Is match-making rigged?

i just played a bronze/silver vs plat/diamond game, and it’s not like i’ve won the last one, the last 17 games i’ve played i’ve won 1.


yes. they confirmed that matchmaking is rigged and it does not care what rank you are in, it decides what rank your teammates are based on vibes, not your actual rank. so you can be in plat and have bronze teammates cause the MMR decided you’re bronze. they call it mmr, but they might as well have called it vibes, because it literally ignores your SR.


No, OW2s match making is terrible though. Matches are a lot less even then in OW1 but its still fairly easy to climb. Hopefully, they fix it.


It’s just bad, not rigged


what would you call “you never play people in your SR range only people in your Vibe range” if not “rigged”? :joy:


bad matchmaking. a poor system. a bandaid for que times (that we no longer need).


No, it’s just bad. :joy: (And perhaps not made for 5 vs 5.)


no. it is intentional. they are intentionally ignoring your SR for matchmaking, using only your MMR (vibes). you can win as many games as you want in gold, the game still remembers your first season in silver and will only place you in silver games. what is the likelihood of winning an absolutely bonkers matchmaking game for a former diamond now gold tank playing in silver with some bronzes on their team? 50%. because it’s a literal cointoss if you win or lose. but since it wants 50%, then this chaos convinces it you are at the correct rank. even though the only reason you are now at 50% is the bonkers matchmaking has made none of your games make any sense.


Ah, I see we have achieved vibe nirvana. Very cultured indeed. :relieved:

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Is it rigged, no.
It It just really bad quality, yes.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1


Theyve always matched based on MMR.
Its just that SR used to be always be close to your MMR.

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Honestly, I don’t think it’s that complex, and I don’t think Blizzard is capable of executing something like that.

What I do believe is that they opted to use MMR to open up the player pool and counter que times as a bandaid until they figure out or fine tune a better system, which they’ll also mess up. I honestly don’t think it’s as deep as you’ve stated.


It’s called using mmr. Simple as that. Same thing ow did.

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You do play with ppl in your SR range if we’re speaking in OW1 terms. Blizzard has added another lends to obscure your true skill tho. Now your “Sr” is also tied in with MMR to create games very similar to OW1. If your sr dipped at the end of last szn (I did as I only played for about the first 3 weeks of OW2) You were still matched with players of similar skill to season one so they could decipher if you had gotten worse. I quickly got back into the swing of things and the game compensated quickly with me jumping 4 ranks after my first 7 tank games.

All these changes were completely unneeded but if blizzard things it will attract more players we can’t really do anything about it. Personally, I I like the new ranked mode compared to the old ranked mode.

right there, in the article you linked, they admit it is rigged to get 50% win rates.


I believe SR was also primarily used as a “cap” for the player pool available to match you with. They basically, as it seems, just removed that. MMR is also more of a long-term thing, which is what makes it flawed, because although your MMR might be solidified by long term data gains, you’re still probably going to get matched with people who’s MMR is not accurate due to less time spent gathering data… ITT: it’s pointless


i think they really relaxed the matchmaking queue for faster queue times. probably the biggest culprit or we would be complaining that queues take forever

50% winrate isn’t the problem.

50% winrate, where every game feels winnable and loseable is the perfect ideal.

But getting 50% winrate by “stomp or be stomped” is a problem.


Which personally, I don’t think we even need anymore. Maybe, I don’t know.

i dont care either i rather have faster queue times but i dont mind being stomped once in a while lol