Is Mei Balanced?

i actually consider her ult overpowered, it stuns everyone in a HUGE area, and allows an easy teamkill, like a broken version of earth shatter.
u mei think it’s just not that bad, but think about it.
You’re pushing a payload on overtime.
she arrives.
clicks on Q.
u either die and lose, or leave and lose.
no other ult is that strong, even graviton isnt that strong.

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Okay bad puns aside, thats the point of an ult, its a game changer and for her, its a basic area denial ult; like how she was originally designed to be as she was in the defense category at first.

Blizzard takes time for you to freeze and if you have any movement ability you have to use it quick or else you freeze. Grav on the other hand, you literally cant escape and no other ability besides Orisa fortify, Reapers Wraith, Moiras fade and Syms teleporter.

Graviton is way stronger provided theres a followup ult along with it.

I think Mei-be your overstretching it.

problem is, u still cant fight back, the grav or at least, STAY ON THE PAYLOAD.
with mei’s icestrom u just either die with no fight back or leave the payload and THEN YOU LOSE.
only solution is to have genji or dva absorb the ult and i think it should have more counter play, just like earth shatter, graviton, riptire, hamster poop.

Lol, have you seen some Zarya’s gravs? Ive seen some Zaryas grav AWAY from the point and payload, capturing the team and making them off point.

Mei’s ult is fairly easy to be counterable with support ults in general, with the exception of Mercy and Ana. Lucio can give enough barrier to the team, Zen can outheal any damage, and Moira can outheal her damage with her ult and orbs.

Also, Zarya’s bubbles, you cant forget that. Cant tell you how many times when I ult, a Zarya manages to bubble and save a teammate from getting frozen.

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then what? bubble expires, 4/6 is dead you kept the payload now you’re gonna die?
or will u leave the payload?
grav has a small radius, yet takes longer to charge.

Yes, she’s balanced IMO but she still affected by many bugs. Now she’s a pretty decent antitank and she can deal consistent damage. If i had to buff her i would give probably a slight increase of fire ratio or a partial weapon reload over time in cryofreeze (100 ammos max).
BTW i would like to see her wall blueprint visible to teammates to allow more coordination, and all these bugs fixed: Mei bugs with videos. (+ new bugs)

Here i explain why icicle’s falloff removal is not OP: The Mei's icicles buff is fair

Also Mei is an exotic pick because she works best when supported by her team and with communication/coordination. A lone Mei is a dead Mei most of the time. Heroes like Genji, Tracer, Zarya, Widow, Pharah, Junkrat can counter her pretty easily

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what about her ult? if anything it should have a reduced radius

Her ultimate it’s fine, because it’s easy to escape with good mobility or a Lucío in team. I would fix the issue that makes it disappear when stunned

every ult has that actually

I want it go away, because makes ultimates pretty inconsistent and punishes twice errors, causing a loss fight, when instead could be pretty winnable

it punishes with death and ult loss.
i think its fair until u have a hero with an undodgable safe stun on a low cooldown

Okay, so who did the Zarya bubble, if the Zarya had bubbled a Rein for example, and in the midst of the storm, Rein can ult back and stun the team long enough for the Blizzard to end. Same goes with other heroes, to beat an ult, another ult can beat it back.

Theres a LOT of scenarios that can play out and not just the Mei ulted and its a teamwipe.

Also, how in the hell can 4 out of 6 teammates die when unless the enemy Mei’s team has their ults ready to use as well. So you cant really fault her if she used teamwork to stop the payload.

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That’s too much IMO, because a dead teammate could determine a win or loss fight, instead a loss ultimate automatically means a lost fight when instead has chances to be winnable. I found this pretty unfair

Lmao no, not EVERYONE.

Heroes who have a cast time like Tracer, Mei and Lucio can get interrupted mid cast and lose their ult.

Heroes who have transformation ult like S76 and Genji do not.

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when graved rein/orisa/winston/zrya/mei/dva/genji can shield his team, moira can escape and heal, bastion can just kill everyone.
no ultd required.

thy used teamwork? one ult that stuns everyone for a few seconds and deals 100dmg, u can have a mercy finish them all off, mei can do it by herself, yet the only counter you hve in bubbles+ults -> lost teamfight/20.

ive seen a lot of your comments, u seem to go around topics defend stuff people think are poorly designed or op/up like brig.

That’s a netcode issue probably

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oh ye ive had this even with normal projectiles, but i live in the third world so i dunno if its internet

I had this with the 10mbps, now i have 100mbps but even if ping is >50ms this issue could appear. Even with low pings it’s very likely to happen to lose the ultimate if is a projectile one

i have 300kbs :’(
ping is always 80+ here it seems like if u die ur projectile has a HUGE chance of not being registered bcz of the ping.

Yeah, try shielding when a freaking Dragon goes by you or Genji blades you to death. Moira would just be the only survivor and has to regroup back to her team. Which is why most of the time when it comes to grav, theres ALWAYS a combo, grav alone isnt effective, only when theres a followup.

A stun can only be effective until someone knows how to deal with it. Mei cant do it by all herself because most of the time, she either gets 2 ppls unless its all headshots then the enemy ults back and whoop. You keep saying as though when Mei ults, your mind completely goes blank. If your team gets wiped out by just 1 Blizzard, I think you need to reevvaluate your team.

Lmao, and I see your comments that you’re probably someone that got pissed they got killed by a hero once and demands nerfs. I didnt want to call an insult on you but you brought it up. I dont irrationally want nerfs for heroes I dislike, I try and adapt.

Just because you find things annoying, doesnt mean their broken. Annoyance does not equal broken. Broken was DF having a large hitbox that he could rocket punch you through walls. THATS broken.

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