Is Mei Balanced?

Wow, ouch first of all. No need to be rude, I’m just saying my opinion, so no need to bite my face off. Secondly, she has two abilities that can be used to protect herself if they do turn around she can prevent them from killing her. We all want Overwatch to be better place :slight_smile: ok?

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And I don’t want Elsa 2.0 getting nerfed for no reason. I DO PLAY HEROES YA KNOW.

But in all seriousness I didn’t mean to sound like I was trying to drive a icicle into your face. I’m just sharp, like the taste of a cheese

So it freezes faster as well?

Maybe, maybe not. The point is 1-2 fewer seconds of mass CC.

“mass cc” it happens almost never that multiple people get frozen in her ult. too many characters can easily escape it

She earns it quickly, if you CANNOT finish the kill on her. So she gets a chance to heal.
She also gains ult charge, when you damage her WHILE she is in her Ice block.

She is not OP, she is balanced pretty well.

She is slow moving, low damage. Only good for picking healers and lone players.
She can disrupt just like a good tank can.

Mei is balanced, Roadhog is just bad (if you catch my meaning :sob:).

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She’s annoying, but she has her niche and uses and does very well in them. I think shes in a good spot. Anything more and she’ll be overpowered.

I am a humble Bronze4Lifer, and I don’t play Mei myself, but I really love her and think she’s perfect.

A good Mei on your team is a dream to have in the right situation. A good enemy Mei is a fun challenge, keeps you on your toes.

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No problem. I also understand your stance on her too.

As Mei says…

“You have to let it go…”

Record scratch freeze frame Yeah, that’s me. I bet you’re wondering how I got into this situation.

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My real problem with her is 1.5 seconds is soooo short for such an irritating cc

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i actually consider her ult overpowered, it stuns everyone in a HUGE area, and allows an easy teamkill, like a broken version of earth shatter.
u mei think it’s just not that bad, but think about it.
You’re pushing a payload on overtime.
she arrives.
clicks on Q.
u either die and lose, or leave and lose.
no other ult is that strong, even graviton isnt that strong.

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Okay bad puns aside, thats the point of an ult, its a game changer and for her, its a basic area denial ult; like how she was originally designed to be as she was in the defense category at first.

Blizzard takes time for you to freeze and if you have any movement ability you have to use it quick or else you freeze. Grav on the other hand, you literally cant escape and no other ability besides Orisa fortify, Reapers Wraith, Moiras fade and Syms teleporter.

Graviton is way stronger provided theres a followup ult along with it.

I think Mei-be your overstretching it.

problem is, u still cant fight back, the grav or at least, STAY ON THE PAYLOAD.
with mei’s icestrom u just either die with no fight back or leave the payload and THEN YOU LOSE.
only solution is to have genji or dva absorb the ult and i think it should have more counter play, just like earth shatter, graviton, riptire, hamster poop.

Lol, have you seen some Zarya’s gravs? Ive seen some Zaryas grav AWAY from the point and payload, capturing the team and making them off point.

Mei’s ult is fairly easy to be counterable with support ults in general, with the exception of Mercy and Ana. Lucio can give enough barrier to the team, Zen can outheal any damage, and Moira can outheal her damage with her ult and orbs.

Also, Zarya’s bubbles, you cant forget that. Cant tell you how many times when I ult, a Zarya manages to bubble and save a teammate from getting frozen.

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then what? bubble expires, 4/6 is dead you kept the payload now you’re gonna die?
or will u leave the payload?
grav has a small radius, yet takes longer to charge.

Yes, she’s balanced IMO but she still affected by many bugs. Now she’s a pretty decent antitank and she can deal consistent damage. If i had to buff her i would give probably a slight increase of fire ratio or a partial weapon reload over time in cryofreeze (100 ammos max).
BTW i would like to see her wall blueprint visible to teammates to allow more coordination, and all these bugs fixed: Mei bugs with videos. (+ new bugs)

Here i explain why icicle’s falloff removal is not OP: The Mei's icicles buff is fair

Also Mei is an exotic pick because she works best when supported by her team and with communication/coordination. A lone Mei is a dead Mei most of the time. Heroes like Genji, Tracer, Zarya, Widow, Pharah, Junkrat can counter her pretty easily

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what about her ult? if anything it should have a reduced radius