that be are taking a zero-tolerance policy regarding reports concerning your behavior.

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It’s cool! While I’m sort of in the mindset that OP was most likely actioned and punished faster because of previous actions under the pretense it would not ‘be out of character’ by the system, I’m not wild about generalizing the forums.

Consider me middle ground :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m toxic because I’m originally from console :triumph:

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I would need more detail before i could decide if i personally think your ban is justifiable.

When you say you talk to Widowmakers etc about their performance i think it’s more in the way of how you do it rather than simply getting banned for asking them to switch with a line of expletives.

Let me give you an example then.
“Hey Widow you have killed like 2 people in the last 3 teamfights. You should witch off so you can be more useful.”

This is exactly why you’re banned. You think you’re soo much better than everyone else and because of this, it lead to your demise. Hopefully you learn and grow up from this situation.


Are you trolling? I am better than you. It’s a fact!

Abusing somebody in chat, thrower or not, is never going to do anything helpful. Going on the offensive makes them defensive and if anything makes their behaviour even worse so spite you. It’s an entirely selfish action because it makes you feel good.

If they’re really throwing, report them. It’ll come around, Blizzard has logs and they’ll end up with multiple reports over time.

But if you’re the type of person to think abusing another human is a good thing, I suspect your idea of ‘throwing’ is ‘not doing the things I think they should be’: they picked a hero you didn’t like. They made a misplay. They’re not on their most-played.

That’s not reportable. But treating another person like crap because it makes you feel better always will be. Play nice, play fair; or you won’t be able to play at all.

All you ninnies are making judgements without knowing what was actually said.

But yea, it probably was deserved. Unless maybe top ranks are far more moderated by their staff.

Blizzard does not care if you had a troll or not.

Just as police wont care if you shot someone who was pissing off your child

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I don’t treat people like crap. I tell them if they are doing something bad so we can win instead of lose.

Yea you see that’s antagonistic.

It maybe true but calling him useless is not likely to illicit a favourable response.

“Widow you are being countered and not getting all that many picks, would you mind switching please?”

Oof, being toxic in a forum too.
Youre clearly out of touch, or just a troll


The only people winning now are the ones playing the game and not dealing with your toxicity. The world is a much better place now.


That’s really toxic.You should be banned.

You’re missing the point here. The problems you’ve been having are rooted in personal ego. You consider others to be worthless, and so you treat them without humanity.

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And who told you that?

Calling people out in chat accomplishes nothing.

Reporting people gets results. When you see someone is throwing your game report them for gameplay sabotage. Start doing that and your playing field will be a lot nice.

And yes abusive chat should be a bannable offense.

I can perfectly see that.