Is Mei Balanced?

I dont play her much but i think that now that we have brigitte in the game, the 1,5s stun should be reverted but then if (hopefully) brigitte gets nerfed ill be okey with the 1,5.
my other porblem is how after getting frozen u still can get slowed down AGAIN and frozen again unless u manage to kill her, i think this should be nerfed to allow people to snowball on her after managing to survive, she already has 2 survive ability so it would just allow counter play.


“Once Doomfist is done being complained about they’re going straight for either Mei or Sombra. Have fun”

I don’t remember who said this but now it’s becoming clear


Mei imo is balanced well and doesn’t need changes, she is very frustrating to play against but that’s how she functions.

A hero that cuts off supports and forces you into places you don’t want to be in. She also has very low dps and a lot of the time I find Mei players freezing players and letting their team damage them.

Mei is strong but balanced and has a niche


Mei got no ability so if you just pay a little attention to where she is you dont have to worry about getting frozen, but I play alot of mei so Im a little biased

Mei is a monster that haunts the dreams of new players. I honestly don’t care if she is balanced at all. The thing is if I get close to her I am dead. The second long duration of the freez feels like a life time as she looks at me with that expressionless face never blinking… Sweat drips down my face as she takes aim at my head only to burst it open like a watermelon.
Or she misses and I burst in to laughter at the fact that she couldn’t hit something that is literally in front of her and get face punched to death in the process.


Was this person from the future?

Mei is pretty low on the charts in terms of power and tier lists.

She just causes people to reflect upon their death. It isn’t an instant thing like getting shot by McCree or Widowmaker. That’s the biggest pain, they have to undergo ‘well how did i get here’ self-reflection as they await to be killed following being frozen.


I’ll be short:
She’s balanced, but she’s also underpowered. She needs some buffs to her kit to make her more viable, like making the wall higher/wider or giving her an option to freeze tanks through shields (which is a bug for now - but I think it’d be a nice way for her to become a tank disruptor)


Freezing through shields? No, she absolutely does NOT need that, that would be absurd levels of garbage giving her that.


At a reduced rate would be okay. She’s got nothing else going on for her now. She’s only useful for her wall and to secure kills. What would you offer?

She can be infuriating to play against since she’s a CC hero, but I don’t consider her OP in the slightest.

I have no idea what to give her, but then, I think she’s fine as she is. All I know is that her being able to freeze through shields wouldn’t good, at all.

I think she earns ult charge too quickly, and possibly her ult should last a second or two less.

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Yeah, Mei dont need to be more effective against tanks. If they were to buff her freezing spray it should be against mobility heroes

Not really she needs a nerf to before freezes a character they don’t have a slowed turning radius so people at least have a chance against her. But that’s it other than that she’s perfect.

her ult is already fairly weak, it’s mainly used for zoning, and you want to make it even less effective at that?

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Mei is balanced. She rewards good players with an oppressive force and bad ones with free enemy ults.

No. I want it to have the same effectiveness, over less time.

She already has a long freeze time. If you can’t turn by the time she freezes you, you deserve an icicle to the face.

Again her job, if you’re on your own don’t expect to Win against Mei. She is there to troll other dps who try and a flank. If you stay with your team you have a very very very low chance of her freezing you and taking time to form a icicle and shoot you.

So tip to you, group up with your team and if Mei still manages to make you Into a icepop then I have news, Mei isn’t op, you and your team are just bad.


What I like about Mei is that she’s one of the few damage heroes that rely more on intelligent decisionmaking than reaction and aim. A good mei knows where to put a wall and when to disrupt the enemy team. It makes up for her unreliable damage