Is Mass Rezz coming back or not?

Are you talking about what is very obviously meant to be an indirect Hanzo nerf and not one meant to impact Mercy (which it hardly does)?

And as I literally said, it’s already dropping if you look at it day by day.
Also, we have plenty of data to go over a month. No clue why you’d prefer to limit yourself to an unreliable week.

Yes, because quite frankly, that’s the most blunt and least intelligent way to balance.

Imagine when Hanzo is no longer meta, but Mercy can no longer boost him because… oh, that one time when something you could always do just suddenly was an issue.

Because it’s the most recent.

I might as well go look at the last six months and show the large incline, because it’s more reliable. If anything, this would look like a small fluctuation.

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It depends. When mass rez was still in the game, I usually felt confident enough that I could survive. So I stayed and tried to bring as much value as I could to the fight with my heals.
Sometimes it didn’t work, I died quickly, but this means the oponent team is playing very good (at least better than me) and would most of the time be able to handle a big rez, so hiding wouldn’t change that much.

Also, I used to main support/healers in almost every game I played before OW, so abandoning my team isn’t a concept I like.

But that’s only my opinion :slightly_smiling_face:

Your just inferring that. You don’t truly know if that’s the case.

no, some guy got the idea that the new heroes ulti some how counters mass rez so it must be the precursor for the anti christ that was mass rez mercy

He never, ever did that.
His post was moved.
But yeah, he answered that thread

As you can see, Mercy’s viability/pickrates/winrates were never mentionned in this thread, yet the only answer he was able to give was “picrates/winrates = she’s fine”, which has nothing to do with the point of the thread.

Given that I considered myself a good Mercy player at the rank I played, if I was getting picked early, it was either because

  • I did a mistake
  • The enemy team was hunting me and cornered me
  • My team was potato

Which can be summarised by “the enemy team is playing better than ours”, at least for this fight.
If that was the case, I didn’t want to risk my rez being instantly wiped, therefore trying my best at staying alive & keeping my team alive in order to have best chances to win the fight, was the option I choose.


15characters :slight_smile:

But again, that’s still mostly a Hanzo issue. The argument here is if they think Mercy is fine and if they’re changing her, which they really honestly aren’t, at least not in a way that actually impacts her.

One month is just as recent as one week. It doesn’t start keeping track 12 days ago, it starts from today.

Six months is arguably be the least reliable because it spans across multiple patches.

One month is best because it gives us the most data possible (so one day doesn’t skew things dramatically, which is what’s happening to your 13% average) while also keeping things fairly limited to the current patch, maybe a little bit before. But not enough to completely hide what’s currently happening.

How does you making a mistake equate to the enemy team being better?

I really wouldn’t mind mass rezz mercy cing back. Altought i think her rezz should be reworked. I would suggest that mercy would only be ablle to rezz up to 3 people and that rezz would require LOS. Thats my toughts i hope i can hear your guys opinions :slight_smile:

Considering the dev’s feel mass rez was flawed gameplay that incentivized behavior contradictory to the fundamental design and intent of Mercy I’m going to say… No. It’s very unlikely to be coming back.

You’re probably right for this one, my bad !


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lol no. Why would they? I really don;t understand the hangup some people have over what was objectively a bad ult.

Still no proof of that.

At this point anything has to be better than the current ultimate ability Mercy has, well, not really an ultimate ability but great for getting yourself out of danger at least.

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Mass can work, but it have to work like a charge type. Every 30 seconds she gains a resurrection charge. When the match starts the time ticks for her resurrection ability to start charging. However that means she’ll be forever on the roster as must pick support hero.

What they need to do is start improvising on other support heroes that can be game changers as well. That way you have more of play style to fit your own than relying on Mercy to resurrection ya. For an example let Zenyatta hit more than one player to heal. The regen will tick just a tad slower, but he’ll have the capability to be a solo healer at times.

Hopefully not, mass rez was one of the most hated abilities in the game, because it was basically 2 team fights, but if the other team had it, then possibly 3. Mercy mains need to just accept their character’s ultimate like most other people do.

(edit: ready to see this thread get locked pretty soon)

I agree it will most likely never comeback. However with the current state the supports are in I rather have mass Rez with no e ability to see how the other supports react to that type of mercy.

Mass rez was not one of the most hated abilities in the game, Frankly, nobody even talked about it before certain two streamers started whining about it. And no one had a problem with it until they tried fixing Mercy’s underperforming SR gains and then accidentally created the SR REZ exploit which catapulted a whole lot of Mercies that had no business being in Masters+ to ranks where people weren’t used to at all to play against Mercy (Since the malfunctioning SR prevented most of even those who deserved to be there from rising)

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