Is match-making rigged?

Yeah, thats something i didnt mention in my post but tis true.
I dont think they “removed” it per se, because I still cant queue comp with some of my friends because they are too low in … MMR or something.

This makes sense. and I agree with Verdict in that this may not be something we need anymore.


you must not have read the developers blog. They say in it that SR has mothing to do with matchmaking. They use MMR only, and hide that number from us. they are pushing for shorter queue times and 50% win rates. SR is meaningless, and they admitted it. they also admitted you are not matched with players of similar skill, you can have a diamond and a silver in the same game. whether they “balance out the team dynamic” doesn’t matter, a diamond and a silver in the same game will create a very unfair situaiton, in all events.


agreed. I’d feel less awful about 50% winrates if it wasn’t stomp or be stomped. going on a 14 game losing streak, then an 8 game win streak, then a 6 game losing streak then a 12 game winning streak to get to 20-20 does not feel balanced, or competitive.


Id argue that stomps are an issue in plat (maybe diamond) and below mostly because the individual skillsets of players just dont mesh well with the given team, to be honest.

edit for an example:
one of our supports could be an ana/zen main, but would constantly be dived, and when switching to another hero they provide even less value jsut because theyre not competent on another hero.

Granted i havent played higher than diamond, and in plat/diamond ive only encountered a stomp 1 in every 15 to 20 games? Im guessing here with regards to frequency, but it doesnt happen often in my personal experience.


Well, it’s basically just boils down to “Not enough Support players, too many Tank players”.

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Kind of affects any ELO.

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i’ve gone exclusively support to try to help balance this out, even if i’m only one person. The result so far has been to do things like go 7k damage, 14k healing, and be told “heal diff” by a dps that did 3200 total damage. LOL.


Well, I’ve been bugging the devs that this will be an issue, for about 5 months now.

Heck, I saw this coming in August 2021.


I was wondering what the new excuse would be since “smurfing” was considered fixed.

Ah word. Well I was just theorizing . Hadn’t seen this before.

Can’t say definitively, but i seem to win more games after i spent a couple bucks… But when i go on a dry spell the i go thru quite the losing fit before i see a win. And with them hiding ranks it adds to my suspicions…

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It’s not rigged, It does the best it’s designed to do but Human beings are unpredictable and the game is Team based where you MUST rely on allies.

Team based design is the problem here…

Heroes of the storm suffer from the same issue.

Matchmaking is bad. Some “experts” designed the system to maintain the largest most addicted playerbase that like spending $$$ on overpriced digital items.


Well, aside from the lack of Support players and “Lol, let’s buff Tanks when there’s too many Tank players”.

The main problem with the matchmaker is that it’s using an Open Queue style matchmaker in Role Queue.

Why do people keep saying that attempting to get fair matches, is “rigging the game”? Like, what else do you think the result of fair matching is, if not close to 50% odds of victory? (slightly less, due to chance of draws)

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Just had a ranked game earlier where I had a diamond and a gold dps meanwhile the enemy team had a master and a GM dps :clown_face:


I’ve always felt like im more likely to lose matches when im on 4/5 competitive wins.

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It’s not just “bad”, it’s bad because they designed it to be bad.

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This fits with the Dva profile picture

“rigged” is almost a useless term at this point because of how many goofy ways people use it.

50% odds should only generate 50% outcomes if you’ve correctly rated the participants AND nobody deviates. For example, I can’t roll a dice, build a dataset, and then try to predict the results of a different, loaded dice (loaded dice = you’ve improved, started cheating, grouped up, tilt queue, changed mains, got bad chemistry, drunk queue, etc).

That’s what fair 50/50 is. Reflexive to past performance, but not predictive of future performance. Always 1 game behind. Open to past results being invalidated by future performance. Rigged should mean one of those isn’t true.

To “rig” for 50/50, it’s either predict future performance and pre-rig (remove the odds delay), give unfair odds to “force” a macro 50/50 outcome (like 60/40 40/60 60/40 40/60), or rig in realtime by making people lag, miss shots, dc, whatever… could also rig post-facto, boost or dock people’s mmr occasionally

My 2¢:
They pretty much did the second out of naivety (ship matches with unfair odds). Somehow, nobody at Blizzard considered that the new giga buffed tanks might just need to be mirrored to give balanced matches. It’s not predictive, not rigging, but it’s literally a mismade match when the roles aren’t mirrored.

It’s noise. It’s steamrolls, blowouts, low quality garbage. Amplified by loose matchmaking - which btw will still cause the same issue within roles once mirrored, due to bad balancing. (snark isn’t directed at you, but at Blizz)