Is Microsoft's takeover a good thing?

Well, yes and no.

For Blizzard employees, probably yes it is a good thing. I say probably because we don’t really know how much influence Microsoft will push. Going off of history, it is likely their situation will improve, at least some. Microsoft’s history does show it treating employees better than Activision. But they might completely leave it alone for the near future, so it might not really change anything. Only time will really tell.

For players, also probably a good thing. What is currently working at Blizzard (such as most recent WoW expac) in the company will likely stay. A lot of the more contentious choices, such as OW current design and monetization are probably going to get some improvement. How much is a HUGE open question. But likely some improvement. So, net positive.

But, that is all short term. Long term is another question. And I am really worried about the whole industry. Big behemoths taking over an industry and forming monopolies or near monopolies has not historically been a benefit to either employees or customers. Amazon is a perfect example. The way Amazon treats its employees is a well known example of the bad. Less well known, but no less true, is the fact that consumers pay more for products due to Amazon. It involves the contracts they force on people selling on their platform, the wholesale destruction of any possible competition, etc, etc. But, if you look into it, as consumers we pay more for less because they control the market so much. And the same thing happens in every industry as more and more of the market gets gobbled up by one or only a few massive corps. You can already see hints of what is to come happening in the gaming environment.

Long term, Microsoft gaining more and more of the market is a very bad thing.

From the accounting side, business and such, that happens almost right away.

Practically speaking, it takes a lot of time. Management has to review everything, decide what to keep, what to scrap, etc. Then build and implement the new structures and such. How long that happens will depend on how aggressive Microsoft is. Additionally, most of the content coming out is made well in advance, so all that has to come out before we start seeing significant changes.

I think a realistic estimate of when we start seeing the impact is probably 1-2 years down the road.


The entire generation of the Xbox 1. This is where most people’s problems should be rooted from. Xbox was awful last generation. But I really hope they get better with this generation. Starfield is a good start. But they can’t compete with just starfield and halo.

its a 50/50 tbh.

microsoft gives developers a TON of money to do stuff for their game, its just dependant on whether or not the developers actually wanna do stuff for their game to keep people happy, or if they just want money. the main bad thing abt microsoft is that their microtransactions literally are so bad. when bobbys out, and january first comes around, thats going to be the start of the dealbreaker of whether or not the devs will make this game good again

This is likely.

At best, OW2 remains the same. At worst, OW2 hasn’t been making much money, and they just cut their losses.

They bought Activision Blizzard King for CoD, WoW, and Candy crush. OW2 is not exactly a high priority on their list.

Overwatch absolutely is, Xbox has been using Overwatch in presentations/marketing for quite some time and OW2 remains a very popular title in the console space. To be honest it is hardly unpopular on PC either in spite of all the silly hating and rabble rousing.

At worst, Overwatch 2 likely remains the same and there’s a decent chance that things like the pass and monetisation change slightly with things like bonuses for Game Pass subscribers. There is very little chance Microsoft throws away an established GaaS.

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Yeah, something minor like that may happen.

If it’s not making any money, they will absolutely throw it away. Neither you nor I know how well it’s been doing, but if it makes no financial sense to keep it, it’s gone. Microsoft is a much bigger company than ABK was, and if there was ever a time to cut things that are doing poorly, it’s now.

that game is trash tho

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According to Blizzard Overwatch is doing okay financially so it’s hardly a money pit for no reward. The other thing to consider is that platform holders may want a game to be a loss leader so people buy into the ecosystem and the like.

When have they ever said this?

That’s not likely to happen to a game that is not only 7 years old, but also recently went f2p.

No because now it’s locked in the price of the assets at whatever the paid for them. So at the very least they need to get that back from them.

Microsoft is an unreformed monopolistic company, it’s just gotten around it. Now it’s buying out the players in the gaming space.

Then they get away with it by “well it isn’t a monopoly because: Sony, Nintendo and indie devs” - which sure. But your games are 75 for a major title and 20 to 40 a skin. Think that’s down to healthy competition?

No. It means nothing. MS won’t touch it. They have zero interest running it. They will give targets to the people currently running it and that will be that.

I’ve heard it’s like a solid 6/10 game. Basically on par with almost everything Ubisoft has put out for a decade.

Heck… I found the email and it supports exactly what I said…

Nothing about contracts - they just wanted to bulldoze the competition at all costs…


ya no

it has a lot and i mean alot of game and story problems as well as lies and miss communication in the game from both dev to dev and dev to player its a 2/10 game that people let it slide becaues its bethesda

It’s kind of funny my friend just got an Xbox and got two games starfield and Elden ring. He put Elden ring down and prefers starfield. Normies are gonna like starfield.

okay and more people are playing eldenring then star field

playing 6 min ago

24-hour peak

all-time peak

playing 6 min ago

24-hour peak

all-time peak

more people are still palying skyrim then starfield
playing 4 min ago

24-hour peak


Why are you just ready with these stats?

im not i just pulled them up

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I think Microsoft interest is blizzard is the money (obviously).
however when the playpass back fired big time on them, they did end up finding a somewhat okay solution. It is a possibility they can revive the game and bring the sexy back.

From everything I’ve looked into Bobby was all in on the esports scene and a lot of Activision titles obsession with making games like traditional athletics was mostly from him. Not sure if Microsoft will go another direction.

Would you expect Sony or Nintendo to put their first party content on Nvidia GeForce Now?