Is Moira a trans or non-binary?

Not to mention that the answer is already out there.

We don’t need more of these posts spamming these forums about non-binary genders. It’s pointless.

i mean bill nye said later that he was wrong and that gender is a spectrum. so if bill nye says gender is a spectrum that you must agree with him right? or do you only agree with him if he sides with ur argument.

trap is a transphobic term because it implies that trans women with the genitals they were born with are trying to decieve men and many trans women have been killed because of this. also if you couldn’t care less then you shouldn;t be against trans people being in the game, you would be indifferent.


actually she not being trans it won’t hurt, it’s just a fact about a character of the game and if she is trans well that’s going to be good because shows that trans people exists even in videogame. like the saying I’M HERE I’M QUEER GET USED TO IT

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We’re done here. I’ve proven my point and argument.

You’re not responding to any more of my points that are definitive proof and examples.

I hope people report these types of posts for trolling. This kind of hostility has no place in a video game forums and the answers are so easily found.

I don’t want Moira to be trans nor do i want a trans character solely because someone demands it. But what’s the harm in someone talking about it? It’s fine if you want to disagree but telling them not to talk about it at all is an issue.
Btw, Moira’s outfit in the comic has a boob plate and she has an obviously female body, i doubt she is trans.

There’s often surgeries performed on intersex children before they can decide to consent to it that can lead to lifelong complications.

That’s sex, not gender. While often used interchangeably, they’re different.

There are two spirit people around today. Besides, even if “ancient”, they still existed. It’s a longstanding belief. Besides, what’s wrong with it being a belief in an ancient culture? Does it somehow make it not valid or not intelligent?
Two-spirit people performed a traditional third gender role–fitting in neither female or male roles. Makes it a non-binary gender.

I took two classes on this; it didn’t “fly over my head”. A two-spirit teenager was murdered in the 90s. Not ancient
EDIT: My mistake, it was 2001.


I can use the same argument anyone for her being trans uses: “I want this and that”.

Native american people are not called “indians” and two spirits means multiple genders in one body.

im pretty sure you don’t know much about native american culture considering you called them indians. (and im native american so im pretty sure i would know)

im native american and your completely right.

It’s cool - I know that wasn’t the intent. And I’m not offended or anything. XP That’s just a common mindset with society and it’s annoying. The same thing happens with Zarya a lot - people assume she’s gay / trans / etc. because she’s not in the “norm.”

I’m not a feminist or anything like that, but I do think it’s a bit of a relief to have female characters who are breaking the mold.

I also despise this mindset, and I see it A LOT. “I don’t agree with this group of people, so I want things to happen to spite them.”

Thinking like this is not okay. That’s not the way to get acceptance for the LGBT. Hate doesn’t counter hate - it just amplifies it.

(And I know, this mentality is common on both sides - I’m not implying otherwise. But both sides need to stop trying to spite the other and actually work on compromise. >.<)


I mean, if you want to interpret her as such. I think in canon she’s an androgynous woman (similar to how bowie was styled as more on the androgynous side) but, as I said, if you want to perceive her as trans or NB, totally up to you.

However, I hope this gets locked soon. So many of these topics turn sour faster than Tracer can blink to the point in Total Mayhem. I’d love to have lots of civil and respectful discussion regarding race, sexuality and gender (hell, I’m gay, it’d be nice to talk about it!) but some people are just… not really PC.

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Fighting a losing battle by default here. :smiley:

is have cis people being represented everywhere not enough for you?


I just like Moira the way she is. Go make Doomfist trans, I don’t care.

i said i was native american in response to someone saying something incorrect about native americans. also i wasn’t even talking to you so i don;t know why u quoted it.

It was sort of a meme. I’m 75% straight; it’s not spiting them. I think trans representation is important and the opposition for it for ridiculous reasons is mind boggling to me.

Okay, reported. You’re just trolling or trying to impose the way you think, which has nothing to do with the game, as the almighty truth.

Either way it has no place on these forums.

weren’t you calling transness a mentally disorder earlier? suddenly you don’t care?

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I don’t see how a rhetorical question is trolling.

This is why every single LGBT thread gets locked